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Articles By whitehead roberts

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Reverse Lookup Phone Number    Submitted as: Meredith Hernandez
Thanks to modern technology, finding anybody's telephone number, place of work, their birthday and any other type of information is now a piece of cake all you need to know is to know their last or first names and you are good to go! The latest form of acquiring info is through the reverse lookup phone numbers option offered by a lot of online service providers. The Reverse Lookup Phone Numbers tool is extremely useful for getting a residential address or finding the exact region for a certain company that you have been in search of. This tool can also used in order to obtain a telephone number, the house or office addresses of a certain person or group of persons or businesses. You can use the reverse lookup phone numbers tool by paying a small fee. Here are the Top Advantages of Using the Revere Lookup Phone Numbers Search Tool * Deal Squarely With Idiotic Pranksters The world is filled with very silly people who get a kick from driving other people round the bend. A prankster just loves to have his or her fill of so-called fun at the expense of other people. Do these ne'er do wells call you up just to irritate you? Prank calls can actually scar one emotionally! The sad thing about pranksters is that they call you up and they have no idea who you are! With Reverse Lookup Phone numbers tool, you can easily "nail 'em!" This tool will help you find out the person who has the nerve to call you up and harass you over the telephone; then you can swiftly report the person to the police. * Trace The Whereabouts of People You Know Have you been trying to trace a particular individual in the past all to no avail? Maybe a close relative, an old school mate etc? With the Reverse Lookup Phone Numbers tool, you stand a good chance of locating this person(s). * Satisfy Your Curiosity Have you been having trouble sleeping at night because you think your spouse is cheating on you? You started worrying when you snooped through your spouse's phone and saw a rather odd number that keeps coming up. Okay, you will never be able to sleep in peace if you do not know who that telephone number belongs to. Thanks to the advent of the Reverse Lookup Phone Numbers tool, you have the chance of satisfying your curiosity. * Find out A Person's Criminal Past You no longer have to be in the dark about a person's past criminal activities; with the Reverse Lookup Phone Number services, you will be able to easily find out if a person you know has been convicted of a crime in the past and has lied to you about it the whole time you have known them, particularly if the said individual is socializing with your child, relative or dear friend. This tool is very easy to use, no special training is needed in order to use this technology…at all! You simply need the following and you will be good to go: * A Computer * Internet access * The telephone number of the individual or company you want to locate * and most importantly, the "smarts"(read entire article)
View : 249 Times
Category : Internet Marketing

How To Pick A Sydney Surveyor For Your Next Job    Submitted as: Meredith Hernandez
I had come to acquire an old building in a newly fashionable part of town. Because of the demand I decided to convert it into 9 luxury dwelling units for lease. The bank was happy to lend me the funds and I wished to do the conversion using my own sub contractors. But both the Bank and the local Authority insisted that I first had the building properly surveyed laying out precisely how the building now existed and then compare the survey to what I was proposing to do, which walls would be removed and where the bathrooms were to be installed and so on. I also was going to need interim surveys as the work progressed to enable the release of interim funds. I asked around about and CMS Surveyors at www.cmssurveyors.com.au who are surveyors sydney were recommended. Before one needs surveying one is not really that certain of what is involved in survey work. Sure we have all seen teams of two people wandering around with theodolites and vaguely wondered what they are doing, but, once one goes into it, one realizes that their work is really crucial when determining exactly the position of new roads, bridges and townships. It is equally crucial at a number of stages of a building projects, for instance to control that the foundations have been dug to the specified depth and where they were supposed to be dug. Or to agree the ground work undertaken and where the boundaries are situated on a specific site. These are the services that are offered by Detail and Level surveyors Sydney as one of the services that are offered by CMS Surveyors in the North Sydney's Dee Why and who are surveying sydney for their clients. CMS surveyors are full service surveyors with a lot of teams able to supply anything that essential of surveyors in the whole area where they are surveying Sydney. Their other services include Boundary Surveys, where for instance may a boundary fence be situated and logically for things like subdivision of land and ensuring adherence to the title deeds. There are many instances where the boundaries have to be exactly positioned for construction projects and for water drainage. When transferring property there are a whole range of legal, governmental and financial bodies that require Survey Reports which precisely ID the fixed land being bought or sold and the boundaries thereof. This section of CMS Surveyors calls itself Identifications Surveys. And in addition there is a whole section devoted to surveys of building projects, be it an initial set-Out survey, occupation in progress for interim payments or a final process-As-Executed. As one can imagine it is vital for the local authority to have an independent survey if a road construction project for example. Many Authorities own different reporting requirement and CMS surveyors can give them all. As one can imagine there are a whole lot of surveys to do with multistory sectional title, leases and community title in multi dweller units such as town residence complexes. All of these own sections within CMS surveyors who are expert at providing any service is necessary by surveyors Sydney in that they are experts who are surveying Sydney. Anyway I employed them and was perfectly satisfied with their work. Professional and timely, providing both the Bank and the authority with precisely the surveys required to allow me to draw the progress draw and final funds as we progressed. CMS Surveys have all the latest bright software and produced the exact reports asked for in the formats desired so that the approval of my rebuild project went along to plan.(read entire article)
View : 198 Times
Category : Business

