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Articles By jennifer stevens

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Third Grade Craft Day    Submitted as: There is always one teacher from your youth that s
There is always one teacher from your youth that sticks out in your mind. One person who went that extra mile and not only taught…but touched. This teacher for me was Mrs. Allen. Gray hair and a pointy chin, Mrs. Allen was loved the moment she was met. She taught us everything we needed to know educationally… and then she showed us how to do all sorts of fun crafts; Christmas crafts to Easter crafts to just-for-fun crafts. We made things from popsicle sticks, glitter, glue and crayons. We learned that we could invent at 9 years old! The sky was the limit, and every day held another adventure. I remember one such craft that I still have in my possession over 20 years later. The morning was particularly cold, even for northern Utah. The snow was high and Christmas was on its way! My mom had sent me to school that day with a miniature sized picture of myself. A freckled little girl, I had never thought myself as beautiful. As I held that picture though, I remember the feeling of pride at how well my school pictures had turned out that year. I was anxious to take it to school for whatever project we were attacking next. After completing our daily work, Mrs. Allen handed us a white foam ball the size of a softball. She then asked us our favorite Christmas colors. Mine were most definitely red and silver that year. Two neat little baggies of red and silver sequins were then placed on my desk. At that age, anything that shined captured my attention fully! Mrs. Allen then told us we would be making a Christmas ornament that would take several days to complete. Each day I would come to school, so eager to continue working on my craft. Using little silver pins, I remember carefully sticking each sequin into my foam ball. I had come up with a terrific idea for a pattern and couldn’t wait to see it completed. When I came to the middle of the ball, Mrs. Allen gently helped me pin my miniature school picture onto the front. After that final sequin was put in place, we wrapped them in tissue paper to present to our parents. There was never a prouder little girl than I, that day. Mrs. Allen loved crating with kids and the kids loved Mrs. Allen because of it. My ornament, roughed up with time still holds my little school picture neatly pinned on the front. I don’t remember much of what was taught that year, but I do remember Mrs. Allen teaching us to make crafts. Her passion for art and using imagination rubbed off on a young girl and has stuck with her through the years. The author Jennifer Stevens says here about craft teacher. She is talking about her previous day and she remember her craft teacher Mrs. Allen, She taught us everything we needed to know educationally, she showed us how to do all sorts of fun crafts, christmas crafts to Easter crafts to just-for-fun crafts. Also she learnt how to make Easter bunny templates. For more information on free crochet patternsfree knitting patterns, free crochet hat patterns visits www.favecrafts.com(read entire article)
View : 170 Times
Category : Art

Fun & Quick Easter Craft    Submitted as: Spring is one of the most anticipated times of yea
Spring is one of the most anticipated times of year…especially if you live in a colder climate. The winter snow has melted away and cherry blossoms are blooming on that backyard tree. It’s time to brighten up your house with the signs of Easter! Whenever you’re in need for an instant craft, always look to the brown paper bag. These bags are dirt cheap and have several uses ranging from decorative lanterns to holiday centerpieces. Grab the kids and get ready for a fun and crafty afternoon. With holidays such as Thanksgiving and Christmas, decorating for Easter seems to get overlooked. If you want to spruce up your Easter collection, a good place to start is with Easter Bunny Sacks. Finding online instructions, the only things you will need to purchase are the sacks, tracing paper and whatever painting colors you desire. Having a good supply of some basic paint colors will allow you to mix and create a broad range of other colors. Accessing an online crafting website, print off an Easter Bunny template designated for this particular project. Carefully place your tracing paper right on top and copy the full design. After you are completed with the tracing process, it’s time to mix up your paints. There should be instructions online for what paint colors would look best with the project, but ultimately the decision is yours! Use your favorite Easter colors and watch the Easter Bunny Sacks come to life. After the bags have dried, stuff them with brightly colored Easter paper. You now have a beautiful and unique gift bag, or a household decoration. If you’d like, forget the tissue paper and use them as lantern bags to illuminate the front porch. You can even loan these fabulous little sacks to the Easter Bunny for his annual “delivery.” Whatever you decide, you now have a fun and quick Easter Bunny template to look forward to every spring! About Author: The author Jennifer Stevens writes here about the most anticipated times of year, The Spring and it’s the signs of Easter. She is talking about how to make quick Easter craft. She gives some idea to make Easter bunny templates. Also she learnt how to make free crochet patterns. For more information on free knitting patterns, free crochet hat patterns visits www.favecrafts.com(read entire article)
View : 158 Times
Category : Art

