Here's the recent articles submitted by mike geary
Articles By mike geary
Saturated Fat Is Not The Enemy You Have Been Led To Believe
By: mike geary
You have been told by health professionals and the media for decades that saturated fat is bad for you. However, I'm willing to bet you didn't know that this isn't really a "fact" at all. In reality, it was a hypothesis that's never been proven.
Losing weight can be much easier once you discover the REAL secrets at Lose Body Fat Fast & Easy the Proper Way
To build muscle and lose fat the right way, go to Lose Fat and Build Muscle
For the best butt workouts professionally designed, go to Best Butt Exercises(read
entire article)
View : 154 Times
Category : Fitness
What Is The Healthiest Type Of Meat You Can Possibly Eat?
By: mike geary
In this article, you'll learn about a certain type of "land meat" that actually gives wild salmon a run for the money in terms of omega-3 fatty acid content.
You most likely won't be able to find grass-fed meats at your normal grocery store, so here is a site that delivers high quality grass-fed meat right to your doorstep - Healthy Grass Fed Beef
For a free fat loss report detailing why you struggle with stubborn belly fat, go to the following abdominals site Best Workout for Abs, How to Burn Belly Fat
For more info on grassfed meats, see Grass Fed Beef and Other Grass Fed Meats(read
entire article)
View : 173 Times
Category : Health
Foods Claimed To Be Healthy Are Not Always What They Seem
By: mike geary
In this article, you'll learn why you are often deceived by clever food marketing at the grocery store. I've picked out several examples of foods that claim to be healthier than their natural version, but in reality they are simply junk food in disguise.
Go to the following site and get your own free fat loss report at How to lose body fat fast & get flat abs
Mike Geary is a Certified Nutrition Specialist, Certified Personal Trainer, and author of the internationally best-selling book, The Truth about Six Pack Abs, with tens of thousands of readers in over 150 countries. Also visit our site for fast effective workouts at Dumbbell & Bodyweight Home Workouts
Skiers, take your skiing level to the next extreme at Best Skiing Exercises for Hard-Core Skier Workouts(read
entire article)
View : 149 Times
Category : Health
Low Carb, High Carb, No Carbs, Good Carbs, Bad Carbs - The Truth
By: mike geary
In this article, you'll learn to decipher the confusing world of carbohydrates... good carbs vs bad carbs and all of the typical confusion regarding low carb diets.
I have a ton more interesting articles for you at the following pages. First, check out this unique article about good trans fats vs bad trans fats explained
Another article you might enjoy on the topic of carbs can be found at Good Carbohydrates vs Bad Carbohydrates, The Truth
Another interesting article that may surprise you is about Choosing Healthier Fast Food(read
entire article)
View : 159 Times
Category : Fitness
Do Men And Women Need To Exercise Differently?
By: mike geary
In this article, I explore the insanity behind men and women working out differently from one another... aren't we all humans after all?
Learn 5 important facts that you need to know about How to Get Rid of Belly Fat & Build Rock Hard Abs
Another article you might enjoy about eating healthy can be found at How to Eat Healthier When Dining Out
Learn the most effective Workout Programs for Skiers, Ski Exercises here.(read
entire article)
View : 174 Times
Category : Fitness
Why Most Skiers Could Actually Be Doing Harmful Exercises
By: mike geary
Have you been led to do all of the wrong types of exercises by so called "experts" in magazines and other publications which gave you ineffective skier workouts? Well, not only that, but those workouts could possibly lead to injury!(read
entire article)
View : 217 Times
Category : Fitness
Surprising Facts To Eat Healthy And Get A Lean Healthy Body For Good
By: mike geary
This article shows 5 important facts that can help you to make smarter food choices and live healthier starting today. Exercise smarter and get in the best shape of your life.(read
entire article)
View : 184 Times
Category : Fitness