The Importance Of Madden 12 Tips    Submitted as: Meredith Hernandez
For gamers the right tips to win are something that they seek. And, among many of those gamers they are Madden 12 gamers. Madden is a football video game and on August 30th of this year, Madden 12 will be released. Although the game is not yet on the market, there are many tips and strategy guides and the players are getting a headstart to build themselves as the most competitive players. What this means is that there will be many fans searching for Madden 12 tips and strategies in order to become the best competitor in the game. Madden 12 tips strategy guide and ebooks are allowing the players to know these tips that help with their offense and defense plays. Madden 12 is not just a game for the young. The adult players can enjoy entering competitions around the United States for money. For Madden fans the 2012 version is said to be the best. What is making that system the best is: New Collision System Enhanced Presentation Custom Playbooks Madden 12 eBooks will include both offensive and defensive eBooks and include things such as: Money Plays HD Videos Chapters full of detailed Madden strategy content Breakdowns accompanying every play Players will find the following formations in the offensive domination ebook which will be detailed thoroughly: Strong Close Singleback Jumbo Singleback Bunch Singleback Pitt Doubles I- Form Tight Pair I-Form Tight Gun 5 Wr Trips Gun Trio Gun Spread Y Slot Gun Split Close Gun Snugs (Absolute Money) Weak Flex Twins In the Madden 12 tips defensive ebooks you will discover how to make your opponents go crazy. You will learn how to be the best competitor on the field and how to win with any team. The Internet is definitely the place for Madden 12 tips with a wide spread of tips throughout the net. Strategy is necessary and to win the game and something that each gamer will have to learn. There are debates as always with some of the strategies and the gamer will definitely have to determine what is best for them. A few of the strategy tips that you'll see for the new version include: Destroy Cover 2 - Madden 12: This tip is a favorite among Madden gamers for years and in Madden 12 it will remain as popular. The tips cover the concept that tears apart the cover 2 defense for easy 30 yard gains. Madden 12 Quick Pass: In this tip you will discover the break down of a quick pass that you can use with any team which should be mixed with your Madden NFL 12 offensive scheme to keep the defense off balance. Madden 12 Running Play -HB: This year's version of Madden will not have as many consistent running plays as in years past. But there is one that work pretty good and it is currently being shown on the net. For avid Madden enthusiasts, this years game is going to be better than ever and the tips and the thrill of playing for money are real and what the player needs to know.(read entire article)
View : 324 Times
Category : Games