Countdown To Christmas Calendar    Submitted as: There are some things that you can’t put a price o
There are some things that you can’t put a price on in life; like the light in a child’s eyes during the holidays. Feelings of anticipation, love, and hope grace the air as Christmas creeps closer and closer. Anything we can do as parents to amplify those feelings in our children, will help spread that priceless Christmas cheer all around us. Creating a countdown calendar for Christmas packed with goodies and a mini sized surprise is just the thing to celebrate the season. As adored as Christmas crafts already are, this one in particular is loved by all ages of the family. Starting in November, get your supplies ready for making this project. Kids can definitely help, but it’s also fun keeping it a secret and watching their little faces when you reveal the calendar. With a poster board, fabric, small envelopes, Christmas paper, and a good set of instructions you are ready to start your project. Finding just the right paper, ribbon and other supplies is the fun part. There are so many options available at Christmas to choose from! You can design the calendar to coordinate with your home decorations, or aim it more towards pleasing the wee ones of your family. Once the calendar is complete, you can start stocking it with surprises of all sorts. Most stores carry small Christmas chocolates, mints, candy canes, or other goodies. You can also write up fun activities, service projects, other Christmas crafts, movie nights, etc. to fill the days up. Kids love one on one time spent with their parents. To top off the perfect Christmas calendar, type up a story, poem or quote to share with your family, each day. Right before the kids are tucked in for the night, have them open an envelope and see what’s inside. Most years, the Christmas rush seems to consume us. Taking a few precious moments to enjoy Christmas each evening will help our kids feel the full effect of the “holiday spirit!” Christmas will be that much sweeter when it finally arrives. Here, the author Jennifer Stevens writes about creating a countdown calendar for Christmas. Starting in November, get your supplies ready for making this project. You can design the calendar to coordinate with your home decorations. You can also write up fun activities on other Christmas crafts, movie nights, etc. to fill the days up. For more information on free crochet hat patterns, free knitting patterns visits favecrafts.com(read entire article)
View : 177 Times
Category : Art

Not Your Mama's Apron    Submitted as: As the country watched Lucy Ricardo serve up delec
As the country watched Lucy Ricardo serve up delectable dishes and much laughter, this red-headed gal became an inspiration for women. Years later, we are once again sporting those cute little aprons Lucy was famous for. Flirty and fun, you can’t help but fall in love with cooking once you put one on! However, these little aprons are definitely not the price they would’ve been in the thrifty 1950’s. These are the days to be inventive by getting free sewing patterns online and making your own dazzling little apron! If cooking isn’t your cup of tea, don’t rule out the apron quite yet! Over the years, the apron idea has morphed into a helpful tool for all. Gardeners, crafters, sewers…practically anyone can benefit from an apron. A wide assortment of various styles is available online for you to choose from. If you are more a no nonsense kind of gal, try making the classic “Jeans Apron.” Made from a pair of jeans, this short and simple wrap around apron is perfect! This design is definitely not too much on the frilly side, but perfectly stylish in its own right. Even at harvest time, aprons can be your best friend. The “Gathering Apron” is not only chic, but can hold oodles of crisp apples, fresh green beans, or whatever produce is coming out of your garden. Unbuttoned, this handy apron can also be used to kneel on while tending to your garden. You may think an apron with so many different functions would be an eyesore. Not so, this timeless piece is has a vintage feel to it and is plum full of charm. Shuffling around the house will become your favorite pastime once you’ve made yourself a “Ruffled Apron.” When you wrap that one-of-a-kind apron around you, don’t plan on wanting to take it off anytime soon! Spunky, flirty and sexy, this apron is for the girl who wants to have fun! Don’t stop at these aprons, there are several more to make for yourself, or your best girl friends. Once you’ve found your free sewing patterns online, you won’t be able to give up your new favorite hobby….aprons. Here, the author Jennifer Stevens writes about Lucy Ricardo’s show and her delectable dishes. These are the days to be inventive by getting free sewing patterns online. This design is definitely not too much on the frilly side, but perfectly stylish in its own right. There are several more to make for yourself, or your best girl friends. For more information on free crochet patterns, visits favecrafts.com(read entire article)
View : 192 Times
Category : Art

