Here's the recent articles submitted by ferdy firmansyah
Articles By ferdy firmansyah
3 Check Points To Find The Best Skin Creams
By: ferdy firmansyah
How can we say that skin creams sold out there are the best ones? Finding the best skin creams is a bit difficult. However, if you have sufficient knowledge, it is not difficult to find them.(read
entire article)
View : 82 Times
Category : Beauty
Skin Laser: Is It Necessary Or Not?
By: ferdy firmansyah
Skin laser technology has been introduced since the past few years as an option for skin rejuvenation. From the day when it was introduced, pro's and con's about the technology have appeared.(read
entire article)
View : 89 Times
Category : Beauty
Great Make Up Tips
By: ferdy firmansyah
Make up plays an important role in presenting the appearance of an individual. Secret of having effective make up lies in the techniques of its application.(read
entire article)
View : 89 Times
Category : Beauty
5 Secrets Behind The Amazing Emu Oil
By: ferdy firmansyah
Never heard about emu oil? It is made from the fat of the emu, a bird native to Australia. It has been used for thousands of years by the Australian Aborigines for many treatments.(read
entire article)
View : 83 Times
Category : Health