Here's the recent articles submitted by mel joelle
Articles By mel joelle
Heartburn Treatment
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Treatment for your heartburn in an emergency situation could be as simple as taking a teaspoon of aluminum free baking soda and downing it with about 8 to 10 ounces of water.(read
entire article)
View : 124 Times
Category : Health
Plush Dragon Toys
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Dragons don’t always have to be the fire-breathing kind. They don’t have to terrorize a kingdom, or make your journey a hassle. Dragons can be just as friendly and cute as a little kitten or newborn bunny. The fact that dragons are imaginary creatures means that you can have dragons that have varied appearances and personas. Dragons are a large part of mythical culture around the world.(read
entire article)
View : 275 Times
Category : Parenting/Kids
Fashion Online Shop
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hopping for fashion online is becoming more and more common as more and more boutiques and stores build out their online presence. While some people do still prefer the option of shopping in person in a store for things such as clothing, many people are discovering the advantages of shopping online.(read
entire article)
View : 147 Times
Category : Beauty
Heartburn Home Remedies
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Heartburn home remedies have been used as folk medicine for thousands of years. If you’re looking for safe, effective and time-tested home remedies for your heartburn you’re going to be better off than most people who jump up and start popping Over-The-Counter (OTC) antacids.(read
entire article)
View : 130 Times
Category : Health
Ihome Clock Radio
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Had a late night but need to get up early? Just want a few more minutes of shut-eye before work? We’ve all been there. Sometimes our body’s internal clock just isn’t ticking properly. Sometimes we need assistance getting up and I don’t mean from your mom, spouse or roommate. They can be unreliable too. An alarm clock can be a dependable wakeup call when getting out of bed seems hard to do. Using an alarm clock can help you to manage your time wisely and maintain a daily schedule.(read
entire article)
View : 162 Times
Category : Technology, Gadget and Science
Amazon Beats Google And Applefor Now
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Yesterday Amazon launched two programs that are set to transform the way that digital music is stored and played. Amazon is now offering what is called a music locker. The music locker is comprised of Cloud Drive. Cloud Drive is being marketed as a hard drive that allows users to store uploaded music along with other documents, videos and pictures.(read
entire article)
View : 194 Times
Category : Internet Marketing
Cheap Cell Phone Gsm
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If you are on the market for a cheap Global System Mobile communications (GSM) cell phone you are likely a traveler in search of a phone that is convenient, easy-to-use and most importantly, reliable. If you are looking to take a trip to Europe or you’re considering traveling to other parts of the world the GSM is standard and is the only type of cellular service available for such travel.(read
entire article)
View : 187 Times
Category : Technology, Gadget and Science
Letter To Credit Bureau To Remove
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There is little worse for your buying power than poor credit as reported by the credit bureaus. The negativity on your credit report can essentially affect your way of life, what you buy, how you live, and even where you work. If you are looking to improve your credit score as a means to improving your entire quality of life you may be interested in writing a letter to the credit bureaus to have discrepancies removed for your credit report.(read
entire article)
View : 155 Times
Category : Investing / Finance
New York City Assisted Living
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Most New York City assisted living communities charge an application or community fee to new residents. This is a relatively new concept, but it’s become the norm. The community fee is usually a onetime payment that covers the administrative cost of moving into the community, the cost of refurbishing the room, and maintenance for the common areas. How exactly the money is used depends on the community — you should ask for specifics before signing an agreement.(read
entire article)
View : 126 Times
Category : Health
Adt Pulse Miami Pricing Guide
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ADT Pulse is very quickly becoming the most requested ADT service around. As technology continues to increase so does the demand for more whole house integration. And the solution to that need is called ADT Pulse. Just flip through the channels on your television and you will soon see a commercial promoting the ADT Pulse service.(read
entire article)
View : 241 Times
Category : Home and Garden