Here's the recent articles submitted by sourabh sinha
Articles By sourabh sinha
5 Fundamentals Facts About Facebook Ads You Didn't Learn
Submitted as: Sinha Digitech
The Ins and Outs of Facebook Ads is a vast topic as this social networking platform is used by a large number of users globally. As a marketer, you need to learn the basics of Facebook Ads in order to promote your business. This blog will present 5 facts about Facebook Ads that we didn't learn. We should know these 5 facts to increase our value as an advertiser and improve our results.(read
entire article)
View : 148 Times
Category : Internet Marketing
All You Need To Know About Digital Marketing Jobs: Roles, Skills, And Career Opportunities
Submitted as: Sourabh
The growing demand for digital marketing professionals is a reflection of the rapidly evolving digital landscape. In today's technology-driven society, businesses across industries are recognizing the importance of establishing a strong online presence to remain competitive.(read
entire article)
View : 158 Times
Category : Internet Marketing
Innovative Strategies To Boost Facebook Engagement And Reach Your Audience
By: sourabh sinha
The Facebook algorithm plays a crucial role in determining what content users see on their news feed. It takes into account factors like the relevance of posts, user interactions, and user preferences. Understanding this algorithm is important for businesses and individuals who aim to maximize engagement on their posts. Key points include the impact of user interactions, such as likes, comments, and shares, on post visibility, the emphasis on meaningful interactions over passive ones, and the importance of creating content that sparks conversations.(read
entire article)
View : 880 Times
Category : Internet Marketing
5 Tools To Enhance Your Instagram Aesthetic
By: sourabh sinha
Elevate Your Instagram Presence with These 5 Essential Tools" is a comprehensive article that outlines five key tools to enhance your Instagram presence. The article emphasizes the importance of having visually appealing content and suggests the use of photo editing apps like Lightroom and VSCO to enhance the quality of your images. It also highlights the significance of scheduling posts in advance for consistent and timely content delivery, recommending tools like Later and Hootsuite for this purpose. The article further emphasizes the role of analytics in understanding audience engagement and mentions the effectiveness of Instagram Insights and Iconosquare in tracking metrics(read
entire article)
View : 36 Times
Category : Others