Here's the recent articles submitted by j.j. yong
Articles By j.j. yong
What You Should Not Mention In A Debt Settlement Letter
By: j.j. yong
When you decide to reduce your debt by sending your creditors a debt settlement letter, you are helping yourself to get out of debt. This is a good step for you, but you must know that there are things you should not include in your letter to avoid it from being rejected.(read
entire article)
View : 207 Times
Category : Family
Is Getting A Debt Settlement A Good Idea?
By: j.j. yong
It is so typical of us to believe whatever we read and watch. We believed the credit card company with their 0% interest fees and we tricked ourselves into believing that we can repay what we spent.(read
entire article)
View : 221 Times
Category : Family
Tips On Finding A Good Debt Settlement Company
By: j.j. yong
If you are in a mountain of debt and you can no longer cope, you should consider re-negotiating your debt. There are many ways to settle debt and the easiest way to do it is to enlist the help of a debt settlement company.(read
entire article)
View : 189 Times
Category : Family
Being Free Of Debt Without Being Bankrupt
By: j.j. yong
Now more than ever, we are in debt. The whole nation is in debt, our country is in debt, and many countries in the world are in debt. Being in debt is not the end of the world; shift your focus to paying your bills.(read
entire article)
View : 243 Times
Category : Family
Do You Need Debt Settlement?
By: j.j. yong
Debt is the number one problem that many people face nowadays. There are many types of debt and the worst debt is debt from loans and credit cards as the interest and late fees continue to grow every time payment is not made. These accumulating figures then slowly but surely become too much too handle.(read
entire article)
View : 219 Times
Category : Family
Things You Must Know About Debt Settlement Companies In The United States
By: j.j. yong
If you intend to look for debt settlement companies to assist you in managing your debt, you are reminded to learn more about how these companies work first. In order to make sure that the settlement companies are operating legally, you are reminded to check the state laws related to debt management firms in your state. Some states like Georgia, New Jersey, Mississippi and New Mexico, prohibit profit making settlement companies from operating in their states.(read
entire article)
View : 193 Times
Category : Family
Knowing The Debt Settlement Process
By: j.j. yong
For people who are having trouble paying credit card debts or medical bills, one of the possible solutions to overcome their debt issues is through debt settlement. It is a process where the debtors can negotiate their bills to a smaller amount and the creditors agree not to pursue collection of the forgiven debt.(read
entire article)
View : 200 Times
Category : Family
Can You Settle Your Debt On Your Own?
By: j.j. yong
Do you have the ability to manage the whole process of debt settlement? We have to accept the fact that not everyone is able to settle the debt on his or her own due to certain factors.(read
entire article)
View : 241 Times
Category : Family
Choosing A Debt Settlement Company That Is Suitable For You
By: j.j. yong
Getting into debt without a doubt is an easy task to do but what many find hard to do is to get out of it. People are left to fend for themselves and usually are stumbling blindly trying to find a solution to their problems. Some turn to debt settlement companies to get assistance but deciding on acquiring the services of such companies can be quite a daunting task especially if you do not know where to start looking. The following are some guidelines which may help you in this matter.(read
entire article)
View : 212 Times
Category : Family
Smart Tips To Look For A Legitimate Debt Settlement Company
By: j.j. yong
For people who are not sure of how to navigate the debt settlement process, the right solution for them to overcome their debt issues is to get the help from a professional service provider. In United States, there are many settlement companies which have been established due to high market demand after the global economy crisis. However, not all the organizations are legitimate and ethical. There are scams around all of us.(read
entire article)
View : 185 Times
Category : Family