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Articles By jill thomson

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Rgb Led Strip Lights With A Controller And What To Look For When Purchasing Them    Submitted as: Saving Light Bulbs
Think of the enchantment of Christmas lights around the tree at Christmas time. RGB LED strips are like this but on steroids. When you have RGB lights it can be quite magical but it is best controlled with an RGB strip controller. With a strip controller, you will be able to change settings like brightness and colour control.(read entire article)
View : 141 Times
Category : General

Led Batten Lights And How They Can Beneficial To Your Household    Submitted as: Saving Light Bulbs
Owning a house is a great achievement, some people feel like owning a house while being able to save costs on day to day activities is an even bigger achievement. If you have ever been on the journey to making your home more cost-effective, your lighting solutions generally come through as one of the top factors to consider.(read entire article)
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Category : General

Led Battens Are Fast Becoming A Popular Replacement For Other Types Of Lighting    Submitted as: Saving Light Bulbs
In a world where the only constant changes, it is inevitable that technology will advance. This is also true for the way we use lighting. At first, when modern lighting, i.e. the electric bulb, was introduced, it was for many years the only option and wonderful technology that ensured that people had lighting whenever they needed it.(read entire article)
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Category : General

Led Panels – Used Over A Large Front    Submitted as: Saving Light Bulbs
LED lighting is the most recent technology that lights up our homes, even though traditional options such as incandescent, halogen, and CFL are still widely used. But It cannot be denied that LED is taking over from the older options and will be the choice of future generations of electricity users.(read entire article)
View : 138 Times
Category : General

Light Bulbs In The Modern Era    Submitted as: Saving Light Bulbs
We live in an age and world that has always enjoyed the privilege of using electricity and the lighting options that come with it. It is true for our parent's generation as well. However, before 1879, when the Edison bulb was introduced, lighting the way we know and use it, was unknown.(read entire article)
View : 143 Times
Category : General

The Use Of Led Batten Lighting As Alternative To Older Options    Submitted as: Saving Light Bulbs
Lighting is such an integral part of everybody's existence that we can almost not imagine a life without a switch on the wall to bring the wonder of electricity and light into our homes and working environment.(read entire article)
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Category : General

The Future Of Home Lighting Is Here - Making The Switch To G9 Led Capsule Bulbs Is Now More Effortless Than Ever    Submitted as: Saving Light Bulbs
When looking at new lighting for your home, there are so many options that it's almost overwhelming, but there are a few modern options that stand out above all else that homeowners can invest in with complete peace of mind knowing they are getting the best value for money and exceptional lasting value.(read entire article)
View : 126 Times
Category : General

The Advantages Of Ip65 Led Integrated Battens Over Traditional Fluorescent Tube Lights    Submitted as: Saving Light Bulbs
Lighting is one of those areas of home care that constantly improves and develops as technology progresses, and we can now with surety say that tube lights have finally been replaced with something much better - LED battens that offer a myriad of remarkable benefits that make this investment a no-brainer.(read entire article)
View : 130 Times
Category : General

Combine Vintage And Modern Alternatives For An Excellent Lighting Option    Submitted as: Saving Light Bulbs
This generation is lucky to live in a time that allows us to light up all our rooms, our balconies, the driveway, the office, rock concerts in the park – the list goes on. In every developed society good lighting, and choices thereof, are a given. A quick look at the history of the light bulb, from the first one introduced by Thomas Edison to the LED options most people all over the world favour today, gives an idea of how the light bulb/lamp has developed and what we are offered today.(read entire article)
View : 144 Times
Category : General

Led Batten Lights – The Modern Alternative    Submitted as: Saving Light Bulbs
In a world without good lighting, little would have been possible. Productivity would have been much, much lower, our home life would have limited us in terms of all of those conveniences we enjoy – because of the lack of electricity and good lighting.(read entire article)
View : 140 Times
Category : General

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