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Articles By mel joelle

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Hiatal Hernia Diagnosis    Submitted as: autor
Hiatal hernias happen when a section of the stomach abnormally shifts to another area. The new location could be in the chest area or adjacent to the esophagus. There are also two kinds of hiatal hernias: sliding and rolling. The difference between the two is determined based on the new location of the stomach. Hiatal hernias occur because of a weak diaphragm.(read entire article)
View : 176 Times
Category : General

T Shirt Dresses    Submitted as: autor
T shirt dresses are not simply just for casual occasions anymore. This season, you’ll see t shirt dresses making a comeback for special occasions and even being worn by a number of celebrities. The loose off the shoulder t shirt dress is certainly a popular style trend. We love this trend because it is a great way to dress up something casual and yet still be comfortable.(read entire article)
View : 123 Times
Category : General

Take Defensive Driving Online    Submitted as: autor
When faced with the option to sit 6 hours in a defensive driving class or to take the class online, most people will feel that the online course is more convenient. Defensive driving training allows for you to learn all of the necessary material from the comfort of your home.(read entire article)
View : 135 Times
Category : General

Digital Music Battle Wages On    Submitted as: autor
In yet another episode of the digital music war, Amazon seems to be making headway. For the past few days, Amazon has lowered the price of their digital music by 20 cents, bringing their price down to 69 cents per single. These aren’t Beach Boys oldies either. Songs from current pop superstars like Katy Perry and Lady Gaga are being sold at this price.(read entire article)
View : 126 Times
Category : General

Does Arthritis Pain Relief Cream Really Help?    Submitted as: autor
Arthritis is joint inflammation with pain, swelling, stiffness, and limited movement. It usually involves the breakdown of cartilage.(read entire article)
View : 131 Times
Category : General

Royal Wedding Breaks Record    Submitted as: autor
What a magical day it must have been for Prince William and Kate Middleton as they promised to love each other forever. During the weeks leading up to the royal nuptials, the world seemed to wait with baited breath. There was and still is so much anticipation and excitement. Just as his parent’s wedding had done thirty years ago, Prince Williams’ wedding drew crowds all over the world.(read entire article)
View : 137 Times
Category : General

Benefits Of Using And Inversion Table    Submitted as: autor
Whether you sit or stand for most of your day, your back is in a constant struggle against gravity. The vertebrae begin to compress and work against the discs that cushion them. The longer you stay in one position, the stiffer you become.(read entire article)
View : 150 Times
Category : General

Back Pain Pillows    Submitted as: autor
Does getting a good night sleep leave you achy, rather than rested? If your back hurts in the morning, you may need to improve your sleeping posture. Simply changing the type of pillows you sleep with can help you find temporary relief.(read entire article)
View : 178 Times
Category : General

Turn The Tables On Gravity With Back Inversion Tables    Submitted as: autor
Our modern sedentary lifestyle comes with a whole host of new health issues. Lower back pain, a common complaint, is the result of years of poor posture whether sitting, standing, moving about or engaging in physical activity.(read entire article)
View : 131 Times
Category : General

At Home Back Pain Relief    Submitted as: autor
With harsh prescription drugs and risky surgeries being recommended by doctors, it is no wonder why so many people are searching for natural ways to treat back pain. So the million dollar question is, can you treat back pain at home?(read entire article)
View : 381 Times
Category : General

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