Buy Pentax    Submitted as: Meredith Hernandez
Do you love taking pictures? Well, photography is one of the most popular hobbies nowadays. Whether young or old, everyone is involved in it. Photography is one way of capturing the special moments in our lives. Cameras play an important role to those who love photography. Here are the examples of events/happenings that cameras are needed: Wedding, Birthday, School Graduation, and other occasions. It also plays a significant role to detectives, police and other crime investigators in order to find a particular suspect. There are different cameras to choose from which include: Pentax Cameras, Pentax K-x and other brands of Cameras. You can buy them online, or purchase at your local stores, if available. But nowadays, many customers prefer to buy them online, because they get to read Camera Forum and talk to Pentax Support whenever there are issues about the cameras. You can buy Pentax cameras or other cameras that has more capability. Here are some tips when buying a Camera: Decide what type of Camera you need. If you are not a professional photographer and just want to buy a regular camera for regular picture taking like maybe capturing sunset while at the beach, or simply taking random pictures whenever you want, then decide for a camera that has simple features. Finalize on how much you nee d to buy a Camera. Whether you are a professional photographer or a beginner, a camera like Pentax K-x will help you with your camera needs. It has many features and is made from high quality materials and gives high quality image. Usually the kit cost is under $700 which includes: highlights that is 12.4 megapixel CMOS sensor with high quality low-light performance, has dust removal and shake-reduction systems, full-auto "green" mode, a user-friendly menu and many other features. Since Pentax cameras are very affordable, you will be able to secure your budget for it. There are online stores that offer great deals and discounts. Read reviews online or join a Camera Forum. If you are undecided yet, it is best to read reviews from buyers whether positive or negative. You can also join from the Camera Forum you can find online and get acquainted with how it works and the detailed descriptions of the camera features. You can interact with other people as well and maybe ask questions. This is one of the best guides in order to help you understand the importance of a camera, the important features needed in order to capture perfect moments and many other issues or topics to talk about. Look for a legitimate online store. There are numerous websites that sell cameras, so be careful and make sure that you are in a legitimate site, before you decide to buy a camera. Normally, you will know if it is legitimate if it has contact phone number, contact address, online help like the website Pentax which has a Pentax Support. This is one of the things to consider so that when you buy the camera and if there are issues about it that needs to be solved, you will be able to immediately contact them. So far, these tips helped many customers and it should help you too. Think, rethink and then decide when you buy a camera.(read entire article)
View : 296 Times
Category : Internet Marketing

Living In Custom Homes    Submitted as: Meredith Hernandez
Building a house that you can actually call your home and something that will reflect all the things about you is not an easy task. It certainly takes a lot to build a house from scratch but you need more creativity, determination, the grit to express your personal preferences if you want to build a custom home. Today, living in custom homes is not just a passing trend. It has become a lifestyle and a way of life for some who want to blend functionality with innovativeness in home design. More than the financial investment you may need to put up in order to create that perfect home you dream about, there will always be the yearning for something unique and the drive to be able to express your inner personality by the way your home was created. Today, there is a wide range of custom home plans to choose from with enough room for additional structures and modifications to make it fully customized according to your taste. And the way custom home builders market their projects to potential customers, living in custom homes will certainly remain an attractive option for a lot of future home owners in and out of the country. For some people, living in custom homes may have little difference with living in a house built using the traditional methods for building and architectural implementation of house designs. But there are some people who truly enjoy the fact that they own a custom home that no other person around the world has. Aside from the aesthetic factors that make custom home a real winner, there are also other more practical advantages of building and owning a custom built house. First of all, you will be able to make it a solid expression of what you really are with your choice of designs and materials. Secondly, custom home builders allow you to implement your own design based on its practicality and functionality. By being specific with all the things you want integrated in your home, custom home builder will provide you with a workable plan that can be adjusted according to your needs. A lot of custom home builders can also work on a project based on the budget you have presented. You tell them the amount you are willing to spend and they will try to work out a custom home plan based on your budget schedule. If you have the budget and you want a luxury custom home, home builders will give you a plan based on what you have in mind. You can either approve it or ask for another plan that can meet your own specifications. The major advantage of living in custom homes is that you have everything built according to your personal needs and perspective when it comes to home functionality and aesthetic factors. When you have a custom home, you have a place to go to that will reflect not only your personality but your perspective in life as well.(read entire article)
View : 235 Times
Category : Home and Garden

