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Articles By mel joelle

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Social Networks Losing Appeal?    Submitted as: autor
Something is happening with social networks that doesn’t look too promising. It appears that as of late social networks have begin to hit a sort of plateau. In the grand scheme of things it seems that those who would join social networks have joined already and there is no new wave on people looking to sign on. When first reading this I was surprised. Social networks leveling off, how could this be? I thought. But then I realized something, this makes perfect sense.(read entire article)
View : 249 Times
Category : Social Community

United States Loses In Technology Battle    Submitted as: autor
The World Economic Forum has published the results of their annual study that measures the technology usage of different countries. Go figure, the United States didn’t come in first place. The study used over 70 factors and indicators to determine the countries’ rankings. This annual study has been done for ten years and includes 138 countries. These countries were ranked based on the amount and type of technology that is used.(read entire article)
View : 197 Times
Category : General

Twitter Getting Competition?    Submitted as: autor
Uh oh…looks like things are about to get a little more interesting in the world of micro-blogging. I say uh oh to this because hopefully Twitter hasn’t done the unthinkable and bit the hand that has been feeding them for so long. It certainly seems that way. You may be unaware but Twitter has taken issue in the past with the use of outside Twitter clients namely UberTwitter, Echofon and Twidryod.(read entire article)
View : 217 Times
Category : Internet Marketing

Honolulu Nursing Home    Submitted as: autor
Hawaii is one of the top communities for an aging population, and Honolulu, being Hawaii’s largest city, has nursing home demands that parallel many state-side cities half it’s size. For those of you torn between caring for an aging parent or mother in law, we just want to provide some ideas to consider when trying to choose a nursing home. First, you can let go of the guilt. It is appropriate to move the senior in need to a nursing home when the burden of caring for them is too much.(read entire article)
View : 137 Times
Category : Health

Calling All Astronauts    Submitted as: autor
Astronauts will no longer be limited to working for the government. There is a new gig in town and people are very excited about it. Sir Richard Branson of Virgin Galactic is now looking to hire pilot-astronauts. Virgin Galactic, the first airline to offer space travel to us regular folks, is fervently building upon their initial promise. The company has seen steady interest since it began and will undoubtedly continue to gain passengers.(read entire article)
View : 241 Times
Category : General

Senior Retirement Community - Florida    Submitted as: autor
It’s very often a difficult and emotional decision to leaving one’s home for a retirement community. While its tough to leave the familiarity of the home you’ve toiled on, often raised children in and have grown to love, there are a tremendous number of excellent retirement communities in Florida, each with their own unique personality and features. The key lies in finding the senior retirement community that’s just right for you.(read entire article)
View : 137 Times
Category : General

Iwould - Facebook New Dating App!,    Submitted as: autor
Not that many didn’t use Facebook for this purpose anyway but it seems now Facebook has OFFICIALLY adopted a dating app. We’ve all done it (not me, but I saw “we” so that you won’t feel judged). We’ve reconnected with long lost friends on Facebook or maybe even acquired new friends in hopes of sparking a little love connection.(read entire article)
View : 129 Times
Category : General

House Loses In Online Gambling    Submitted as: autor
Internet poker companies didn’t exactly get dealt a great hand today as the top three in the United States saw their owners brought down on charges of illegal activity. For about fifteen years, internet gambling has been illegal in the United States. But this didn’t stop companies from using trickery and finding loopholes in order to evade the law to the tune of billions of dollars. According to reports, eleven people have been charged. This number includes the owners of the major internet p(read entire article)
View : 137 Times
Category : General

Ruffled Dresses    Submitted as: autor
Nothing exudes more femininity than a gorgeous ruffled dress. Ruffles are everywhere this season and dresses are the perfect piece to showcase great feminine touches including things like lace, flowing skirts and of course ruffles. Certainly, one of the most prominent ways to use ruffles are adorning the neckline and bust, but you can find ruffles around the hem or even as a statement accent with just one ruffle down the front of a top or diagonally across the body of the dress.(read entire article)
View : 220 Times
Category : General

Unlocked Bluetooth Phone    Submitted as: autor
If you are currently on the market for a Bluetooth phone you are likely an avid multi-tasker. Two hands don’t even seem to be enough for you so the last thing you need to do is give up one hand to hold a cell phone. Bluetooth cell phones are not only ideal for those who tend to multi-task; it is also the perfect device for drivers. Using Bluetooth cell phones while driving is not only safe for you, it is also safe for other drivers on the road.(read entire article)
View : 137 Times
Category : General

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