Here's the recent articles submitted by joe parcon
Articles By joe parcon
Found Money Managementâ„¢... Financial Planning For Middle Income Families Made Easy And Profitable!
Submitted as: Lewis Nason
Found Money Managementâ„¢ is much more than a selling system. It's a complete financial philosophy for helping Middle Income Families to "Live Debt and Truly Wealthy," without them spending any additional money, or changing their current life style! It's about helping people to understand and face the serious financial challenges we are all encountering right now, and then helping them to reposition their money and spending to achieve financial security and independence for the future.(read
entire article)
View : 273 Times
Category : Debt
Overcoming The Bad Financial Advice... From So Called Financial Experts
Submitted as: Lewis Nason
Have you ever met with a prospect or client and have them tell you; "That's not what the financial experts like ______________ say?" It's frustrating, especially when you know the expert they are talking about is not really a financial expert and most of the advice they are giving in many cases is worse than worthless... It's actually hurting many people.(read
entire article)
View : 259 Times
Category : Insurance
You Can Have More Prospects Than You Can Possibly Handle!
Submitted as: Lewis Nason
For the past 9 years, ever since we introduced the Insurance Pro Shop in November of 1999, we've been telling agents across the country... "You can be in front of more of the 'RIGHT PROSPECTS' in one month than most agents will see in an entire year."
We've been helping agents to recognize that prospecting doesn't have to be hard or frustrating, if you learn the 'Insider Secrets' of how to properly and effectively market your services. And, effective marketing is all about you delivering... The 'Right Message', to the 'Right People', at the 'Right Time'!(read
entire article)
View : 269 Times
Category : Insurance
Here's The True Story Of A ‘million Dollar' Producer
Submitted as: Lewis Nason
During the past 26 years my son Jeremy and I have had the distinct pleasure of helping hundreds of insurance agents, financial advisors and financial planners to go to the very, very top of the industry in life insurance and annuity sales. What follows is the recent success story of one of those people. Phil Calandra came 3 years ago to us after first attending the ‘Missed Fortune’ TEAM Training, because he was struggling to make their system work.(read
entire article)
View : 287 Times
Category : Insurance
How To Survive And Prosper...during This Worsening Economy!
Submitted as: Lewis Nason
America’s finances are in turmoil. The personal economies of many individual Americans’ and their families are on the precipice of a disastrous failure. Few families have a personal plan to help them meet these financial challenges, and they need your help! Opportunities abound for insurance agents, financial advisors and financial planners who understand their problems and hold the solutions in their minds and hearts. You can draw these Americans back from the brink of financial failure!(read
entire article)
View : 279 Times
Category : Insurance
The Secrets To Having More Prospects Than You Can Possibly See... Starting Tomorrow!
Submitted as: Lewis Nason
Are you concerned about all of the recent problems, bad news and bad publicity; AIG Struggling, Large Banks Failing, the Stock Market Falling, Higher Gas Prices, Increased Mortgage Foreclosures and the proposed '$700 Billion Bailout?' The experts are predicting that many large and small businesses are going to fail, as banks are forced tighten up their lending criteria and deny loans.(read
entire article)
View : 263 Times
Category : Real Estate and Foreclosure
Make A Differenceand Watch Your Sales Grow!
Submitted as: Lewis Nason
During the past two decades, many of the major insurance companies have been moving to and focusing on the more affluent markets. They want to believe they can make more and larger sales in those markets. Thus, they'll need less agents, which means they'll spend much less money on recruiting and training and they'll make huge profits. They appear to have forgotten whom they served for the past 100 plus years, and what made them the mega companies they are today.(read
entire article)
View : 271 Times
Category : Insurance
How To Get Off To A Fast Start In 2009
Submitted as: Lewis Nason
The coming year promises to be very exciting and very rewarding for those agents, advisors and planners who understand what people are really looking for, need and want. Today, people need and want your help more than ever! Will you be the person your prospects, clients, friends
and family can turn to and rely upon in 2009?(read
entire article)
View : 271 Times
Category : Insurance
Where Should You Be Investing Your Money?
Submitted as: Lewis Nason
In recent years, you have not been able to pick up a newspaper, or magazine that doesn’t have an article touting the benefits of investing in mutual funds. While the first mutual fund was invented back in the 1930s, they didn’t really become popular until the great bull market of 1982 to 2000.(read
entire article)
View : 254 Times
Category : Insurance
"success 'in Life Insurance Sales' Is Simply A Matter Of Luck... Just Ask Any Failure!"
Submitted as: Lewis Nason
Are you struggling in this worsening economy? Was 2008 a difficult and disappointing year for you? Are you working harder, spending more money on marketing and leads and still not seeing any substantial improvements? Are you making more Cold Calls? Are you constantly searching for a better Source of Leads? Are you looking to get into a Different and Better Market? Or, maybe you are totally frustrated and thinking of getting out of insurance or financial services business altogether.(read
entire article)
View : 277 Times
Category : Insurance