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Articles By mel joelle

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Time 100: The Tech List    Submitted as: autor
Time has just issued their Time 100 list, recognizing the most influential people around the world. This is the twelfth year that Time has produced the list that includes innovators, industry leaders, artists, researchers, scientist, activists, and political heavyweights. People are selected based on criteria that aren’t exactly a definite science. There are people that happen to be popular as well as people that you have never heard of.(read entire article)
View : 209 Times
Category : Technology, Gadget and Science

Are You A Mac Or A Pc    Submitted as: autor
There was a recent study on Huffington Post that gave a few statistics regarding those that use PC’s and those that opt for Macs. Seeing as how I’m a Mac lover you can imagine that I was more than intrigued by this study. The study on the Huffington Post piggy backed off a Hunch (the latest project from Flickr co-founder Caterina Fake) article that really dove into the subject matter.(read entire article)
View : 164 Times
Category : Computers

Sample Of Credit Letters    Submitted as: autor
No one wants to be stuck with the task of disputing with or addressing a credit agency. Unfortunately there are times when this is the only option. It is important that as consumers we stay on top of our credit reports to ensure that all information is accurate and scores are intact and as expected. This starts with a thorough check. Be sure that every 6 months to a year you assess your credit reports from all three agencies.(read entire article)
View : 148 Times
Category : Investing / Finance

Poor People Rely On Cellphones More    Submitted as: autor
Results from a Center for Disease Control survey called the National Health Interview have recently been released showing a strong correlation between cellphone dependency and income level. The study involved over 100,000 households and spanned three and a half years. On the surface level, the study revealed that more and more Americans are saying “bye bye” to their landline phones in favor of explicit use of their cellphones.(read entire article)
View : 129 Times
Category : General

Iphone Tracking Your Every Move    Submitted as: autor
Well, would you look at this? It appears that all of your iPhone lovers out there just may be getting more than you bargain for with your uber-fantastic smartphone. As of late it has been discovered that iPhone is keeping recorded data of every step you take and storing this data and sharing it with devices that sync with the iPhone or iPad. The most disturbing aspect of this tracking is that iPhone is not the only ones privy to your location information–everyone is.(read entire article)
View : 153 Times
Category : Technology, Gadget and Science

Internet Marketing Review    Submitted as: autor
There are many tools claiming to assist in offering you internet success and it might be overwhelming for someone looking to start an internet business. It’s important to know how to differentiate the great resources and tools from the weak.(read entire article)
View : 148 Times
Category : Internet Marketing

Mobile Broadcasting Software    Submitted as: autor
We’re constantly on the go. We can’t seem to help it. The more technology develops the faster we get. It’s almost like an ongoing race–we’ll keep speeding up to catch technology, as technology speeds to catch us, there appears to be no finish line in sight. The great news is that neither we nor technology seem to be growing tired of the rat race as it appears we remain up for the challenge. The more information we have access to the more information we seek which keeps us forever in motion, but(read entire article)
View : 182 Times
Category : Hardware/Software

Advertising Software    Submitted as: autor
Never imagined were the days where the power to ingest advertising into our very own video on demand and steaming video providing stations would have been possible. Never have we even fathomed these levels of control. So far off was the thought of this possibility that the mere notion of such opportunity seemed utterly ridiculous. Yes, maybe we have considered having our very own branded channels to host whichever streaming content we so desire for the world to see and hopefully appreciate(read entire article)
View : 250 Times
Category : Hardware/Software

Streaming Services    Submitted as: autor
Streaming video live is the new wave. With the new era of technology leaning more and more towards convenience it is only inevitable that live video streaming would continue to grow more prevalent. The access that is granted and the opportunities that are afforded through the use of live streaming are endless. Live streaming is currently making its way into our home lives, our social lives, our school systems and even our professions.(read entire article)
View : 164 Times
Category : Technology, Gadget and Science

Consumer Health Awareness Can Help You Teach Your Kids How To Eat And Stay Healthy    Submitted as: autor
More and more today than ever before there has been a great increase in children with obesity. You see it in our schools, in our neighborhoods and at our stores. Children are eating unhealthy foods, practicing unhealthy lifestyles and cultivating dangerous habits. It is not only the responsibility of parents, but also our schools to insure that our children are learning the proper foods to eat and the risk of doing otherwise. There are children experiencing heart disease and diabetes.(read entire article)
View : 131 Times
Category : Health

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