Here's the recent articles submitted by thedigitalfellow consulting firm
Articles By thedigitalfellow consulting firm
7 Reasons Why Ad Agencies Will Disappear Fast
Submitted as: TDF
Conferences, all over the globe and including India, dedicated to themes like “The Future of Advertising” are an indicator that there is a crisis going on. It's something that all businesses are concerned about. After all, a lot depends on the advertising industry because advertising has been an indispensable part of the means to generate revenue for all industries. Yet, conferences can be great venues to start spreading lies, or wishful thinking, to say the least. Because conferences are a way of advertising, no conference organizer is going to let it be known that advertising in the old-fashioned sense of the term (print, TV, radio) is dying. And so are ad agencies. Because you may not be sure about whether to believe in the “the-future-of-advertising-is-bright”, you should read these 7 reasons why ad agencies are fast disappearing.(read
entire article)
View : 56 Times
Category : General
What Brand Custodians Ought To Know About Digital Marketing Agencies
Submitted as: TDF
Are you planning to hire a digital marketing agency for your business? Read on to find out what you should first know about how digital marketing agencies work.
Digital marketing agencies fall under 3 broad categories.
The Niche digital marketing agencies
The Semi or pseudo-digital marketing agencies
The Ad Hoc digital marketing agencies(read
entire article)
View : 53 Times
Category : General
How An E-book Can Help Your Brand's Marketing? 15 Oct, 2022
Submitted as: TDF
“Content is the price of entry for relevance in our society”.
Gary Vaynerchuk said that and he is right whether you like it or not.
An eBook and other content are the 2019 version of a salesman for your business. They will push forward possible clients along the sales funnel.
The sole purpose of eBooks, among other content, is to provide value. To provide complex and complicated information in a simpler format. For example, in the form of an infographic.(read
entire article)
View : 55 Times
Category : General
“how Content Made Me A Millionaire”
Submitted as: TDF
Content technically changed my life. I consume content from everywhere. It's been an old habit. This habit changed my bank balance. It's simple, so all of you who are reading this can try it.
It is called “Inbound Marketing” by Hubspot (Brain & Dharmesh Shah). Please note that Hubspot didn't pay me to write this. This mention was necessary as it is the best thing to have happened to my life.
After my not- so-enriching corporate life when I planned to start my consulting firm, the biggest challenge was getting business.(read
entire article)
View : 68 Times
Category : General
Why We See Startups In The Digital Domain Fail So Quickly?
Submitted as: TDF
People don't take advice:
I have come across most people who are like “I know it all” attitude. They feel if you use the startup tag on your chest, you get attention. Attention from the government, your peers, and obviously from investors. Cheap thrills. I come across people who can't even think or come up with an original idea, they call it inspiration but actually they bluntly copy from others. They just want success come what may. Money is the goal, not value. If you advise them to test their idea before starting a swanky office, they hate you. As the result, I see 30 % of the startups can't pay salaries or even rents and they perish within 6- 10 months. They burn fast. They will never spend their time and energy testing an idea before believing it. Romancing their own idea makes them fail fast. Gut feeling is what they mainly rely on.(read
entire article)
View : 62 Times
Category : General
Why We Are Doctors At Heart And Digital Consultants By Profession
Submitted as: TDF
When was the last time you had the hospital around the corner call you up? To tell you about their “admit one patient and get breakfast free” offers? Or when was the last time your family doctor told you about how his prescribed medicines are better than the other doctors in the area? Do they call and follow up on you showing up for your appointment? On the contrary, they make you wait for your appointments.
When they finally see you, do you question their diagnosis? or the medicine they just prescribed? Most probably you listen to them. To their diagnosis. Their suggested tests and even buy all the medicine they just prescribed. No matter how expensive they are.
You do all this, as they are not the ones that need you, it's quite the contrary. As you go to the doctor when you have a problem. It is simple to leverage.(read
entire article)
View : 61 Times
Category : General
Why Your Brands Tonality Is Its Soul
Submitted as: TDF
Which was the last blog of ours that you read? Maybe this is your first. I hope not. But if you take a glance through our past work. And think “sarcasm is strong with this one”. I would not blame you. After all, sarcasm is the new black. Kidding. It's who we are. It's our brand tonality. In other words, we keep it real. That's going to either make you like us. Or it's going to make sure your frustration is evident in the comment sections. Every brand that has ever existed. When they were created, underwent the process of finding who they are. Or I hope they did. This usually means going to a brand manager or brand custodian. With questions about brand personality, brand behavior, and how the brand will be seen by the customers.(read
entire article)
View : 68 Times
Category : General
What Is Brand Audit And Why Do You Need One?
Submitted as: TDF
As a brand custodian, you have a vision for your brand. You know very well what it stands for, and what it should communicate to your target audience and to the world at large. You may even have hired the best advertising agency you can afford.
But how do you know if the audiences are seeing your brand the way you want them to?
How do you know if your way of projecting your brand is the right way?
Enter Brand Audit.
What is a brand audit?
A brand audit is a process of determining how well your brand communication meets the goals you have set for your business.(read
entire article)
View : 60 Times
Category : General
Questions That Will Help You Find The Best Digital Marketing Agency
Submitted as: TDF
Everybody wants to do digital marketing. But 90% of our ecosystem is filled with people holding a traditional advertising mindset.
If you need a digital marketing agency but do not know, where and how to find it, read on.
CEOs, Marketing Heads, Brand Managers, Founders, and other top leaders in charge of businesses, in India at least, tend to be very agency-savvy. But the agency type they have conventionally handled is the traditional type. Most leaders do not get the difference between an advertising agency and a digital marketing agency.(read
entire article)
View : 58 Times
Category : General
How Our Websites Get Hacked Because Of Silly Loopholes
Submitted as: TDF
It was a regular working day. I was shuttling between meetings with clients and meetings with my team. And one of my team members came to me suddenly and said our website is not working.
June 1st, to be precise. Our website was hacked. When I heard the words, I didn't know it was going to be a month of embarrassment and loss. When I checked the website the previous day, it was there. And suddenly, it wasn't.(read
entire article)
View : 68 Times
Category : General