Here's the recent articles submitted by mel joelle
Articles By mel joelle
Facebook Allows Too Much Free Speech
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I would say that I knew this would happen sooner or later but I honestly could not see this one coming. Now it appears that there is an issue uprising in regards to the levels of free speech being offered to users of Facebook. Now, I can see where those who may be opting for Facebook to censor a little more can be going with this whole notion but the greater part of me is saying “give it a break.â€(read
entire article)
View : 129 Times
Category : General
Twitter Might Kill Your Relationship
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People in relationships, whether they are married or dating, often fear that something can come between them and their partner: something big and divisive enough to cause the bond between them to sever. Many people divorce or separate because of financial issues, infidelity and because of growing apart from their loved one. Dissolving a relationship because of an online social networking site evokes thoughts of Facebook stalkers.(read
entire article)
View : 128 Times
Category : General
Twitter Fights For Tweetdeck
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And the war continues…If you’ve been keeping up with this blog lately (as you should) you may have recently come across an article detailing the likely battle that will occur between UberMedia and Twitter as UberMedia threatens to create a Twitter competitor.(read
entire article)
View : 134 Times
Category : General
Internet Business
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Whether you are an existing business or you a start-up company, you may find that conducting your business online could prove to be a successful and ultimately profitable venture. The benefits of doing business online far outweigh traditional local business opportunities.(read
entire article)
View : 127 Times
Category : General
Internet Marketing Center
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There are tons of resources to assist you available online regarding Internet Marketing. Though it may seem overwhelming at first with countless companies claiming to know exactly what it is you need to do to achieve the success that you seek for your business, you may find that many resources online prove to be helpful in assisting you with your internet marketing campaign. In order to get the really helpful tools, it is first necessary to weed through all the jargon.(read
entire article)
View : 131 Times
Category : General
Magnetic Therapy For Sciatica
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The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in the body. It is located from the lower back to the legs. At the lower back, the sciatic nerve is connected to root nerves stemming from the spinal column. When there is irritation of the nerve roots that are connected to the sciatic nerve, this can cause pain to radiate to the arms and legs. Sciatica is a symptom of another condition. Essentially it happens as a result of another condition.(read
entire article)
View : 131 Times
Category : General
Causes For Lower Back Pain In Women
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Back pain is something that can make you feel like you dont have any control over your body. Back pain in women can be particularly challenging because of the sensitivity of the area. Women are more prone to having lower back pain because of the several conditions that they are likely to contract because of their sex.(read
entire article)
View : 146 Times
Category : General
Hydrotherapy Treatment For Back Pain
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If you are at all familiar with hydrotherapy you are aware that this form of treatment for back pain and other types of ailments involves the use of water for pain relief and illness treatment. Hydrotherapy by definition means water cure and encompasses a wide range of approaches. To practice hydrotherapy could mean that you are utilizing a sauna, hot and cold compresses, soaking in a spa or tub, mineral bath, applying ice to an affected area or any other treatment through use of water.(read
entire article)
View : 135 Times
Category : General
Using Yoga To Cure Back Pain
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Those who are aware of the healing powers of yoga recognize firsthand how this traditional spiritual, physical and mental discipline has been known to heal and reconstruct the mind and the body. Many use yoga as a means for improving health while others have sought the practice to realign spiritually and learn the art of meditation.(read
entire article)
View : 137 Times
Category : General
Custom Digital Weighing Scales
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If your business is currently in the market for a weighing scale you have yet to find anywhere then it likely does not exist. Your business is probably in need of a Custom Digital Weighing Scale tailored to fit your business’ need. If this is the case, you’ve certainly come to the right place. Here at Arlyn Scales we are the leaders in development and design in technology for the weighing industry.(read
entire article)
View : 147 Times
Category : General