Here's the recent articles submitted by zaky strauss
Articles By zaky strauss
About The Importance Of Business Data Conversion Services
By: zaky strauss
Modern day complex applications require the use of multiple systems operating concurrently with several databases.(read
entire article)
View : 27 Times
Category : Computers
Conveniently Using A Find Replace Tool In Word And Excel
By: zaky strauss
With an effective find replace tool the convenience of using MS-Word can be greatly augmented in more ways than one.(read
entire article)
View : 30 Times
Category : Computers
Optimize Your Business With Data Extraction Services
By: zaky strauss
Data extraction is the process by which data is obtained from an unstructured source thereby enabling it to be further processed or stored.(read
entire article)
View : 28 Times
Category : Computers
Demystifying The Abilities Of Excelpipe
By: zaky strauss
Migrating huge numbers of files used to be a nightmare some few years ago. Firstly, such a task had to be done manually meaning that a lot of time was wasted doing the same thing over and over again.(read
entire article)
View : 50 Times
Category : Computers
What Is Wordpipe?
By: zaky strauss
When a business wants to make changes on thousands of documents, it would be foolhardy to think that this can be done manually.(read
entire article)
View : 39 Times
Category : Computers
Excelpipe Find And Replace For Ms-excel
By: zaky strauss
Making changes on thousands of worksheets fast and accurately is not a mean feat especially when it is being done manually.(read
entire article)
View : 38 Times
Category : Computers
Wordpipe Will Meet And Exceed Your Expectations
By: zaky strauss
Have you ever thought about using a program which can standardize the changes that an organization may need to effect on its address, phone number.(read
entire article)
View : 34 Times
Category : Computers
Why Every Big Business Needs The Excelpipe Find And Replace For Excel
By: zaky strauss
Running a big business can indeed be a very rewarding venture. However, to remain relevant in the market, consistent efforts need to be done through clearly thought out strategies which may include changing its brand name, among others.(read
entire article)
View : 41 Times
Category : Computers