Here's the recent articles submitted by homeopathy clinic
Articles By homeopathy clinic
Cure Your Herpes Completely With Homeopathy
Submitted as: Homeopathy4all
Herpes are a painful blister eruption on the skin, caused by the same herpes virus. After the initial infection, the virus lies dormant till the immune system is normally functioning immune system. When there is disruption in the normal functioning of the immune system, the virus can multiply and migrates out along the nerve and cause damage. The skin is the most frequently damaged tissue and sensory nerves are those most commonly involved, mostly in face or genitals.(read
entire article)
View : 102 Times
Category : General
Kidney Stone Or Renal Calculi
Submitted as: Homeopathy4all
Kidney stones are also called as renal calculi. They are the result of build-up of dissolved minerals on the inner lining of kidney which consist of calcium oxalate and maybe other compounds also.(read
entire article)
View : 468 Times
Category : Health