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Articles By william mason

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Foods To Avoid Because They Cause Hemorrhoid   By: william mason
Hemorrhoids are cysts that originated from swelling veins in the anus region, often acquired either genetically or due to certain factors such as having chronic constipation, aging, pregnancy or poor diet. There are instances where hemorrhoids seem worse and end up bleeding, a case which most people consider dangerous and could even be fatal.(read entire article)
View : 178 Times
Category : Health

Grades Of Internal Hemorrhoids   By: william mason
Hemorrhoidal cushions are actually a natural part of the anal canal that helps in controlling the flow of stool. It is also responsible in telling our brain when bowel movement is imminent. Furthermore, it protects the sensitive nerves and tissues of the anal canal from damage from the abrasiveness of our daily expelling.(read entire article)
View : 157 Times
Category : Health

Health 101: Hemorrhoid In Children   By: william mason
Hemorrhoids develop whenever the veins in the rectal area become swollen. It can lead to burning, bleeding, itching and pain which can be very unbearable to small children. Hemorrhoids in children may not be severe unlike in adults. It might go away naturally and clear up on its own. However, treatment is still necessary to help the discomfort it gives a child with hemorrhoids.(read entire article)
View : 168 Times
Category : Health

Health 101: Hemorrhoids In Adults   By: william mason
The number of sufferers from hemorrhoids is increasing. If you belong to this population, there are great ways on how to deal with hemorrhoids. You do not have to suffer from itchiness, pain and discomfort for a long time. All you have to do is equip yourself with the right information. Read more about hemorrhoids in order for you to know how you are going to deal with it. There are so many materials available that can help you. Start with reading on what foods to eat and avoid.(read entire article)
View : 176 Times
Category : Health

Hemorrhoid And Pregnancy: Are You A Candidate?   By: william mason
Pregnant women are susceptible to suffer from hemorrhoids because of your growing uterus. It puts pressure to your inferior vena cava and pelvic veins. Great news! You can deal with hemorrhoids during pregnancy. You do not have to worry because it will not put your life and your baby's life at risk with hemorrhoids. All you have to do is read materials about hemorrhoids and how you can manage it.(read entire article)
View : 192 Times
Category : Health

Hemorrhoid And Pregnancy-all You Need To Know   By: william mason
Hemorrhoids occur when the rectal area's veins becomes enlarged. Though minor and can be treated via a change in lifestyle, it can cause significant discomfort especially when sitting down. Some symptoms of hemorrhoids, such as rectal bleeding, are also indicators of more dangerous illnesses.(read entire article)
View : 171 Times
Category : Health

Hemorrhoid In Children: Some Good Info   By: william mason
Children are very sensitive. In fact, they are always given utmost care as they can be more prone to acquiring different ailments. Apparently though, being a child does not spare one from acquiring hemorrhoids.(read entire article)
View : 186 Times
Category : Health

Hemorrhoid Treatment Using Infrared Photocoagulation (coagulation Therapy)   By: william mason
Piles are very uncomfortable and often painful. Fortunately, there are a lot of remedies available right now – ranging from home remedies to over-the-counter drugs to surgical procedures. Mild cases subside on their own as long as the cause has been eliminated.(read entire article)
View : 162 Times
Category : Health

Hemorrhoidectomy For Hemorrhoids-all You Need To Know   By: william mason
A hemorrhoidectomy is an effective solution to hemorrhoids -- a condition caused by the swelling of the veins in the rectal area is through surgically removing the problematic part. Although known to be costly, hemorrhoidectomy for hemorrhoids is proven effective yet has bigger risks, seeing as it constitutes incisions and stitches.(read entire article)
View : 166 Times
Category : Health

Hemorrhoidolysis (galvanic Electrotherapy) For Hemorrhoid   By: william mason
It is widely believed that hemorrhoids are triggered by improper bowel habits. There is a higher chance that an individual develops hemorrhoid due to constant hard stools. This is why patients with mild cases are advised to try to soften their stools by drinking more water and putting more fibers in their diet. If it is too late for these conservative techniques, your doctor may recommend hemorrhoidolysis for hemorrhoid.(read entire article)
View : 168 Times
Category : Health

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