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Articles By thomas galvin

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Beginners Tip: Play Free Poker Online    Submitted as: thomasgalvin
Most new online poker players have started their poker career playing live poker – whether it is in a real casino or in a friends parents' basement or If it has been cash games or tournaments – this is where it usually starts: Live. Playing online poker is somehow different and even though you've had an expert at your live poker table it is not the same – not even remotely.(read entire article)
View : 369 Times
Category : Gamble

Calling Cards – Distance Doesn't Matter!    Submitted as: thomasgalvin
Calling cards are serving a great purpose in today's time as many people are regularly travelling, making long distance international calls and national calls. Technological advancement has invented numerous communication options like, social networking sites, internet, e-mail etc for staying in touch with your friends and family. However, telephone is the medium which is still widely preferred over any other way of communication.(read entire article)
View : 267 Times
Category : Shopping/Product Reviews

Thinking About A Computer For Day Trading?    Submitted as: thomasgalvin
It has been pretty hard during the past months to be optimistic about our economy. We have been exposed to a lot lately and if you are day trader like me I am sure you have seen how the market has reacted to all of this. Everybody has an opinion and then there is the market showing you what is really going on. No matter what people say, the market has its own way of interpreting and reacting to all of this.(read entire article)
View : 204 Times
Category : Computers

International Calling – Kick The Distance Barrier    Submitted as: thomasgalvin
Whether you are a businessperson, an immigrant, or a traveler, connecting with your homeland and people is of utmost importance when you are away. Revolution of telecommunication has eliminated the barrier of communication completely from the world and people can now easily connect from country to country without any hurdles.(read entire article)
View : 220 Times
Category : Business

Computers For Stock Trading    Submitted as: thomasgalvin
It seems like technology has come very far and very fast. It is really hard to imagine what is next. A few years ago we could not even think about all the amazing things that technology has brought to us. As a trader, I have witnessed how the market went from being a crowd of people at the pit to now become 98% electronic. If you want to trade these days, you don't need to go anywhere, all you need is to have a good trading computer and you are good to go. No need to dress up or fight the traffic, you could trade on your pajamas.(read entire article)
View : 234 Times
Category : Computers

Things To Think About When Considering Trading Computers    Submitted as: thomasgalvin
If you have been searching for trading computers, I am sure you feel a little bit overwhelmed trying to decide what is the best option. There a lot of things to take into consideration. The first one, of course is the components of the machine.(read entire article)
View : 263 Times
Category : Computers

Traditional Computers For Trading    Submitted as: thomasgalvin
Computers these days have become a commodity. Almost every household has one. It is almost like having a refrigerator or another appliance. However, when talking about computers for trading, we are talking about something totally different than your traditional home computer. These computers are specialized machines built for traders like you.(read entire article)
View : 226 Times
Category : Computers

Think About Using Multiple Monitors    Submitted as: thomasgalvin
We live in an era of tremendous visual stimulation. The way we look at the world is very different now. We now have high definition viewing and even 3d technology. Our tv screens and computer monitors are flat these days. Flat is in! And once you go flat you never go back!(read entire article)
View : 215 Times
Category : Computers

International Calling From New Zealand To The World    Submitted as: thomasgalvin
International calling cards have become a highly cost efficient means by which people are finding it easier to stay connected with each other. International calling from New Zealand has become easy and cheap as some telecom service providers are slashing their call charges significantly.(read entire article)
View : 273 Times
Category : Technology, Gadget and Science

Commercial Finance: Budgeting Calls For Absolute Precision    Submitted as: thomasgalvin
“A big part of financial freedom is having your heart and mind free from worry about the what-ifs of life – Suze Orman” Surviving the harsh environments of the markets which brings in new threats to the business cohesion through innumerable ways that a person can imagine is a hard task to accomplish which generally needs ample amount of funds to counter when a certain situation rises up.(read entire article)
View : 234 Times
Category : Business

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