Web Design Warrington    Submitted as: Meredith Hernandez
There is no doubt that a good web design brings you power on the net. The creation of logos and images and valuable content give the webmaster / business owner distinction that sets the company apart from their competition. When you want the best, you need to find the best and the best does make all the difference on the Internet. Businesses are constantly expanding and the net has brought many businesses that expansion. A good web design company offers the business owner / webmaster the advantage of creating the most dynamic website or updating an existing website. There are many things that are necessary in a web design company such as the following. There are many different things that a web design company offers which include: Web site design Graphic design Web site hosting Search engine optimization A good web design company will be able to create the most innovative website, develop effective, corporate images, logos, emblems and brand identity trademarks and take you to the top of the search engine rankings. Aside from the creation of the website, the business owner must also consider the web hosting company and the search engine optimization methods which they will engage in. When choosing a web hosting company, uptime is crucial and something that should be or be close to 100% uptime for a specific length of time. Search engine optimization involves optimizing your site to include specific keywords which are highly searched on the Internet. It also involves methods of promoting to bring your existing website to the top of the charts. Innovative web sites and Internet solutions are a specialty among the companies and when in search of a company it will be important for a company to have the ability and service to: Create the content of your website in the most professional and enticing way Design revisions to ensure your website meets expectations Create user friendly, yet sophisticated websites Know the search engines and how to design your website so that it is noticed among the search engines The ability to design your logo and brand Be able to register your domain name Also, security threats are high on the Internet. Protecting data and securing your website is essential. The company should have the highest standards that are fully tested to ensure that your site is stable and secure, taking all measure to thoroughly guard against possible threats. Whether wanting the creation of a new web site or updating an existing website the a good web design company will be able to create the most effective website or update imaginable. For those business owners / webmasters that have an existing site, it is important to keep your site up to date. Each dynamic company has a continual development cycle and staying competitive is essential. An effective website will do the provide the following for the business owner / webmaster: Attract and target your market on the Internet Clearly state your message Make the information that is presented clear and easy to understand and find. Web Design Warrington(read entire article)
View : 350 Times
Category : Web Design

When Planning A Party Buy Themed Kits To Standardize The Theme    Submitted as: Meredith Hernandez
When one is having a party one is often inclined to go to a party store to build up the ancillary items one needs to make the theme look consistent. This is troublesome and expensive as each item one purchases will tend to be individually priced. So obviously one buys the plates and mugs and paper napkins along a similar theme and one has to then find balloons and the other nik naks that one needs. (such as themed invitations) At epartykits.com this has already been done for you at a discounted price. Thus all you need to do is to log in and select the theme for the party or event that you are having. Party kits will deliver the kits already made up in the multiples that you require. All the sweat is taken out of arranging for the table decorations for your party to match There are a huge range of themes for all sorts of parties:- For children there are 76 different themes from hello Kitty to Noddy and Pooh bear to Justin Bieber and Harry Potter. If we examine just one, Toy Story for example, we will find that it includes an entire set for 16 children with invitations, plates, both dinner and side, mugs, candles, balloons ribbon .. in fact everything you could need for a children's birthday party all for less than $40 For teenagers a great fuss is made of the 16th Birthday with a similar range od items in the kit to alleviate the mother from having to worry. A 21st Birthday is a special event and so it is here, the selection of themes is much smaller but the thought and theme is properly kitted out Birthday parties generally are catered for all the way up to seventy When one is having a party one is often inclined to go to a party store to build up the ancillary items one needs to make the theme look consistent. This is troublesome and expensive as each item one purchases will tend to be individually priced. So obviously one buys the plates and mugs and paper napkins along a similar theme and one has to then find balloons and the other nik naks that one needs. (such as themed invitations) At epartykits.com this has already been done for you at a discounted price. Thus all you need to do is to log in and select the theme for the party or event that you are having. Party kits will deliver the kits already made up in the multiples that you require. All the sweat is taken out of arranging for the table decorations for your party to match There are a huge range of themes for all sorts of parties:- For children there are 76 different themes from hello Kitty to Noddy and Pooh bear to Justin Bieber and Harry Potter. If we examine just one, Toy Story for example, we will find that it includes an entire set for 16 children with invitations, plates, both dinner and side, mugs, candles, balloons ribbon .. in fact everything you could need for a children's birthday party all for less than $40 For teenagers a great fuss is made of the 16th Birthday with a similar range od items in the kit to alleviate the mother from having to worry. A 21st Birthday is a special event and so it is here, the selection of themes is much smaller but the thought and theme is properly kitted out Birthday parties generally are catered for all the way up to seventy Other types of events are also ready in kit form for you order; Be it Graduation or Baby Shower party a kit exists for you to select and order. There is a special one for the 4th of july all made out in the themes of the "Old Glory" US flag. Not only parties but some other kinds of things as well: for example a "Honeymoon safety kit" which is a lighthearted package including a "sex manual" a "Do not Enter" tape roll and a can of "Passion cooler" Super Lube amongst other stuff. In the sports section of kits are "Super fan" kits which include a wig plus beads and a rattle plus face paint and window markers all color coded to suit your team. These are being sent to you at a ridiculously low price. In the sports section there is a face and body paint kit which includes the primary colors all sent to you for less than $20. Are you having a gambling evening… there is a card night party kit appropriately themed with 16 invitations and plates cups and napkins plus forks knives and a solid color table cover. So as you can see if you are having any kind of party where you would like a theme consult the www.epartykits.com website which will provide you with a huge range of party kits , part supplies and party decorations at very reasonable prices. Other types of events are also ready in kit form for you order; Be it Graduation or Baby Shower party a kit exists for you to select and order. There is a special one for the 4th of july all made out in the themes of the "Old Glory" US flag. Not only parties but some other kinds of things as well: for example a "Honeymoon safety kit" which is a lighthearted package including a "sex manual" a "Do not Enter" tape roll and a can of "Passion cooler" Super Lube amongst other stuff. In the sports section of kits are "Super fan" kits which include a wig plus beads and a rattle plus face paint and window markers all color coded to suit your team. These are being sent to you at a ridiculously low price. In the sports section there is a face and body paint kit which includes the primary colors all sent to you for less than $20. Are you having a gambling evening… there is a card night party kit appropriately themed with 16 invitations and plates cups and napkins plus forks knives and a solid color table cover. So as you can see if you are having any kind of party where you would like a theme consult the www.epartykits.com website which will provide you with a huge range of party kits , part supplies and party decorations at very reasonable prices.(read entire article)
View : 202 Times
Category : Shopping/Product Reviews

