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Articles By j.j. yong

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Eliminating Debt With Debt Settlement   By: j.j. yong
To live a happier and more fulfilled life, debt must be eradicated from our lives. Debt is the number one reason we drive ourselves so hard as we need to pay our bills and end up angry and resentful.(read entire article)
View : 221 Times
Category : Family

What Does Full Coverage Dental Insurance Mean?   By: j.j. yong
Because our pearly withes are very important to us, necessary measures must be taken to ensure that they stay with us for the longest time possible. Ladies, I am not referring to pearls, I am referring to teeth! A full coverage dental plan will help you to lower the cost associated with having good teeth.(read entire article)
View : 198 Times
Category : Family

4 Important Facts About Debt Settlement Companies   By: j.j. yong
To live a happier and more fulfilled life, debt must be eradicated from our lives. Debt is the number one reason we drive ourselves so hard as we need to pay our bills and end up angry and resentful.(read entire article)
View : 236 Times
Category : Family

What Are The Key Significances Of Medical Billing Outsourcing?   By: j.j. yong
The concept of medical billing outsourcing was initiated from the needs to get additional medical specialists to perform those secondary tasks apart from the primary medical tasks which are managed by the medical specialists from the medical institutions such as the hospitals, private clinics, nursing homes etc. Outsourcing of medical billing service has been widely implemented in the medical industry today. This trend has drawn new business opportunities for experienced medical billers who wish to setup their own business, providing medical billing services to those who required them.(read entire article)
View : 223 Times
Category : Career

What Are The Key Tips Of Choosing Your Medical Billing Course?   By: j.j. yong
Choosing for a comprehensive medical billing course can be pretty challenging for many people especially newbie in the medical billing industry. This is simply because there are so many options to choose from so many different medical centers and schools.(read entire article)
View : 214 Times
Category : Career

Top 4 Dental Insurance Companies   By: j.j. yong
Charlie just came back from his in-laws and after listening to them go on about how expensive their dental care is, he decided it's about time he signed up himself and his family for dental insurance. After all, he does have kids at home and their oral care is their health as well. The only problem Charlie faced was deciding which company to settle with since there are simply too many on the market today. To help Charlie, I compiled a list of what I thought were the top 4.(read entire article)
View : 202 Times
Category : Family

Is Chapter 7 Bankruptcy A Good Choice To Stop Foreclosure?   By: j.j. yong
For those who are familiar with Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, and know what it means, they would probably recognize the fact that filing for it could help you delay and eventually stop foreclosure issues that you may be facing. This should normally be the final option for you if you have tried everything else and they have not worked for you, thus opting for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy would allow you the opportunity to buy you time to avoid ending up on the streets without the comfort of a home.(read entire article)
View : 187 Times
Category : Business

Is There Any Possibility To Get Credit Cards After Bankruptcy And Foreclosure?   By: j.j. yong
There is an economic emergency in the country with millions upon millions of Americans struggling with long term joblessness, home foreclosures and personal bankruptcies. Do they still have chance to apply for credit cards? What can be done with their bad credit? Don't be pessimistic. Even you are a bankruptcy; you still can be a card holder.(read entire article)
View : 208 Times
Category : Family

Not Entitled For A Mortgage Modification Plan? Put Off Foreclosure For A Few Years Mortgage Free   By: j.j. yong
Unable to qualify for a mortgage modification plan? Wondering how to stop foreclosure mortgage issues and save your home? Worry not, even when you are not entitled for a mortgage modification plan, one can still save his or her home, by delaying or even stopping foreclosure. The many terms and conditions of President Obama's Loan Modification Plan has made it difficult for the people to qualify for this plan to help save their homes, thus they are forced to look elsewhere to avoid ending up on the streets when their homes are auctioned off!(read entire article)
View : 179 Times
Category : Business

Obtaining Financial Help From The Government To Shun Foreclosure   By: j.j. yong
For those who are facing mortgage foreclosure issues out there and are worried of how to salvage your homes, worry not, you are not alone in facing this challenge. Hundreds of homes in the United States face this predicament every month, and the number rose rapidly last year in tandem with the global economic crisis, when more and more people fail to service their mortgage payments and fall into this mess.(read entire article)
View : 158 Times
Category : Business

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