Here's the recent articles submitted by j.j. yong
Articles By j.j. yong
Do's And Don'ts About Student Debt Consolidation
By: j.j. yong
For many fresh graduates, college student loan consolidation is one of the best financial solutions for those who are unable to make payment, especially when the economy is bad and the unemployment rate is high. Here are some dos and don'ts that you need to bear in mind before making decision for student debt consolidation.(read
entire article)
View : 236 Times
Category : Family
Things That Physician Assistants Do Everyday
By: j.j. yong
Physician assistants (PAs) are the great helpers to reduce the workload of doctors. Although they are not doctors, but their duties need highly specialized training as well. PAs are not allowed to practice medicine unless they are under the supervision of physicians or surgeons. They are trained to provide therapeutic, diagnostic, and preventive health care services.(read
entire article)
View : 213 Times
Category : Career
How To Prepare For Your Online Physician Assistant Program
By: j.j. yong
Online education is no longer a new approach to encourage people to pursue their studies. It has overcome the time and space issues for those who are working but wishing to take a part time course or those who prefer to study on own schedule. Now, physician assistant program goes online too. Nonetheless, there are some things that you have to be alert in order to perform well in your online program.(read
entire article)
View : 214 Times
Category : Career
Getting Rid Of Debt Through Negotiation
By: j.j. yong
During the global economy downturn, almost 50% of people in United States are struggling hard to pay off their debts. If you are one of the victims, you are advised to face the hardship positively. What you need is a debt management plan that suits your individual requirements. Here are FIVE main steps that may help you to get rid of your debt through effective negotiation.(read
entire article)
View : 203 Times
Category : Family
Are Debt Management Services Costly?
By: j.j. yong
Looking at the current economy situation, the most horrible 4-letter word for Americans nowadays is the word DEBT. Many people find it very difficult to get themselves out from debt. They dare not get the assistance from the debt management companies because in their opinion, debt management services are very costly. They are worried that they need to go into more debt when they hire professionals to solve their problems. In fact, there are many FREE services in the market. It is not necessary for you to look for companies which require service fees.(read
entire article)
View : 266 Times
Category : Family
The Pros And Cons Of Having A Debt Management Plan
By: j.j. yong
A Debt Management Plan is specially designed to assist people who are drowned in debt to solve their financial issues. Besides, it is also considered a good solution to prevent people from going through formal insolvency procedures, i.e. declaring bankruptcy.(read
entire article)
View : 191 Times
Category : Family
Key Benefits Of Debt Management Plan
By: j.j. yong
A Debt Management Plan is specially designed for people in debt to make reduced repayment amounts to their lenders or creditors over a certain period of time; normally within a number of years. Under this plan, the debtors make their repayment based on how much they can afford after taking their income and expenditure into consideration.(read
entire article)
View : 204 Times
Category : Family
Debt Collection Agencies - Their Techniques To Collect Unpaid Debt
By: j.j. yong
During financial crisis, many people are struggling hard with huge debts. For those people who are unable to repay their debts, the representatives from debt collection agencies will use a variety of techniques to get in touch with them in order to collect the unpaid debt.(read
entire article)
View : 241 Times
Category : Family
Credit Debt Counseling - Top 5 Tips To Eliminate Credit Card Debt
By: j.j. yong
The worst thing a person can go through is the anxiety of being in debt. You'd spend many nights tossing and turning in bed thinking about the stack of bills sitting on your desk that keeps growing instead of shrinking. To avoid situations like these, eliminate your credit card debts immediately.(read
entire article)
View : 212 Times
Category : Family
Pros And Cons Of Consumer Credit Counseling Services
By: j.j. yong
As many of us today live with credit cards to fund our lives, we would more often than not find ourselves in debt that can get pretty hard to get rid of. With this comes with the wonders of consumer credit counseling services otherwise known as CCCS. Like all other services, this one has got its pros and cons.(read
entire article)
View : 187 Times
Category : Family