Streetwear Alternative Clothing Store    Submitted as: Meredith Hernandez
The great thing about street wear clothing is that it does not only ensure that you standout from the crowd, but it also clearly defines your taste and style. Not every clothing store will offer you the opportunity to shop for unique streetware clothing. Thankfully, you can choose a variety of top quality clothes and accessories from a good Streetwear Alternative Clothing Store. Street wear is simply an alternative type of clothing that is a little different from conventional pop culture apparel which are mostly found in retail stores, shopping malls and other shopping complexes. The Street wear movement is actually the result of a couple of well known brands in the fashion industry. If you are just one of those people who appreciate mainstream fashion but really do not see yourself wearing clothes that do not have a lot to say about who you are, then it makes great sense to visit a streetwear alternative clothing store in order to search for the clothes that you want and need to wear. These clothes will not only look fabulous on you, they are also comfortable and project a positive and creative image of who you are. There are few streetwear alternative clothing store owners who carry unique street wear clothing; thanks to the internet, you can search for and the ones that do. Yes, you can find comfortable, durable, fun and stylish clothing that you will need in order to make your personal expression at ONLY a reputable streetwear alternative clothing store. You might be tempted to make your own unique street wear clothing, but if you are not a trained designer, it would be impossible to make clothes that will not scream "home sewn!" Good street wear designers have learned the art of designing clothes that can be worn for a different functions and ensure that heads keep turning in your direction. Street wear designers put a lot of thought into designing and creating each piece of clothing and accessories. You will definitely feel very confident and comfortable when you wear good street wear clothing. Yes, the fashion industry is one that is filled with different types of designers, but it is important that you choose to wear clothes from designers who have a "point of view". Remember, fashion is a statement and not a question. As mentioned earlier, thanks to the modern technology, you can find a reputable streetwear alternative clothing store that offers well designed and sewn clothes that are attention grabbing. These clothes are created using world class stitching techniques, hand knitting, color discharge, mineral washes, different types of application techniques in combination with top notch fabrics. Great attention is paid to every single detail, this way, you will be pleased to wear clothing that look simple but exude a somewhat "high fashion" appeal. Not to worry, these clothes are not only beautiful; they are also affordable as well! There are websites where you can count on finding the best streetwear alternative clothing store that carry street wear clothes that are simply amazing!(read entire article)
View : 244 Times
Category : Fashion/Costume

