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Articles By mohsen heydarizadeh
Evaluating The Efficiency Of Cumin Planting Using The Dea Method (case Study: Agricultural Lands Of Talkhooncheh City)
By: mohsen heydarizadeh
Due to the location of Talkhooncheh city in the hot and semi-arid region of southwestern Isfahan province in the Islamic Republic of Iran, the planting of cumin seeds in Talkhooncheh city has been removed with great acceptance by the farmers of Talkhooncheh city. The cumin product is a one-year plant from the Chetrian family, which is cultivated in an area of 180 to 200 hectares in the lands of Talkhooncheh city. Since ancient times, the farmers of Talkhooncheh city have cultivated cumin, which is a drought-resistant plant, due to the lack of water and continuous droughts and facing water and soil salinity. In the past, it has become customary in this region to make optimal use of their agricultural land. The threshold of tolerance of the cumin product to water and soil salinity is high, although the best type of this product can be harvested in sweet soils and with fresh water. The cumin product is rich in vitamin C, which helps strengthen the body's immune system and reduces blood pressure, reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack, fights oxidative stress that leads to cancer, treats osteoporosis, and also has a significant effect on weight loss. It has many medicinal properties. The cost of planting, keeping, and, harvesting it is less and more affordable than other crops and it is planted in December and harvested in June. Cumin harvest is about 400 to 600 kg per hectare depending on the conditions, and the amount of cumin harvest may be more or less than the set range. Cumin harvest rate is one of the criteria that can be used to determine the efficiency using the data overlay analysis method. The Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) technique, which is the most widely used method in efficiency measurement, also provides the possibility to evaluate the efficiency of cumin crop planting, and in this article, the data envelopment analysis technique has been used to evaluate the efficiency of cumin crop planting. In the data overlay analysis technique to evaluate efficiency, input and output factors with similar characteristics can be categorized into input and output groups, in this article, the cost and land area of planting cumin as input variables, and the amount of income and harvest of cumin as variables. The output has been considered, and by using the method of data coverage analysis in the mode of constant return to scale and with an input-oriented approach, the efficiency of planting cumin crops in the agricultural lands of Talkhooncheh city has been evaluated.
Keywords: DEA method, efficiency evaluation, Data Envelopment Analysis, cumin product, Talkhooncheh city(read
entire article)
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Category : Environment