Here's the recent articles submitted by tendertiger social
Articles By tendertiger social
What Is A Tender And How Does It Work?
Submitted as: TenderTiger
When it comes to certain businesses, there is a lot of dealing and trading of goods and services that take place. These deals not only require the companies to make a formal offer for the exchange of goods and services with other organizations but also negotiate the best deal. This offer or bid is put forward in the form of a tender. To understand the criticality of a tender in the business industry, let us go through the term in a little more detail and see how it actually works.(read
entire article)
View : 136 Times
Category : Business
Tendertiger And Its Services
Submitted as: TenderTiger
Today's tendering arena/world is just not about tender documents and bidding proposals but way beyond that. The recent need for going online has hit the tendering industry for good. The eTender business has made the procedures more transparent indirectly increasing efficiency.(read
entire article)
View : 141 Times
Category : Service
Difference Between Rfi,frp,frt And Rfq
Submitted as: TenderTiger
Nowadays, sourcing suppliers is not only a critical but also a tedious task. To begin with, it is vital to identify and evaluate potential suppliers for the best value, both in terms of cost and product. In order to do justice to your sourcing attempt, you need to be well versed with some terms widely-used widely in the sourcing process. The most used are Request for information(RFI), Request for proposal(RFP), Request for tender(RFT) and Request for quotation(RFQ).(read
entire article)
View : 132 Times
Category : Business
An Insider Guide To The Tendering Process
Submitted as: TenderTiger
From our previous blogs, what a tender is, is well understood. Briefly, a tender is an invitation to bid for a project or accept a formal offer such as a takeover bid. Tendering usually refers to the process whereby governments and financial institutions invite bids for large projects that must be submitted within a finite deadline. These tenders are usually conducted in four stages: Prequalification; the issue of tender documents; tender evaluation; tender award. Let's look at each of them in detail.(read
entire article)
View : 146 Times
Category : Service
Single-stage Vs Two-stage Procurement
Submitted as: TenderTiger
In critical situations in procurement, it is easy to understand why construction contractors often quote lower prices to win a tender. However, recent research figures within the civil works sector have been questioning the sustainability of such low rates, and whether the method of procurement is responsible for the same.(read
entire article)
View : 153 Times
Category : Service
Writing A Tender Response To Win It
Submitted as: TenderTiger
A tender process is not only about writing the tender document and making it available for prospectus bidders but also about crafting a well-deserving tender response. From a vast pool of bidders/tender applications, what is so unique in the tender response which got awarded.(read
entire article)
View : 139 Times
Category : Service
Responding To A Tender? 6 Golden Points To Keep In Mind
Submitted as: TenderTiger
It is extremely critical to carefully evaluate tender opportunities before you send in your response. It could be a deal-breaker or deal-maker document for your business. A well-researched tender, followed by a planned response, increases your chances of success and reduces time-wastage and costs to your business.(read
entire article)
View : 128 Times
Category : Others
Services Tendertiger Offers To Its Buyers
Submitted as: TenderTiger
TenderTiger not only has service offerings for its suppliers but also aims to keep its buyers satisfied with a gigantic list of solutions for its buyers.
Let's have a quick rundown on the services TenderTiger offers to its buyers.(read
entire article)
View : 135 Times
Category : Service
Common Sections In Govt Tenders
Submitted as: TenderTiger
Government tenders have a varied number of sections that are prerequisites to all tender requests. Once you have offered a few tenders, it is wise to put together all the critical tender offering parameters in order to set a standard tender template. This not only allows you to refer to it for the preparation of future tender documents but also ensures you don't miss out on the critical information you must disclose for suppliers to respond to it efficiently.(read
entire article)
View : 145 Times
Category : Others
7-step Supplier Sourcing Process
Submitted as: TenderTiger
In today's competitive business arena, many professionals are continuously seeking ways to not only optimize cost but also assure the delivery of the highest quality of products and services. Achieving this requires a lot of effort in constantly improving and re-evaluating the purchasing activities of a company/business, which is also known as Strategic Sourcing.(read
entire article)
View : 165 Times
Category : Others
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