Top 10 Schools    Submitted as: Meredith Hernandez
Higher education is something that many adults seek. In fact, it is not something that only adults seek for themselves, it is something that adults seek when deciding on which school to send their child or children to. One of the most valued gifts we can give our children is a good, solid education. As a parent, it is our obligation, to know what the best of the best schools are, and to place our children where we think they will excel. As an adult, we are searching for the information to bring us closer to the best school in our profession so that we will be closer to the top of our profession . Knowing the Top 10 schools, whatever your interest, is essential when education is a priority. When searching for schools, it is important that you search for with a good reputation. The top 10 schools in the country in your particular field is definitely a good place to start. For instance, if you are interested in business, then you would search for the top 10 schools in business. If you were interested in accounting, then the top 10 schools in accounting would be of interest. By searching the top 10 schools you can determine advantages each school has to offer you. There are many different factors that make a school in the top 10. One of the determinants could be that they produce the most number of graduates in a particular field. Or, they may have won academic awards. Others may be on the top 10 list because they produce graduates with the highest income after a couple years of graduation. There will be much that you will be able to find out about the schools once you begin your research. You also may have your own criteria such as cost. Location may be another. When looking for a school these are all things that you will need to consider. Each college or school will likely have things that they speak about such as their sports team. Their teaching methods, and technology and equipment may also be something that the school brags about. Education is an investment and it is an investment that you will have for life. When you have decided that you are interested in a top 10 school than you can begin searching the nation's top 10 lists. Top 10 searches include search such as the following: Top 10 high school in America Top 10 graduate schools Top 10 film schools Top 10 fashion schools Top 10 engineering schools Top 10 dental schools Top 10 culinary schools Top 10 cosmetology schools Top 10 business schools Top 10 accounting schools And, so on. No matter what your desired education, there are schools in the country that are the best of the best and finding the top 10 will not be difficult. Determine your own criteria for your education and then determine what sets the particular schools apart from one another to narrow down you search.(read entire article)
View : 213 Times
Category : Education

Rodent Control In The Los Angeles Area    Submitted as: Meredith Hernandez
If you are living in the Los Angeles area, one thing that you are likely aware of is that the rodent population is large. Rodents to homeowners possess many problems such as damage to their home and disease. When not properly controlled, the unwanted pests can seem to be everywhere, and protection of your home is essential. Household pests are controlled by the services of an exterminator. While some homes may need a one time only clean out, others will require monthly, bi-monthly or quarterly services. The intention and services of the exterminator is to provide your home protection from pests which invade the home through services such as clearing spider webs, using effective, yet safe products to ward off invasions of rodents, snails, bees or wasps, gopher, squirrel or bed bug infection. What to look for in an exterminator: An exterminator should definitely power spray your home and yard on their first service and then as needed during regular maintenance. The power spray should include a flushing agent that helps to get rid of the hard to get rid of bugs by bringing them out from their hiding places. Depending on the season will depend on the different products that the exterminator uses. How are the various insects, rodents and bugs exterminated? Bed bugs: Bed bugs are a concern to home owners and are blood sucking insects that reside in the beds in the home. During the human's sleep, the bed bugs feed on the human. The bed bug is an oval, wingless creature that is about 1/5" long and is mahogany or rusty red colored. The bodies of the creature are flat and they have a well developed antennae. Once infested with bed bugs, the females can lay between 200 to 500 eggs which hatch in 10 days. Controlling the bed bugs through the services of an exterminator is essential. Insects and spiders: One of the greatest services of a reputable exterminator / pest control company is the services to get rid of insects and spiders such as cockroaches, bees and wasps and spiders. There are several species of insects and spiders and the proper technique and product to rid the home of the occurrence of the insects and spiders. Rats: Rats often invade a home and can cause terrible damage to the home as well as are a potential health risk to the members of the home. Rats are responsible for transmitting parasites such as mites, lice and fleas as well as many diseases to both humans and other animals in the home. Gopher: In Los Angeles, gophers can become a problem as they are a burrowing rodent. They can cause serious damage to the home as they dig and tunnel their way through materials. While the creature may look innocent, it can do serious damage and evacuation of the gopher is necessary for homeowners. Bird control: Bird control is essential for homeowners and the first step is to keep them from landing on your home. A good exterminator will have the proper techniques such as spike and or pigeon netting to keep this from happening. Another essential in a pest control company is that they do provide the rodent cleanup and control, decontamination, attic insulation removal and replacement services that are necessary to insure that the home is well maintained.(read entire article)
View : 196 Times
Category : Home and Garden

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