Here's the recent articles submitted by kiwi cady
Articles By kiwi cady
Do You Have A Good Sleep
Submitted as: Kiwi
Sleep is a natural physiologic process, during which our mind and body rest. During the sleep, also, there is suspension of consciousness, as well as a reduction in our bodily movements. The exact function of sleep remains unclear. We do believe that it has a restorative type of function, during which there is regulation of hormones, for example, growth hormone is actually secreted during our sleep, specifically during slow-wave sleep, which is our deeper stage of sleep.(read
entire article)
View : 160 Times
Category : Health
Make A Happy Bride
Submitted as: kiwi
If you wang to be the happiest bride choose your best man carefully is very importent.
but what kind of man is a good man?(read
entire article)
View : 119 Times
Category : Family
The Importance Of Sales
Submitted as: KIWI
The situations I have found have reinforced my experience that to out-perform the competition in a highly contested market the whole organisation must be sales enabled.and the sales department would aim to improve the interaction between the customer and the sales facility and/or salesperson.(read
entire article)
View : 137 Times
Category : Business
Become A Successful Manager
Submitted as: KIWI
Management is one of those things that looks easy in theory but is really challenging in practice. A mark of a good leader is to be able to provide consistent motivation to his team encouraging them to attain excellence and quality in their performance.(read
entire article)
View : 107 Times
Category : Business