Here's the recent articles submitted by mel joelle
Articles By mel joelle
High Waisted Skirts
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As the weather gets warmer it is time to make sure that you have a few great staple skirts in your closet. Since vintage style elements have become so popular in fashion this season high waisted skirts are making a comeback. Typical high waisted skirts are simple pencil skirts which is a great look.(read
entire article)
View : 257 Times
Category : Beauty
Best Security Camera
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Today's big question - what is the best security camera. Today's big answer - that depends. Security cameras come in wso many different types and varieties for so many different applications, that it is truly difficult to say...(read
entire article)
View : 501 Times
Category : Home and Garden
Pt-3 Female Dc Plug
Submitted as: autor
The PT-3 Female DC plug is one of the many standard components of a digital video security camera system. There are several standard electrical, or rather, power, components that are used to supply the cameras with the proper amount of power. Let’s take a look at a digital video security system and see how it works and how the PT-3 Female DC Plug is used.(read
entire article)
View : 231 Times
Category : Home and Garden
Shop For Spring Outerwear
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Inevitably, it is that time of year to shop for spring outerwear or jackets. There are naturally a variety of different jacket alternatives for spring ranging from the denim jacket for the masses to the stylish light weight bomber or trench coat.(read
entire article)
View : 240 Times
Category : Shopping/Product Reviews
Senior Citizen Day Care
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Adult Day Health Care is also known as Senior Citizen Day Care, and is a licensed community-based day care program providing a variety of health, therapeutic, and social services to adults, especially seniors, those at risk of being placed in a nursing home. The primary objectives of the Adult Day Health Care program are to:(read
entire article)
View : 130 Times
Category : Health
Alternative Treatments For Chronic Back Pain
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Having back pain is just about as common as having a headache because many people dont know how to prevent it or treat it. Back pain can be attributed to several conditions and circumstances. If you have an injury or trauma, compression fractures, osteoporosis, arthritis, a herniated disc, spinal stenosis, kyphosis or a narrowing foramen, these are all reasons that you may have back pain. Back pain is something that varies from person to person.(read
entire article)
View : 154 Times
Category : Health
Ptz-tool Programming Module
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If you are looking for high-quality indoor/outdoor cameras, you should consider the SVB-54 Bullet Surveillance Cameras. These camera are manufactured by Veilux, a premium quality name brand in the digital video security industry. We’ll take a look at the SVB-54IRC90L550D camera specifically, in this article. It should give you a good idea of what the SVB-54 Bullet Surveillance Cameras are and what they can do.(read
entire article)
View : 193 Times
Category : Technology, Gadget and Science
Coping With Chronic Back Pain
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Back pain is something that affects many people at some point in their life. Many people dont even consider their back pain to be a problem because it is either mild or short lived. There are many other people however that are deeply bothered by their back pain because of the severity and consistency. Back pain is different for everyone so it must be handled on a very individualized basis.(read
entire article)
View : 133 Times
Category : Health
Treating Modern Back Problems
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Back pain has been a part of the human experience since the very beginning. Over time people have developed ways of dealing with and alleviating their back pain. The most common way to tackle back pain is to try and treat the symptoms. Treatment of the symptoms is centered on reducing pain, increasing muscle strength, movement and flexibility.(read
entire article)
View : 208 Times
Category : Health
Relieving Chronic Back Pain
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It is not surprising that millions of people endure some kind of back pain during their lifetime. Back pain can be very debilitating and has the ability to alter your daily plans. The kind of back pain that people have varies based on the type of root problem that is triggering the pain and the location. You can have lower, middle or upper back pain and may even have more than one location be affected at the same time.(read
entire article)
View : 203 Times
Category : Health