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Articles By mel joelle

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Pallet Scales Calibration    Submitted as: autor
Pallet scales make it possible to weigh a variety of different types of loads directly from the loading ramp. With the use of these pallet scales, it becomes possible to save time, shortening the path that has to be taken with full pallets. Using these scales will also allow for reduction in the number of workers that have to be present to work with the pallets.(read entire article)
View : 331 Times
Category : Technology, Gadget and Science

How To Draw Superman    Submitted as: autor
American boys all go through a Superman phase, tying towels around their necks and leaping from tall things unto smaller things, often the ground. The fascination with being Superman is actually about self-improvement. The world is a big place, full of opportunity, where young gentlemen will want to prove themselves amongst their peers. They desire to be “the best.”(read entire article)
View : 339 Times
Category : Art

Hvac Systems For Government Facilities    Submitted as: autor
Government facilities are incredibly unique facilities. This is especially true with their HVAC systems. Unlike many other buildings, governmental owned structures must account for all of the money that they spend.(read entire article)
View : 305 Times
Category : Home and Garden

Legend Of Zelda Comics    Submitted as: autor
Picture a young boy, probably seven or eight years old, wandering in an inhospitable land of crazed, stunted trees and huge mile high rock cliffs. The boy has no idea how he got there. He hears a cry for help, and without thinking runs to investigate. He finds a dying nursemaid who has lost her charge, a beautiful princess who has been stolen by creatures that are part goblin, part drooling pit bulls.(read entire article)
View : 319 Times
Category : Art

Crogans Of Schweitzer    Submitted as: autor
Though he’s warm, friendly and one dang hard worker with a clean but fluid style, Chris Schweitzer is not a cartoonist you might have heard of. You’re more likely to run across him in the pages of Comics Journal than you will Wizard. His art isn’t flashy but a nuanced blend of intuition built on the pillars of experience and reverence for those who came before him.(read entire article)
View : 338 Times
Category : Art

Fumi Yoshinaga Does A Not-yaoi!    Submitted as: autor
That pretty much says it. This week the popular yaoi author, whose regular series even seem pretty yaoi-ish is finally putting out a book that has (seemingly) nothing to do with gay love. The new book is called “All My Darling Daughters“ and is a story about a regular salary earning woman named Yukiko who is in her thirties and still lives with her mother Mari.(read entire article)
View : 301 Times
Category : Art

Sugar Girls Week    Submitted as: autor
That’s right ladies, this is a shoujo kind of week. Not completely of course, that would just be bad marketing of their parts, but damn is it heavy with cute and/or romance stuff. But more than that, it is also a week of premiers. First and foremost of which is the new book by Benjamin (Orange, Flash) who’s known for a very painted style of CG art. His new book is called Remember and is about stories of love and loss and losing your inhibitions.(read entire article)
View : 318 Times
Category : Art

One The Run    Submitted as: autor
That’s right ladies, this is a shoujo kind of week. Not completely of course, that would just be bad marketing of their parts, but damn is it heavy with cute and/or romance stuff. But more than that, it is also a week of premiers. First and foremost of which is the new book by Benjamin (Orange, Flash) who’s known for a very painted style of CG art. His new book is called Remember and is about stories of love and loss and losing your inhibitions.(read entire article)
View : 323 Times
Category : Art

Apple’s A4 Chip For Ipad    Submitted as: autor
There are mixed reviews about the release of the Apple iPad at this point, most referencing the horrible name that Apple opted to go with. Instead of focusing on this tablet that is definitely tailored to those with disposable money versus those looking for something with functionality, I will focus on one of the details that Apple hasn’t emphasized too much; the A4 chip within the iPad.(read entire article)
View : 306 Times
Category : Internet Marketing

8 Useful Iphone Apps For Web Designers And Developers    Submitted as: autor
There are countless functions for the iPhone because of the ever-growing number (>100,000 currently) of applications (apps) that are available. The iPhone can be a great reference tool for up-and-coming web designers and developers; because, like the saying goes, “There’s an app for that!”(read entire article)
View : 385 Times
Category : Internet Marketing

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