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Articles By joe parcon

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What's The Quickest Way To Increase My Sales Appointments?    Submitted as: Lewis Nason
Friday afternoon, I got a call from an agent who had been a career agent with a major insurance company and had decided to go independent several months ago. He called me for some help because in the past month he had purchased 200 life insurance leads and wasn’t happy with the results.(read entire article)
View : 270 Times
Category : Insurance

You Are Only An Inch Away From Outrageous Success!    Submitted as: Lewis Nason
Do you believe it’s humanly possible for you to consistently close 9 out of 10 people you meet with? If you don’t believe you can, then maybe that’s why you aren’t? And, yet aren’t most of the Leading Producers in our industry closing 9 out of 10 people they meet with? What is it that they know and do that you don’t?(read entire article)
View : 285 Times
Category : Insurance

Make Your Life Insurance Sales Career ‘recession Proof Part Iii    Submitted as: Lewis Nason
The ability to conduct a good, thorough fact-finding interview is what enables the Top Life Insurance Producers to consistently earn $250,000, $500,000 or more each year. It’s why they are able to… Sell ‘9 Out Of 10 Prospects’ They Meet With! It’s why they consistently close larger sales, and consistently generate more repeat business. It’s why they are able to work with fewer prospects. And, it’s why they get more referrals and spend less time and money prospecting!(read entire article)
View : 257 Times
Category : Insurance

Are You Missing The Boat!!!    Submitted as: Lewis Nason
Most of the insurance agents who read this article won’t want to hear what I’m about to say… But they are missing the boat, big time! Most agents want to believe there is a ‘Quick Solution’ to being successful in insurance sales. They want to believe there are lead sources, or lead systems that will have people begging for an appointment and begging to be sold. They want to believe that if they have the best product, price and/or investment returns, then all they have to do is show up and they’ll make a ‘Bazillion Dollars!’(read entire article)
View : 266 Times
Category : Insurance

Make Your Life Insurance Sales Career ‘recession Proof'    Submitted as: Lewis Nason
A few weeks ago, I wrote a series of articles about how I started and succeeded in life insurance sales during one of the worst recessions in history. And, now I’d like to share some ideas on how you can make your life insurance sales career ‘Recession Proof’!(read entire article)
View : 270 Times
Category : Insurance

Make Your Life Insurance Sales Career ‘recession Proof' Part Ii    Submitted as: Lewis Nason
A few weeks ago, I wrote a series of articles about how I started and succeeded in life insurance sales during one of the worst recessions in history. And, now I’d like to share some ideas on how you can make your life insurance sales career ‘Recession Proof’!(read entire article)
View : 238 Times
Category : Insurance

Will You Survive The Bad Publicity In Our Industry!    Submitted as: Lewis Nason
Regardless of whether or not we like or agree with the recent criticism of our insurance sales industry, we are getting a lot of bad press. We’ve been getting it for years. And, it’s likely to get even worse, before it gets better. Some of the criticism we’re getting is just sensationalistic journalism. Controversy increases ratings and sells advertising space! Some of it’s from well meaning people who have no idea of the genuine value of the products and services we provide.(read entire article)
View : 279 Times
Category : Insurance

Will You Survive The Bad Publicity In Our Industry! Part Ii    Submitted as: Lewis Nason
Everyday, since we published our original article about surviving the bad publicity in our industry, we’ve been receiving positive responses like the following…“I just wanted to commend you and your dad for the best article I have seen in years about the reasons for the bad name and hard time insurance agents are going thru. I just wish that 90% of the industry fat cats would wake up and return to some integrity.”(read entire article)
View : 262 Times
Category : Insurance

“how To Significantly Reduce Your Lead Costs, While Increasing Your Sales”    Submitted as: Lewis Nason
With all of the bad news people are seeing today, are you getting fewer and fewer responses (leads) from your current sales letters? Has the response rate dropped from your Ads in the newspaper? Has the attendance to your dinner seminars gone down dramatically? Are you getting fewer referrals from your current clients?(read entire article)
View : 261 Times
Category : Insurance

Here's What You Do To Get Off To The Quickest Start Selling Life Insurance!    Submitted as: Lewis Nason
There are several exciting and dynamic life insurance selling systems available today that will help you to close large life insurance sales. There’s the LEAP, Missed Fortune, Infinite Banking and Circle of Wealth Systems, along with the various ‘College Funding’, ‘Equity Management’ and ‘Mortgage Early Payoff’ sales systems, just to name a few. All of these systems may be fine ways for you to learn how to sell lots of life insurance, once you are in front of a prospect.(read entire article)
View : 273 Times
Category : Insurance

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