Here's the recent articles submitted by mel joelle
Articles By mel joelle
Marietta Slip Fall Accidents Krogers
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Slip and fall accidents can range from uncomfortable to debilitating. They can occur anywhere, even at the Kroger in Marietta. Grocery store customers are usually very unsuspecting and dont normally expect that they are in danger. To most people, the grocery store is one of the safest places to be. All that most people visualize is food on shelves or behind large refrigerators. Many dont realize that the grocery store can be very hazardous until an accident happens and they are injured.(read
entire article)
View : 113 Times
Category : General
Teeter F7000 Inversion Table
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Are you suffering from chronic back pain or stress overload?
Teeter Hang Ups® tables will help you battle the effects of too much time spent sitting, standing or moving repetitively. Its the perfect stress buster. In full inversion mode, its also a great way to add extra crunch to sit-ups and squats without hurting your back.
Teeter Hang Ups® tables are a byword for comfort, quality and security.(read
entire article)
View : 151 Times
Category : General
Treat Low Back Pain
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Thousands of people from all over the world email us with questions about back pain yet this one seems to be one of the most common.
How do I treat Low Back Pain?
From Toronto to Thailand, low back pain is responsible for more people missing work than any other common condition. Treating low back pain is also a multi-billion dollar industry, with no shortage of people lining up at surgery centers to undergo risky surgical procedures.(read
entire article)
View : 116 Times
Category : General
Cctv Camera Security System
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If you are seeking total security and protection at home or at the office, try a Closed Circuit TeleVision or CCTV camera security system. There are many different types of systems for just about every application and budget.(read
entire article)
View : 143 Times
Category : General
Teeter Hangups F5000 Inversion Table
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Teeter Hangups® tables are a great way to prevent and treat lower
back pain. A regular program of inversion will offer you many other
benefits as well, including:
• Maintaining your height – Regular inversion with the Teeter
hangups f5000 will stop the ""shrinkage"" that happens as you age, because
of the effects of gravity on your spine.(read
entire article)
View : 112 Times
Category : General
Sciatica Cushion
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A sciatica cushion is a good way to relieve sciatica pain. The term
sciatica refers to the inflammation and/or aggravation of the sciatic
nerve, which is a nerve that runs or extends from the base of your
spine, and goes all the way down your leg. The goal of a sciatica
cushion or any cushion for back pain is to reduce or alleviate the
stress and pressure to a certain area.(read
entire article)
View : 123 Times
Category : General
Sciatica Cures
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Sciatica is a common ailment that affects many people. People suffering from Sciatica commonly mistake it as a condition, when in all actuality it is a symptom of underlying conditions. So what is Sciatica? Simply put, Sciatica is a type of pain or burning sensation that runs down one or both legs.(read
entire article)
View : 112 Times
Category : General
Downloadable Recording Software
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In searching for downloadable recording software you aren’t looking for too much. You simply want recording software that is easy to use, efficient, hassle free, not by any means costly and state of the art. Is that asking for too much? Not at all. It would be even more appealing to you if the recording software that you desire could be immediately accessed so that you can hurry and get to what you’ve set out to do—share your creativity and ideas with the world.(read
entire article)
View : 119 Times
Category : General
Floral Print Dresses
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In your search for that perfect summer dress, don’t forget to include the classic floral print dress. Dresses can currently be found in a variety of patterns, but good floral patterns can be a bit more elusive. You want to find a pattern that isn’t over the top and sometimes floral patterns can be just that.(read
entire article)
View : 166 Times
Category : General
Senior Nursing Care
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Contrary to the belief that those who run senior nursing care facilities are making large sums of money, the reality is that most nursing facilities suffer from staff shortages due to the fact that senior nursing aides are over-worked and are in high-stress jobs. Additionally, states require that there be a specific nurse to resident ratio, which increases labor costs for the provider.(read
entire article)
View : 114 Times
Category : General