Here's the recent articles submitted by anthony bills
Articles By anthony bills
Submitted as: Anthony W Bills
Radicalization is a process through which an individual changes his passiveness or an activism to become a more revolutional, militant or an extremist. Radicalization is mostly associated with youths, poverty, alienation and injustice done to oneself or others.(read
entire article)
View : 317 Times
Category : Education
A Non-union Environment
Submitted as: Anthony W Bills
The employee relationship comprises of a body of work aimed at maintaining the relationship between the employer and the employee resulting into satisfactory motivation, productivity and morale. Basically, it deals with prevention and resolution of problems of individual arising from the work place.(read
entire article)
View : 276 Times
Category : Education
Sport Marketing
Submitted as: Anthony W Bills
Marketing strategy is described as a process that allows an organization to concentrate its available resources to the greatest and available opportunities to increase its sales and still gain a sustainable competitive advantage.(read
entire article)
View : 261 Times
Category : Education
Tesco Company
Submitted as: Anthony W Bills
TESCO is a public limited company, it is multinational company that deals in grocery and it is also a merchandise retailer. The TESCO's headquarter is in Cheshunt, United Kingdom it was founded by Jack Cohen in 1919 and its first brand was launched in 1924.(read
entire article)
View : 309 Times
Category : Education
Nursing Education
Submitted as: Anthony W Bills
After the session, the students, students looked motivated. The observer gave a positive feed back depending on how she found the participation of the student during the session. The students were participating through out the session and were asking clarifications on the parts they did not understand.(read
entire article)
View : 308 Times
Category : Education
Negotiation And Dispute Resolution
Submitted as: Anthony W Bills
Importantly, in negotiation process there has been stereotypes on gender where women are mostly discriminated upon. In this case, women are viewed as of the weaker sex and therefore are not given the same treatment like men in negotiation process.(read
entire article)
View : 375 Times
Category : Education
Criminology, Race And Criminality Within The Justice System
Submitted as: Anthony W Bills
The criminal justice system is a body that governs law and justice programs leading to the assurance of safety and security among communities in the society.(read
entire article)
View : 338 Times
Category : Education
Analysis Of The Differences In The Corporate Governance Framework Between The Uk And Us Models
Submitted as: Anthony W Bills
Corporate governance is regarded as a process, policies, customs and laws through which a company is governed and run. Corporate governance also involves the relationship between stakeholders and the goals set forth to run the company. The stakeholders may include the shareholders, customers, suppliers, employees and board or directors as well.(read
entire article)
View : 885 Times
Category : Education
Marks And Spencer
Submitted as: Anthony W Bills
Marks and Spencer plc, also referred to as M&S is a retailer based in Britain and is headquartered in Westminster City, London and has over 690 store in UK and over 320 franchised stores in 41 territories. The company specialises in selling clothing and other luxury food products.(read
entire article)
View : 386 Times
Category : Education
Criminal Justice
Submitted as: Anthony W Bills
Criminal investigation can be regarded as an official effort of trying to uncover any information regarding a certain crime.(read
entire article)
View : 392 Times
Category : Education