Here's the recent articles submitted by carolyn clayton
Articles By carolyn clayton
Business Angels Vs Venture Capitalists
Submitted as: Jene Pedder
Have you these amazing ideas which you’re sure you can put into practise and make a living out of your ideas. If so you’re more than likely looking into financial help to put these ideas into practise.
Jene Pedder is the Webmaster of Angelstartups who specialise in helping you find a Business Angel or Venture Capitalist.(read
entire article)
View : 261 Times
Category : Business
What Synthetic Hair Extensions Can Do For You
By: carolyn clayton
Synthetic hair extensions are applied in the same way as human hair extensions. You can apply them through weaving, braiding or strand by strand. Like human hair extensions, synthetic hair extensions are available in a wide range of textures and colours.
Helen Cox is the web master of Inanch, home of all your Hair Extension needs.
Please feel free to republish this article providing this resource box remains intact with a working hyperlink to our site.(read
entire article)
View : 271 Times
Category : Beauty
Protecting Your Hair
Submitted as: Jene Pedder
Is you hair frizzy, uncontrollable, have lots of split ends, feels horrible, is greasy and or just looks and feels a mess. If so I might have some helpful tips for you.
Jene Pedder is the Webmaster of Inanch who specialize in Hair Treatments .(read
entire article)
View : 265 Times
Category : Beauty
Advice For New Businesses
By: carolyn clayton
Many businesses fail within their first five years. A few of the most common reasons as to why they fail are listed below:
Helen Cox is the web master of Angel Start-Ups; for all your Business Advice needs
Please feel free to republish this article providing this resource box remains intact with a working hyperlink to our site.(read
entire article)
View : 324 Times
Category : Business
How To Fund Your Business
By: carolyn clayton
As the saying goes ‘it takes money to make money.’ This is especially true when it comes to business funding. Business funding is getting the cash to get your business off the ground, which can often be a challenge. The traditional route for getting business funding is going to your bank. Going to your bank, however won’t get you far as banks do not like lending money to start-up businesses who have no history/assets.
Helen Cox is the web master of Angel Start-ups, home of all your business funding needs
Please feel free to republish this article providing this resource box remains intact with a working hyperlink to our site.(read
entire article)
View : 253 Times
Category : Business
The Importance Of A Business Plan
By: carolyn clayton
Your business plan is your company’s calling card. It allows you to see your business through your investor’s eyes. As the name suggests it is a plan of your business; your communication tool; selling your marketing, sales and operations.
Helen Cox is the web master of Angel Start-ups; home of all your Business Plan needs.
Please feel free to republish this article providing this resource box remains intact with a working hyperlink to our site.(read
entire article)
View : 306 Times
Category : Business
What Is Opera Ii Xrl?
Submitted as: Jene Pedder
Opera II XRL is a software package that gives you the user fast, accurate and secure reporting and analysis of your account details.
Jene Pedder is the Webmaster of Synergy Technology who specialise in Opera II XRL Business Software.(read
entire article)
View : 260 Times
Category : Hardware/Software
Accounting Software - How It Can Benefit You
By: carolyn clayton
Whether you are a new or well established business, maintaining your accounts can be a challenging job for any business. When it comes to accounts, many businesses entrust everything to an account. However by using an accounting software package as well you can save money and time that could be spent productively on other aspects of your business.
Helen Cox is the web master for Synergy Technology, home of all your Accounting Software needs.
Please feel free to republish this article providing this resource box remains intact with a working hyperlink to our site.(read
entire article)
View : 316 Times
Category : Hardware/Software
What Are The Best Hair Straightners?
Submitted as: Jene Pedder
Every since Straightening became the new thing over 5years ago the hair straightening world has just got bigger and bigger.
Jene Pedder is the webmaster of Inanch Hairdressing specializing in Hair Straightening .(read
entire article)
View : 297 Times
Category : Beauty
Crm - Help For All Businesses
By: carolyn clayton
Customer relationship management, often shortened to CRM is a business philosophy that identifies the needs of customers, providing them with better understanding as well as products and services to best suit their needs.
Helen Cox is the web master of Synergy Technology, home of all your CRM Software needs.
Please feel free to republish this article providing this resource box remains intact with a working hyperlink to our site.(read
entire article)
View : 287 Times
Category : Business