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Here's the recent articles submitted by nick campbell

Articles By nick campbell

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Are You Tired Of The Same Old Holiday?   By: nick campbell
Going away on holiday can sometimes feel as much of a routine as going to work. After all, many resorts will have the exact same facilities, the same surroundings and very much a culture aimed at satisfying those who like some British home comforts.(read entire article)
View : 513 Times
Category : Travel

Managing Donations To Your Organisation   By: nick campbell
Whether you run a church or a charity, managing donations can become a long and tiresome process. Not only can there be many hoops to jump through in terms of declaring any money you have received, but with laws changing all the time regarding such charitable donations, being constantly updated on the current legalities is not always easy.(read entire article)
View : 265 Times
Category : Business

Keeping Pets In Tough Times   By: nick campbell
Pets can be expensive to keep even at the best of times. However, with the cost of living increasing dramatically, it is becoming increasingly hard for many people to look after their animals in the proper way.(read entire article)
View : 245 Times
Category : Health

Lighting Helps To Set The Mood   By: nick campbell
People spend huge amounts of time and money on decorating their home. They buy lovely new furniture, rugs, plants, pictures and invest in all kinds of fixtures and fittings. But still there's something missing. The mood just doesn't feel quite right and it's hard to work out why.(read entire article)
View : 337 Times
Category : Shopping/Product Reviews

Lights Add The Finishing Touch To A Home   By: nick campbell
It's all about the little touches when it comes to making a home. People work hard to get their properties looking good, especially if it's a renovation job. But even in newer properties people want to put their own individual stamp on the place, to truly make it theirs.(read entire article)
View : 273 Times
Category : Shopping/Product Reviews

Working Out The Best Business Electricity Tariffs Is Easy   By: nick campbell
Most households have noticed their electricity bills rising. The cost of running all of those home appliances is really starting to hit people hard in their pockets. The same is true for businesses.(read entire article)
View : 205 Times
Category : Business

Overcome Addiction At A Drug Rehab Centre   By: nick campbell
Drug addiction can have devastating effects on individuals and families. But, once an addict admits they have a problem(read entire article)
View : 247 Times
Category : Health

More Efficient Food Preparation   By: nick campbell
The more efficient you are at preparing food, the more money you will save and, in a commercial setting, the happier your customers will be. From the knives you use through to the commercial kitchen equipment your premises has, all manner of items can be utilised to speed up processes and even simply achieve a better standard of food.(read entire article)
View : 343 Times
Category : Shopping/Product Reviews

How To Decide If Your Cat Should Be A House Cat   By: nick campbell
There is much to be said for allowing cats to roam freely on the streets and many people feel that keeping a cat cooped up inside all the time is simply cruel.(read entire article)
View : 250 Times
Category : Health

Keeping Your Cat Healthy   By: nick campbell
Cats are fairly self-sufficient on the whole. They don't need to be taken for walks or given lots of attention to ensure that they remain happy and healthy.(read entire article)
View : 260 Times
Category : Health

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