Cover It Up!    Submitted as: Unless you have a timeless antique on your hand, c
Unless you have a timeless antique on your hand, chances are you don’t want your sewing machine to be the focus of your room. The drab plastic covers that usually come with the sewing machine don’t quite help the matter either. The obvious answer is to make your own cover! Not only are they simple to construct, you can find free sewing patterns for them online. Once you have one made, you’ll no longer feel the need to hide your favorite hobby. As much as we covet others who have a designated sewing room, most of us are just squeezing in our machines wherever they will fit. Family or living rooms, laundry rooms, even a table in the bedroom…we’re not picky! Instead of storing it in the back of the closet every time we are done working, why not cover it up with a stylish cover instead? Making a cover to match your curtains, bedspread, or pillows on your couch can be a fun sewing project all on its own. Having a cover for your sewing machine also helps to keep it in superb shape. Dust can collect in all those grooves sewing machines come with, sometimes getting in the way and causing havoc. As pricey as these faithful machines are, you definitely want to get your moneys worth out of it. Taking tender care of these babies will only add years on to their lifespan. A sewing machine cover is well worth the effort to stretch your dollar a little longer. Finding free sewing patterns for your machine is a piece of cake. Thanks to the online world, we don’t have to plunk down $10 for one simple pattern. Nor do we have to make a special trip to the sewing store and sift through endless shelves of patterns. There is a wide array of designs to choose from online, ranging from reversible to covers adorned with buttons and such. All for free! With a few clicks, you can find a stylish cover you’d be proud to display in your home. The author Jennifer Stevens writes about antique cover for your sewing machine. You don’t have to plunk down $10 for one simple sewing machine cover. The obvious answer is to make your own cover! Not only are they simple to construct, you can find free sewing patterns for them online. For more information on free knitting patterns, free crochet hat patterns visits favecrafts.com(read entire article)
View : 206 Times
Category : Art

Simply Knitting    Submitted as: As I lifted a perfect loaf of bread out from the o
As I lifted a perfect loaf of bread out from the oven, I couldn’t help but be appalled by my potholders. On top of being worn through, I couldn’t even identify what food lined the crusty edges! At times like this, I’d usually remember to pick up a few during my weekly shopping trip….but fortunately, that habit has changed! Yearning to be more self-sufficient, I learned to knit my own potholders. Grabbing some yarn from the hall, I sat down in front of my stone fireplace and got to work. Scared by the thought of “knitting,” I was shocked when I discovered the ease of it. A year ago, I had bravely purchased a knitting loom and a bundle of colored yarn from my local fabric store. Not having a friend who knits, I went online and found some great beginner tips (things only a true knitter could teach you). Potholders were my first project. Locating a free knitting pattern online that was easy to read and actually made sense, I went to work! Within a few hours I had my first potholder! Ecstatic, I began to turn out potholders in no time. I became quicker at my new art, and started giving them out as gifts to everyone I knew. Christmas colored potholders are a favorite to give out with my famous oatmeal raisin cookies each December. That way, my loved ones are each getting something I put my time and love into. Not something I bought on a whim at the local super store. Not only have I acquired a new skill, I have taught several of my friends how to knit as well! Using a free knitting pattern, it doesn’t take much money to make a homemade treasure. Getting back to the basics is something I have wanted for my family. As I sat in front of the fireplace with my yarn in hand, I was grateful for being brave enough to try something new! The author Jennifer Stevens shares her experience about different patterns of knitting. Potholders was her first project, She went online and found some great beginner tips from free knitting patterns. For more information on free crochet patterns, free crochet hat patterns, Christmas crafts visits favecrafts.com(read entire article)
View : 179 Times
Category : Art

A Christmas To Remember   By: jennifer stevens
I’ve idolized my grandmother for about as long as my memory serves. She has taught me how to load a mean dishwasher, place crisp sheets on a bed just right, organize a household, cook, etc. There was one Christmas, however, that she has stood out in my memories. It was the Christmas my Grandma patiently taught me to make crafts. Grandma does some serious senior scrapbooking, but her crafting is legendary. Traveling over the river and through the woods accurately describes going to my Grandma’s house this particular year. I was 9 years old and Christmas held every promise in the world for me. After 10 hours in the car with 3 other siblings, I was ready to get out and enjoy the wintry scene laid before me at my Grandparents house. As I entered the house, the smell of cookies and bread met my nose. Nothing beats the aroma of homemade goods…especially Grandma’s. The dining room table is what caught my eye though that day. Set up for us kids were ruby red, emerald green and crystal beads. Grandma explained that she wanted to teach us how to make Christmas ornaments for the tree. Any time with Grandma was deeply “treasured” time, and I desperately wanted to get started. For hours Grandma sat with me and my siblings and helped us thread beads onto our wire. We made candy canes, stars, bells, etc. Every single ornament was uniquely designed by our own hand. When we finally finished our task, we placed the ornaments on the Christmas tree and hit the lights. I still can picture those little ornaments to this day. The colored light that burst through the beads was nothing short of magical. We didn’t have many material possessions that Christmas, but it didn’t matter. We had a Grandma who cared enough to spend quality time with us. As I sit with my own two sons now and reflect on that winter day so long ago, I can’t help but want to try a little harder. Taking time for crafting with kids, teaching them to use their hands and imaginations is invaluable. Showing them how to invent and create different crafts and projects will help in their development. Life has seemed to speed up a bit and it’s hard to get away from those every day distractions that face us. For me, it’s time to get back to the basics. It’s time to give my kids their own memories to smile fondly upon in years to come. Author Jennifer Stevens remember her sweet time of Christmas with her grandparents. She said my grandmother was my idolized. She has taught me how to organize a household, cook, etc, and how to make Christmas crafts. She wanted to teach us how to make Christmas ornaments for the tree. For more information on free sewing patterns, free crochet hat patterns, visits favecrafts.com(read entire article)
View : 161 Times
Category : Art

