Here's the recent articles submitted by sushil kumar
Articles By sushil kumar
Reaching Erudite Customers: The Changing Paradigm
Submitted as: Magazinemall
The low cost of the PC and the growing use of the Internet has shown the tremendous growth of Ecommerce in India, in the recent years. According to the Indian Ecommerce Report released by Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) and IMRB International, “The total online transaction in India was Rs. 7080 crores in the year 2006-2007. In the year 2008-09, Global online shopping growth rate was nearly 8% to 10 % with India doing better at 30 %. Indian e-commerce market is estimated to be around Rs. 9,500 – 10,000 Crores(read
entire article)
View : 174 Times
Category : Entertainment
The Baby Stories
By: sushil kumar
From reading baby stories to the great escapes in magazine, every one desires to read. Getting the world best magazine at one stop is the best that anybody can think of. The name that comes to my mind for buying magazines online is Magazine Mall.(read
entire article)
View : 115 Times
Category : Entertainment