Here's the recent articles submitted by jeni stevens
Articles By jeni stevens
A Job Offer With No Benefits? No Problem
By: jeni stevens
Competition is tight for jobs these days. None of us can afford to be picky. If that job offer finally trickles in, don’t reject it just because benefits aren’t offered. Instead, take a few moments to weigh out the pro’s and con’s of having your own personal health plan.(read
entire article)
View : 218 Times
Category : Insurance
Adding Your Newborn To Your Health Insurance Plan
By: jeni stevens
My eyes were heavy and yearned for a few moments of sleep….but I wasn’t ready. Lying on my bed, I couldn't help but stare at this perfect baby boy. Sound asleep in the bassinet right next to me, I gingerly picked up his little hand and inspected it for the 10th time today. He smelled of soft baby shampoo and I yearned to wake him up, just for the chance to hold him again.(read
entire article)
View : 203 Times
Category : Insurance
Beginning A New Exercise Routine
By: jeni stevens
I let out a sigh as I longingly watched my good friend cross the finish line. Although I was excited for her success, I couldn’t help but be a little envious. I had wanted to be a runner for ages but never quite known how to start. Inspired by her achievement, I silently vowed to be coming across the finish line next year with her.(read
entire article)
View : 254 Times
Category : Insurance
Complete And Total Health
By: jeni stevens
The dream of complete and total health is extremely realistic! It's all about taking the proper steps and a positive daily mind set. In just a few short weeks, you can make that bend in your road which will lead you to a fantastically healthy lifestyle.(read
entire article)
View : 184 Times
Category : Insurance
Covering Your Health While Traveling Abroad
By: jeni stevens
I crossed my legs and tried to relax a little bit. Taxi rides weren’t my favorite. There was something about the smell of the car mixed with a constant feeling of having your money sucked right out of your wallet that always left me uneasy. I closed my eyes and tried to mentally transport myself to Guatemala.(read
entire article)
View : 206 Times
Category : Insurance
Fighting Childhood Obesity
By: jeni stevens
The American nation is in a major health crisis. Our children are facing an early death sentence due to child obesity. It is said that this is the first generation in history where the children are not expected to outlive the parent due to childhood obesity. If that isn't enough of a wake-up call, the thought of your child not getting to experience life to the fullest should be.(read
entire article)
View : 173 Times
Category : Insurance
Finding Your Blood Type
By: jeni stevens
If you've ever worked in an emergency room, you know why finding your blood type out is important. Having a blood identification card on hand can save your life. There are several ways to find out this information in a setting where you are most comfortable.(read
entire article)
View : 160 Times
Category : Insurance
I Can Barely Pay My Bills; How Can I Afford Health Insurance Too?
By: jeni stevens
Millions of Americans are unfortunately riding in the same rocky boat. Income isn't what it used to be and that paycheck just isn't enough anymore. For some, this means cutting out anything considered unnecessary. While this may include unplugging the cable TV, or going without fast food for awhile, so be it. Whatever happens, you cannot afford to go without healthcare!(read
entire article)
View : 155 Times
Category : Insurance
Is My Doctor's Office A Health Hazard?
By: jeni stevens
I wondered those exact words to myself as I wiped a sneeze off of my sleeve so graciously bestowed upon me from the person in the next chair over. I've never been a fan of doctor’s offices for this exact reason. I go to the doctor to get healed from my current illness, not to pick up a different one. Concerned, I spoke with my doctor, and then headed home to do some research of my own. The conclusion I came up with will differ from time to time…see what you think.(read
entire article)
View : 156 Times
Category : Insurance
Preparing For Pregnancy
By: jeni stevens
When the first thought of a baby enters your mind, it's time to start preparing. Getting your body, your mind, and your home ready for a child is a monumental task. The earlier you begin to prepare, the better off both you and your little one will be.(read
entire article)
View : 177 Times
Category : Family