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Articles By mel joelle

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Cctv Power Distribution Boxes    Submitted as: autor
If you own a digital video security system, chances are you also own Closed Circuit TeleVision or CCTV power distribution boxes. These are literally the powerhouse for the digital video cameras and illuminators used in complete systems.(read entire article)
View : 179 Times
Category : General

Gerd Acid Reflux    Submitted as: autor
There is a muscle that is located above the stomach and just below the esophagus. It is called the lower esophageal sphincter or LES. This muscle acts as a link between the esophagus and stomach, allowing food to pass from one to the other during the process of digestion. Some people have or develop a weak LES, which can be harmful. A dysfunctional LES sometimes allows stomach acid to leave the stomach and travel up the esophagus and even to your throat.(read entire article)
View : 128 Times
Category : General

4 Channel Passive Video Balun    Submitted as: autor
A 4 channel passive video balun is defined as a specialized electrical transformer that converts electrical signals that are balance about ground (differential) to signals that are unbalanced (or single-ended) and or converts signals that are unbalanced to balanced. In that manner they are used as devices that are used to connect lines of different impedance. Balun is derived from two separate words; BALance and UNbalance (BAL UN).(read entire article)
View : 221 Times
Category : General

Hospital Badge Buddies, Nurse, Lpn And Doctor Badge Buddy    Submitted as: autor
If you have visited, or work in a hospital, there is a good chance you have seen a “Badge Buddy.” Badge buddies are a great way for hospitals and other organizations to easily identify key personnel. The badge buddy is designed to be larger than your standard photo ID, allowing your roll to be easily seen below your existing photo ID.(read entire article)
View : 176 Times
Category : General

Ptz Dome Surveillance Camera    Submitted as: autor
The Pan Tilt Zoom dome surveillance camera or PTZ dome surveillance camera is one of the most versatile dome cameras on the market today. Not only does it offer the standard electronic features of most other dome cameras, but the PTZ model can do just that–Pan, Tilt, and Zoom.(read entire article)
View : 131 Times
Category : General

Acid Reflux Syndrome    Submitted as: autor
Acid reflux syndrome occurs primarily as a result of an abnormal or weakened lower esophageal sphincter (LES). The LES is a very important part of the digestive process. The lower esophageal sphincter is a muscle that is located in between the esophagus and the stomach opening or diaphragm. A functional LES acts as a gateway for food to pass through from the esophagus to the stomach.(read entire article)
View : 177 Times
Category : General

Gerd Sore Throat    Submitted as: autor
A sore throat is one of the most uncomfortable things to deal with. It can alter how you speak and even what you eat and drink. Most people relate a sore throat to having a cold or even the flu. But these aren’t the only ways that you can end up with a sore throat. Having gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) can contribute to developing a sore throat. GERD can be caused by several different conditions.(read entire article)
View : 135 Times
Category : General

Ir Vandal Proof Dome    Submitted as: autor
Having problems with night time vandalism or theft? Perhaps you should consider an IR (InfraRed) vandal proof dome camera. These cameras can “see” where humans can’t and are made to be tamper resistant as well.(read entire article)
View : 135 Times
Category : General

Mobile Phone Top Up    Submitted as: autor
Most people in the United States own a cellular phone. The trend of having a landline and a cell phone is quickly drifting away. More people are making the conscious decision to eliminate their landline in order to save money. Since people are more on the go and are away from their homes more often than they are at home, it only makes sense to use a mobile phone.(read entire article)
View : 163 Times
Category : General

Miami Web Design    Submitted as: autor
Miami is becoming a hub for many businesses from Latin America and the rest of the world.. All businesses that are looking to establish any relevant presence must first know the importance of a quality website. A company’s website is the most important representation of the company’s mission, services, products and client base.(read entire article)
View : 154 Times
Category : General

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