Here's the recent articles submitted by sarah hague
Articles By sarah hague
Bring The Films Alive This Christmas..
Submitted as: Jesse Jones
One thing that shows it is a sure sign that we're coming up to Christmas is the amount of family films that seem to play on the TV. Every Sunday our favourite characters jump to the screen and come alive in the tales of Snow White, Dumbo and Peter Pan. Or maybe they've got a slight twist, like Hook or Finding Neverland.(read
entire article)
View : 223 Times
Category : Games
Stay Afloat Of Stress
Submitted as: Jesse Jones
Find Me A Gift lets your stress sail away with a soothing light and soft sounds! is an online gift company based in the Midlands. They have oodles of gadgets and gizmos, personalised presents, gift experience packages, cards, flower bouquets and arrangements suitable for every occasion.(read
entire article)
View : 210 Times
Category : Games
Christmas Chocolate Without The Calories?!
Submitted as: Jesse Jones
Whenever you struggle with buying presents for people at Christmas, you know that you can always fallback on the failsafe that is chocolate! I think it's a fair assumption that the majority of the world loves a bite or two of chocolate. However, if you think that choosing the chocolate option lacks imagination then why not check out the following Christmas gifts from You will soon discover that chocolate can come in all shapes, sizes and guises!(read
entire article)
View : 350 Times
Category : Games
There 'snow' Christmas Without Some Festive Fun
Submitted as: Jesse Jones
Everybody dreams of a white Christmas. Unfortunately, because we live on an island and with global warming and such, we are constantly told the chance of it actually snowing on Christmas Day is quite slim.(read
entire article)
View : 182 Times
Category : Games
Do Something Different This Year
Submitted as: Jesse Jones
Christmas at your brother's is always so much fun, but choosing a present for him and his family is a nightmare! You go searching through the shops for something your niece and nephew will enjoy and come out with a Barbie doll and a football, only to see their disappointed faces when they unwrap them on Christmas morning.(read
entire article)
View : 193 Times
Category : Games
Festive Gifts For Family In The Forces Overseas
Submitted as: Jesse Jones
For everyone in the Armed Forces who are serving overseas, Christmas can be a difficult time. As families and friends around the world come together, our British Forces will be celebrating Christmas away from their loved ones.(read
entire article)
View : 193 Times
Category : Games
Tis The Season To Be Trollied!
Submitted as: Jesse Jones
Christmas Eve parties, Christmas Day celebrations, Boxing Day wine and New Year's Balls…the amount of alcohol one feels they must consume in a couple of weeks is rather incredible. Can you face looking at another bottle of beer? Do you really like the taste of Port or have you run out of wine?(read
entire article)
View : 194 Times
Category : Games
Stereotypical Christmas Gifts
Submitted as: Jesse Jones
No one can help but get excited about the prospect of receiving amazing Christmas gifts. Come Christmas morn, you leap out of your bed like an 8 year old to the inevitable anti climax of socks, chocolates and smellies.(read
entire article)
View : 189 Times
Category : Games
Add Some Excitement To Your Festive Family Meal
Submitted as: Jesse Jones
The Christmas meal is the one meal a year that everyone remembers: the turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, roast potatoes, brussels sprouts. The list could go on!(read
entire article)
View : 213 Times
Category : Games
For Your Festive Eyes Only
Submitted as: Jesse Jones
Dear Gift Spies;
Christmas decorations...check. Cards and presents all bought, wrapped and sorted and the turkey stuffed in the freezer...affirmative. Hmm, what else, ah I know the Christmas TV guide!(read
entire article)
View : 211 Times
Category : Games