Here's the recent articles submitted by online dictionaries
Articles By online dictionaries
Technology Dictionary - All You Need To Know About
Submitted as: onlinedictionaries
In the growing technical world, almost everyone must have to meet the technical communication and involve meeting the termini technical terms every now and then. Technical terms will make the team to communicate and interact easily and of course helps them to fit in perfect in there area of expertise. It is definitely hard for a layman to comprehend and understand technical terms and languages! To make everyone proficient in understanding the technical terms easily, technical has excelled with well-defined technical training. This technology dictionary gives you better briefing about the technical terms that is most efficiently used in the area of telecommunication and energy.(read
entire article)
View : 78 Times
Category : Technology, Gadget and Science
Free Social Science Online Dictionary - Making Your Terminologies Simple
Submitted as: onlinedictionaries
Science and scientific terms gives you an easy access to make your communication faster and wider. When considering the scientific terms, there are plenty long-listing definitions that keeps coming along the list. The social science dictionary will cover wide extending subjects including history, psychology, political science, sociology, education, and economics. To grant you the best educational guidance, social science dictionary comes with the publication of glossaries and dictionaries, which undoubtedly help the learners to interpret the basic technical terms and jargons.(read
entire article)
View : 75 Times
Category : Education
World Geography Dictionary
Submitted as: onlinedictionaries
If you left school a decade ago, chances are much of what you learned about geography is no longer valid. More than thirty new countries have made their appearance on the geographic scene since 1990. Do you know where Namibia is? Eritrea? Kosovo? When we send troops to fight and perhaps die, do you know where in the world they are going? When the names of these distant and exotic lands lead news stories, do they mean anything to you?(read
entire article)
View : 61 Times
Category : Education
Social Science Dictionary
Submitted as: onlinedictionaries
The social science dictionary has an approach to concentrate on a wider discipline of Education, History, Politics and all the studies related to social science. The dictionary’s glossary will enable the search criteria easier to find the exact information that a person is looking for. It has the definitions of basic concepts and branches through the divisions in social science. The branches again take you to the related definitions and keywords used in the social science.(read
entire article)
View : 78 Times
Category : Education
Geographic Dictionary
Submitted as: onlinedictionaries
Geography is one shelter under which stay the various criteria of geophysics, Climate, studies on ocean etc. The geography dictionary, again as the name says, predicts the terms and definitions related to the Earth, atmosphere and environment.(read
entire article)
View : 63 Times
Category : Education
Transportation Dictionary
Submitted as: onlinedictionaries
As the title indicates, the transportation dictionary is a database of all the transportation details and the key words used for various modes of transportation. It may include shipping or rail-road transportation. The transportation may also be for people or for goods. The purpose of the travel may also differ; it may be a personal traveling or a travel for business.(read
entire article)
View : 53 Times
Category : Education
Technology Dictionary: Convey Your Thoughts With Tech Key Words
Submitted as: onlinedictionaries
The technical terms are those which are used by the experts in any industry; most commonly by those in the field of computers. They use these terms to communicate with the people in their field easily and feel comfortable to convey things by using technical key words. It is difficult for a common man out of this field to understand these techy terms and in that case comes the entry of “Technical or technology dictionary†to help you out with easy ways of understanding these stuffs.(read
entire article)
View : 74 Times
Category : Technology, Gadget and Science