Making Autumn Décor A Cinch   By: jennifer stevens
What is there not to love about autumn? Those lazy days of summer are slowly coming to an end as the promise of Christmas lingers in the distance. Sweaters are pulled out of storage and hot cocoa placed back on the pantry shelf. Everywhere you turn a brilliant array of earthy colors meet the eye. Bringing a bit of fall’s beauty into your home can be a simple and enjoyable task. Autumn décor is capturing a bit of the heaven going on outside and recreating it in your home. Make sure to use all the lush fall colors when choosing what to decorate with. For inspiration with color, look to pumpkins, haystacks, cranberries, and fall leaves. Using these actual items with your decorating will put you right on the money. For a fun afternoon activity, take your kids outside to gather twigs, fallen leaves, and pinecones. Adorn your entryway and dining room tables with both white and orange gourds and pumpkins. Gently place the gathered outdoor items around their base. Find a glass vase and fill it with cranberries to be placed along side. To top off this look, get a few cream colored candles to illuminate the area. An essential part of autumn décor is smell. Walking into a home where you can smell wassail, pumpkin spice, or the sweet aroma of apple pie baking is priceless. Thanks to the fabulous scents of candles these days, we don’t even have to break out the pie tins. Make sure to load up on good quality candles to make the season a bit more enjoyable. Finally, enjoy the season to the fullest. Sit down with your kids and let them help with celebrating autumn. Whether you string cranberries to form a fall garland, or get those place cards ready for Thanksgiving, autumn is one of greatest times for crafts. If you are a bit short on decorating or crafting ideas…you might look to a site dedicated to crafting, such as www.favecrafts.com. There is a plethora of ideas to pick from! Don’t drop a load of money at the fancy décor store, when authentic and rustic decorations are just out the back door. Author Jennifer Stevens says here how to make autumn decoration easy. She describe simple trick to Autumn Décor. Autumn décor is capturing a bit of the heaven going on outside and recreating it in your home. For inspiration with color, look to pumpkins, haystacks and fall leaves. Know more about autumn décor Christmas crafts, free knitting patterns, free crochet hat patterns, visits favecrafts.com(read entire article)
View : 185 Times
Category : Art

A Scrapbook For Every Occasion    Submitted as: As you step into your best friend’s house, your ey
As you step into your best friend’s house, your eyes are drawn instantly to the coffee table. A beautiful miniature book with the word EUROPE in big bold letters on the front is aching to be picked up. You’ve been hearing about the trip for weeks now, but have yet to see a picture. What a great way to explore the European countryside by seeing all the sights laid out in a book. Scrapbooking a monumental task for many. The effort it takes to make one page alone is downright overwhelming. With the right ideas though and just a few supplies, you can easily make a scrapbook for every special occasion you want to remember. When you are just beginning, remember that scrapbooking doesn’t have to be frilly or cluttered. If you want more of a clean look, stick to basic colors and just one or two photos per page. Make sure to have a coordinating caption that tells what was going on and when. When you’re glancing through it 30 years later, you’ll be grateful for those captions! Undoubtedly, you will probably run out of page ideas once in awhile. This is easily remedied by going to scrapbook or crafting website and seeing the ample suggestions they have readily available. Not only can you find the perfect page idea, but it will also list the materials you will need. Pictures from weddings, a special birthday, a new baby, or even a fun trip tragically end up in a dusty filing cabinet or on a hard drive. Being able to arrange those cherished photos in their own personal album will give you easy access for sharing and reminiscing. Scrapbooks can serve as your own little storybook of the precious times you never want to forget. Author Jennifer Stevens teaching here to make scrapbook for special occasion. She says that When you are just beginning, remember that scrapbooking doesn’t have to be frilly or cluttered. Scrapbooking is a great way to explore the European countryside by seeing all the sights laid out in a book. Also find more information about free crochet hat patterns, free knitting patterns at Favecrafts.com(read entire article)
View : 175 Times
Category : Art

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