Here's the recent articles submitted by margaret hutchison
Articles By margaret hutchison
Is Two Better Than One? The Benefits Of Binaural Amplification
By: margaret hutchison
It has been recommended that you purchase two hearing aids, but do you really need two? Are two really better than one? Well, that depends, but if you have hearing loss in both ears, this is probably so. Wearing two aids is called “binaural amplification”, while wearing one is called, “monaural amplification”. Binaural amplification has benefits, but not for everybody.(read
entire article)
View : 68 Times
Category : Health
Great Expectations - Hearing Aid Success
By: margaret hutchison
When choosing, purchasing, and wearing new hearing aids, it is important to maintain reasonable expectations.(read
entire article)
View : 53 Times
Category : Health
Tinnitus Is Ringing In Your Ears
By: margaret hutchison
Tinnitus, pronounced tin-a-tus, is the personal perception of sound inside the head or ear. Most often it is described as a ringing, humming, buzzing, pulsing, whooshing, or a roaring sound.(read
entire article)
View : 57 Times
Category : General