Here's the recent articles submitted by mel joelle
Articles By mel joelle
Gerd Cookbooks
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Hippocrates, the ancient Greek who is considered today to be the Father of Western medicine said, “Let your food be medicine and your medicine be food.â€Â(read
entire article)
View : 185 Times
Category : Health
Acid Reflux Disease Cure
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Acid reflux, sometimes called heartburn, happens when stomach acid is allowed to flow up into the lower esophagus. This can cause discomfort and pain for the sufferer. Although there is no one sure and fast cure for heartburn, there are many ways to alleviate its symptoms.(read
entire article)
View : 228 Times
Category : Health
Apple Cider Heartburn Cure
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For more than 5000 years raw apple cider has been used as a natural remedy for many ailments, especially heartburn, acid indigestion and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).(read
entire article)
View : 254 Times
Category : Health
Middle East Phone Card
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There are now a few options now available when purchasing a Middle East phone card as opposed to purchasing a traditional calling card. Keep in mind that many Middle East phone card frequently charge connection fees. Some round to the nearest three whole minutes, and several have monthly fees. In addition, most have long number combinations, usually over 40 numbers that you have to enter to use the card.(read
entire article)
View : 194 Times
Category : Internet Marketing
How Long Does Medicare Pay
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Retirees and the elderly often wonder how long does Medicare pay for nursing home care as they plan for the future. Medicare benefits for nursing home care are only available under very limited conditions. Elderly Medicare patients looking to receive payment for skilled nursing or rehabilitation services will find that coverage time is very limited and requires fulfillment of many Medicare-specified conditions.(read
entire article)
View : 178 Times
Category : Health
Facebook Groups: How To
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The creators of Facebook seem to be attempting to go back to their roots with the introduction of the new Groups function. Exclusivity seems to be the big push with this revelation. Previously, groups could have hundreds of thousands of members. Now, there’s a maximum limit of 250 members. The purpose seems to be to allow users to post their love for Sponge Bob Square Pants or pictures of them drunk as a skunk without people who may frown on those things seeing.(read
entire article)
View : 209 Times
Category : Internet Marketing
Ecommerce Companies And Integration
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Ecommerce companies present unique problems and challenges within the Internet technology industry. Any creative solutions for creation of a successful online business will involve an in-demand product or service, combined with state-of-the-art web technology, optimization and ecommerce solutions. There is a lot of competition in the ecommerce solutions marketplace, so how do you decide which company to go with?(read
entire article)
View : 187 Times
Category : Internet Marketing
Best Internet Marketing
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You most likely have heard many of the buzzwords of internet marketing i.e. SEO (Search Engine Optimization), PPC (Pay per Click), SMO (Social Media Optimization), Affiliate Marketing, Email Marketing and more. But what is the Best Internet Marketing … One of the above, some of the above, all of the above or none of the above?(read
entire article)
View : 209 Times
Category : Internet Marketing
Shopsite Seo: Services, Optimization, Google
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Shopsite is a quick and easy shopping cart solution for ecommerce business owners. With a huge variety of functions and tools, Shopsite provides an effective resource. Optimum7 is familiar with the functions of Shopsite, and is fluent in Shopsite’s search engine optimization capabilities.(read
entire article)
View : 188 Times
Category : Internet Marketing
Coldfusion Seo: Services, Optimization, Google
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ColdFusion is a software language most often used for data driven Web sites. It offers a number of features giving users a huge amount of flexibility within their sites.(read
entire article)
View : 192 Times
Category : Internet Marketing
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