Here's the recent articles submitted by carolyn clayton
Articles By carolyn clayton
Business Finance
By: carolyn clayton
So you want to start up a new business? You’ve done your research into the existing businesses and checked out your competition whilst gaining some hands on experience along the way. You’re armed with your business plan, outlining your every move from your objectives, strategies, and target market to your financial forecast. There’s just one little hurdle left to leap over, the decision and arrangement of business finance.
Helen Cox is the web master for Angel Start-ups, home of all your business finance needs.
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entire article)
View : 309 Times
Category : Investing / Finance
Business Vs Spam
By: carolyn clayton
The end of 2007 is vastly approaching and so is the realisation that by the end of it 50% of all our emails will be spam emails. In 2001 this figure stood at a mere 8% but with more and more of us using the Internet in our daily lives, whether it be for business or pleasure, spammers are finding more and more ways of infiltrating our inbox’s.
Helen Cox is the webmaster of MySpamBin, the solution to your spam filter needs.
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entire article)
View : 294 Times
Category : Business
Customer Relationship Management With Superoffice Six Product Suite
By: carolyn clayton
It is essential for businesses in this working age to manage and maintain a good relationship with customers. The term Customer Relationship Management, shortly known as CRM is fundamental for any company and without this many businesses fail.
Helen Cox is the web master for Synergy Technology, specialists in SuperOffice Six and all of your accountancy software.
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entire article)
View : 299 Times
Category : Business
Have You Had An Accident At Work?
By: carolyn clayton
Have you had an accident at work that wasn’t your fault and your too scared to claim the rightful compensation you deserve? You may be scared you may lose your job if you claim compensation from your employers but this cannot happen if it does you have a claim of wrongful dismissal, as well as your bosses being unhappy with you for this the list is endless.
Jene is the Webmaster of Accident Consult who specialize in Accidents at Work Personal Injury Claim.
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entire article)
View : 280 Times
Category : Health
You're Wedding Day Hairstyle
By: carolyn clayton
Are you struggling to decide what hairstyle you’re having for your wedding day?
Jene is the webmaster of Inanch who specialize in Wedding Hairstyles.
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entire article)
View : 302 Times
Category : Wedding
What Are Business Angels, How Can They Help Me?
By: carolyn clayton
A business angel is a person who themselves have set-up their own business in the past and now have the finance and motivation to help other people do the same by them providing some finance backing to help a company that is struggling but has potential in the future but also a new business that wants to start-up.
Jene is the Webmaster of Angelstartups who can help you find a Business Angel .
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entire article)
View : 304 Times
Category : Business
What Is Pegasus Opera Ii?
Submitted as: Jene Pedder
Pegasus Opera II is the redevelopment of Opera which was one of the UK’s most successful accounting software packages. Opera II is a system based package for Microsoft giving business and accounting software.
Jene is the webmaster of Synergy Technology who specialize in Pegasus Opera II.
Feel free to republish as long as this bio stays in tact.(read
entire article)
View : 294 Times
Category : Hardware/Software
Assetware Technology
By: carolyn clayton
For over 18 years AssetWare Technology has been the leader in Asset Management. Used all over the UK, Europe and many other parts of the world, AssetWare Technology helps you make informed decisions on how to move your business forward.
Helen Cox is the web master for synergy technology, home of all your accountancy software needs.
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entire article)
View : 288 Times
Category : Hardware/Software
Sedu Hairstyles- How To Guide
By: carolyn clayton
The name sedu is taken from the word seductive and sedu hairstyles are all the rage in A-list celebrity town. Sedu hair products use the most cutting edge technology available to produce amazing hair straighteners and hair dryers.
Helen Cox is the web master for Inanch, specialists in hair straightening
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entire article)
View : 255 Times
Category : Beauty
Tobit Faxware
By: carolyn clayton
Introduced in 1993, FaxWare from Tobit offers more than just faxing. It is a market leader and it’s easy to understand why.
Helen Cox is the web master for Synergy Technology, home of all your accountancy software needs.
Please feel free to republish this article providing this resource box remains intact with a working hyperlink to our site.(read
entire article)
View : 345 Times
Category : Computers