Here's the recent articles submitted by carolyn clayton
Articles By carolyn clayton
Why Is Spam Causing Such A Problem On The Internet?
By: carolyn clayton
Out of all the emails we receive it is estimated that 60% of them are spam emails. So is there a cure to stop the spam permanently? Unfortunately there is no cure at the moment and only time will tell if there is ever going to be one. As the spam filters keep coming the spammers are getting cleverer, finding more and more ways to fill our inboxes with junk mail
Helen Cox is the web master of MySpamBin; home of all your Spam Filter needs.
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entire article)
View : 257 Times
Category : Computers
Opera Ii Xrl (excel Reporting Layer)
By: carolyn clayton
With Opera II XRL you get fast, accurate and secure reporting and analysis. For many years users of accounting system users have struggled with complicated and inflexible reporting tools that make getting data into Excel harder when its suppost to be easier.
Helen Cox is the web master for Synergy Technology, home of your accounting software
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entire article)
View : 278 Times
Category : Hardware/Software
I Want To Start My Own Restaurant Business But What Finance Options Do I Have?
Submitted as: Jene Pedder
So you want to start your own restaurant business but your worried you can’t raise the finance you need to set your business up, if so this article is for you. I will cover the different options that you may want to think about where you can get finance for your new restaurant business
Jene is the Webmaster of Angelstartups who help provide funding for a Restaurant Business.(read
entire article)
View : 298 Times
Category : Business
Spam Blockers
By: carolyn clayton
As most of us are aware nearly all email accounts come with some sort of email filter setting that you can change to try and cut down spam email. Sure it works ok but spam still gets through and if someone emails you who isn’t already on your contact list well its goodbye to them as they are treated to the same curtsey as junk mail.
Helen Cox is the web master of MySpamBin; specialists in Spam Blockers.
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entire article)
View : 285 Times
Category : Computers
What Is Spam?
Submitted as: Jene Pedder
So the question what is spam or spamming as its also know as, there are so many different definitions on what spam actually is so I will list a fee so you can make your own mind up:
Jene is the Webmaster of MySpamBin who specialize in Spam Filtering Software .(read
entire article)
View : 240 Times
Category : Computers
Sedu Straightening Irons
By: carolyn clayton
All across the country top stylists are using special straighteners in order to create beautiful, healthy looking hair. These straighteners are the most in demand hair styling product. They are made up of ceramic tourmaline plates and negative ionic technology. Standard ceramic irons do a decent job, but the Sedu produces as much as six times more negatively charged ions. They cut the time it takes to straighten your hair by half without causing any damage and leaves your hair three times smoother and silkier.
Helen Cox is the web master of Inanch; experts in Hair Straightening
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entire article)
View : 228 Times
Category : Beauty
What Is A Business Plan?
Submitted as: Jene Pedder
A business plan is a plan that you may show any finance providers when your trying to get finance to either help set your business up and or to help you get out of a hole when your business is struggling for cash flow.
Jene Pedder is the Webmaster of Angelstartups who specialize in Business Plans and Business Finance.(read
entire article)
View : 480 Times
Category : Business
Hair Extensions For Your Big Day
Submitted as: Jene Pedder
Are you worrying about what hairstyle to have for your wedding day? You may short hair and know it won’t grow in time for the style you want or even you just want longer hair to drape nicely over your shoulders and back if so Hair Extensions may be your lifesaver.
Jene Pedder is the Webmaster of Inanch who specialize in Hair Extensions.(read
entire article)
View : 243 Times
Category : Beauty
Debt Vs Equity Funding
By: carolyn clayton
So you’ve just sorted all your ideas, hopes, predictions and forecasts out and turned them into your business plan. You’re now ready and armed to pursue some business funding. So what business funding is available to you?
Helen Cox is the web master of Angel Start-ups, specialists in Business Funding
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entire article)
View : 296 Times
Category : Debt
By: carolyn clayton
Netgear are a worldwide provider of technologically advanced networking products since 1996. They are a manufacturer of computer networking equipment and other computer hardware. Their mission is to be the preferred customer driven provider of innovative networking solutions.
Helen Cox is the web master for Synergy Technology; appointed Netgear Powershift Reseller
Please feel free to republish this article providing this resource box remains intact with a working hyperlink to our site.(read
entire article)
View : 331 Times
Category : Computers