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Articles By nate rodney

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Allergies - What To Bear In Mind When Buying Linen   By: nate rodney
There are many health and safety regulations that hotel owners must consider when looking at the layout of their establishment. This will include any allergies that your guests may have when it comes to providing them with linen.(read entire article)
View : 335 Times
Category : Health

Risks With Unmanaged Ftp On Your Z/os Network   By: nate rodney
The original z/OS FTP does not include basic security safeguards. Its drawbacks include no audit trail and little granularity in access rules. Mainframes being the vital data holders of the organization, one can imagine how catastrophic a security issue with FTP on z/OS can be. Deploying an FTP management software can be the best solution to deal with security issues due to unmanaged z/OS FTP.(read entire article)
View : 253 Times
Category : Computers

The Importance Of Seo To Auto Dealerships   By: nate rodney
Paid advertising on search engines can be a valuable asset. If your dealership's website isn't showing up on the first page of relevant search engine result pages – SERPs – then running a paid advertising campaign is a surefire way to ensure that your dealership is visible at the top of SERPs.(read entire article)
View : 235 Times
Category : Automobiles

Measure And Evaluate Your Automotive Business' Digital Marketing Strategy   By: nate rodney
With online mediums contributing to the creation of good customer bases, auto dealers are compelled to intelligently experiment with various digital marketing strategies. Hence, it becomes important for them to evaluate these strategies from the standpoint of user engagement and conversion.(read entire article)
View : 236 Times
Category : Automobiles

Widgets Can Improve The Development Of Cross-platform Mobile Applications   By: nate rodney
Widgets are quickly becoming an indispensable tool for developers that want to improve the functionality and features of cross-platform mobile applications. Until recently, it has been necessary for developers to build and rebuild native apps for the various platforms like iOS, Android, RIM, Symbian, etc.(read entire article)
View : 255 Times
Category : Computer Programming

How Mobile Cloud Computing Benefits Development And Usage Of Mobile Apps   By: nate rodney
Mobile cloud computing provides many advantages for application developers as well as their end-users. It is a boon for corporate users in particular, that do not have enough capital to invest upfront on required hardware and software.(read entire article)
View : 243 Times
Category : Computer Programming

Know What To Consider While Buying Personal Accident Insurance Policy   By: nate rodney
Accidents are uncertain, and can cause irreparable damage to the individual. Hence, it is important to buy the correct sort of insurance to protect oneself against any such possible unfortunate incidents.(read entire article)
View : 243 Times
Category : Insurance

Advantages Of Nanny Care Over Daycare   By: nate rodney
Childhood is a crucial stage in life as it is during this period that the child's physical, intellectual, emotional as well as social development happens. With the growth of mental and physical abilities, high quality personal care is essential during this period.(read entire article)
View : 380 Times
Category : Parenting/Kids

Know About The Two Basic Types Of Fuel Pumps   By: nate rodney
Fuel pump is an essential component in an automobile's fuel delivery system. In most of the vehicles we find engine located at the front-end of the vehicle and the fuel tank at the other end. The main function of fuel pump is to draw the fuel from the storage tank and force it to the engine.(read entire article)
View : 224 Times
Category : Automobiles

The Value Of External Website Monitoring   By: nate rodney
Everyone understands that website downtime has a negative affect on business. The impact can be minor if the downtime is limited and the affected website is associated with a less significant part of the business.(read entire article)
View : 282 Times
Category : Web Hosting

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