Here's the recent articles submitted by j.j. yong
Articles By j.j. yong
How To Take Good Black-and-white Pictures With Your Compact Digital Camera
By: j.j. yong
Most of us seldom discuss about the colors of the pictures since most compact digital cameras are able to produce good quality pictures as many point-and-click cameras have more than 7 megapixels - much better than older version of digital cameras which had less than 7 megapixels. While people are more particular with the clearness and sharpness of the image - does anyone still interested in taking black and white pictures?(read
entire article)
View : 183 Times
Category : Education
A Compact Digital Camera Will Do Just Fine To Take Stunning Pictures
By: j.j. yong
Most people would think that taking good pictures can be easily done by using SLR digital cameras. Although all SLR digital cameras have higher resolution than point-and-click cameras, that doesn't mean that you cannot capture stunning images with your compact digital camera. In fact, current point-and-click cameras offer enough resolution to produce good quality pictures. It is meant for amateur photographers who has limited knowledge of photography or has no photography basics at all.(read
entire article)
View : 211 Times
Category : Education
Perfect Your Digital Photograph Basic Skills This Summer
By: j.j. yong
During this summer season, your schedule must be fully occupied by numerous outdoor activities like attending pool parties at friends' house or at the water park, going out for a picnic, or travelling to other places. This can be the perfect time to bring along your compact digital camera so that you can capture unforgettable moments that you can keep those images or shared it among your friends or family.(read
entire article)
View : 226 Times
Category : Education
3 Photo Composition Secrets Of Taking Good Pictures With Compact Digital Cameras
By: j.j. yong
Photography is a form of art and the photographer creatively convert her imaginary picture from her head into a beautiful work of art by using her camera. It requires talent as photographers normally have a particular artistic ability to convert those intangible images into something tangible that everyone can actually see and appreciate. In fact, taking good pictures is getting easier with compact digital camera since current point-and-shoot cameras offers advanced presets or shooting modes that allow users to capture spectacular images easily.(read
entire article)
View : 681 Times
Category : Education
Digital Photography Tips - Effective Routine To Take Stunning Pictures With Compact Digital Camera
By: j.j. yong
Like any profession, being a good photographer requires a routine to complete his job effectively. Having a proper routine enables a photographer to take stunning pictures in different conditions.(read
entire article)
View : 224 Times
Category : Education
Travel Photography Tips - 5 Important Tips That You Should Know
By: j.j. yong
If you've the opportunity to travel around places, you can't wait to hang out at interesting hotspots that you can discover some unique features of that place. It's a waste that you have nothing to record those unforgettable moments of your trip - therefore, you need to bring along your digital camera which is portable and convenient to use.(read
entire article)
View : 190 Times
Category : Education
Digital Photography Basics - How To Get Started With Your New Compact Digital Camera
By: j.j. yong
Perhaps, you've bought a new compact digital camera to take spectacular snapshots that could make your photos more appealing to others - as many would appreciate artistic and dazzling photos. Most people think that all point-and-shoot cameras can only take pictures on automatic and it do not require any photography skills at all. However, being a professional or amateur photographer - you couldn't neglect the fundamentals of photography.(read
entire article)
View : 207 Times
Category : Education
Phuket Island - Your Second Home After Getting Retired
By: j.j. yong
The ultra-gorgeous island of Phuket in Thailand has captivated many in the past as it proves to be an incredibly beautiful location to just relax and unwind yourself if you need some time to unwind and comfort your body and soul. Those who have been to Phuket before would be definitely looking forward to visiting the wonderful island again, and who can blame them?(read
entire article)
View : 203 Times
Category : Travel
Eliminating Your Credit Card Debt - Debt Settlement Or Debt Consolidation Loan?
By: j.j. yong
Nowadays, both debt settlement and debt consolidation loan are popular financial options for those people who have high amounts of credit card debts. However, between these two options, which is better? Which can help the cardholders to get rid of their debts faster?(read
entire article)
View : 189 Times
Category : Business
Financial Assistance For Those Facing Foreclosure - How To Possibly Get Them
By: j.j. yong
When facing foreclosure issues, lots of people out there would struggle to find financial assistance that could help them overcome their predicaments. Financial assistance for those facing foreclosure is widely available out there, provided that you know where to look! The government is a perfect place for those looking for financial assistance to help them overcome foreclosure issues, thus you should first and foremost explore the option of the government before you look anywhere else.(read
entire article)
View : 189 Times
Category : Education