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Articles By prakash dm

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Empowering Industries: Ieee's Impact On Mobile Technology    Submitted as: PRAKASH S
Attention Students!! Today I came up with an exciting opportunity for final year student. Here Takeoff Edu group provide an innovative Engineering projects for your academic year(read entire article)
View : 403 Times
Category : Education

Top 3 Nodemcu Innovations Projects    Submitted as: PRAKASH S
Hey Students! I came with a Best 3 Node MCU Projects, Are you interested? Then Takeoffedu group is best choice for engineering students who are curious about Node MCU Projects. NodeMCU is an open-source platform that combines the power of ESP8266 Wi-Fi module with the simplicity of the Lua programming language. It offers a perfect starting point for students who want to get into the field of Internet of Things (IoT) and electronics. With its compact size, low power consumption, and easy programming, NodeMCU projects are the ideal choice for students who want to build innovative projects and bring their ideas to life.(read entire article)
View : 63 Times
Category : Education

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