Here's the recent articles submitted by shourya ray chaudhuri
Articles By shourya ray chaudhuri
Obesity Needs To Be Rectified As Early As Possible
By: shourya ray chaudhuri
Weight has been an issue for many for years. One considers all possible advises to rectify the obesity issues and under goes tremendous physical and psychological issues.(read
entire article)
View : 213 Times
Category : Health
One Of The Ways To Lose Weight: Bariatric Surgery
By: shourya ray chaudhuri
Who does not want a change in their lifestyle or the way they look? Every individual desires to look their best.(read
entire article)
View : 213 Times
Category : Health
Qualified Hospital For Laparoscopic Surgeries Is The Need Of Every Patient
By: shourya ray chaudhuri
Looking at the growing health risks, people have increased their visits to the hospital even for small issues, like the cold and cough.(read
entire article)
View : 216 Times
Category : Health
Understanding Of The Risks Of Any Kind Of Surgery
By: shourya ray chaudhuri
Health being the issue most of the time, hospitals and doctors need to be well versed and be ever ready to serve the needy.(read
entire article)
View : 209 Times
Category : Health
Autism, The Neurological Disorder
By: shourya ray chaudhuri
Disorders of various kinds affect in varied ways. Many health related issues occur either during pregnancy or after the birth of a child. The child can either be affected mentally or physically.(read
entire article)
View : 289 Times
Category : Health
Brain Injuries Can Prove Dangerous
By: shourya ray chaudhuri
Brain is the most vital part of the body of an individual. Since it is the brain that receives signals from various other body parts, understands it and reacts accordingly.(read
entire article)
View : 305 Times
Category : Health
Disorders Like Cerebral Palsy Affect The Brain Of A Child
By: shourya ray chaudhuri
There are many different kinds of disorders that can affect an individual to an extent of being paralyzed. Some disorders are physical and some are mental.(read
entire article)
View : 251 Times
Category : Health
Down Syndrome Disorder Occurs In Children Of Older Parents
By: shourya ray chaudhuri
Health issues are increasing day by day, due to many reasons. One cannot really identify the really reason behind any problem until it hits an individual, and affects him in many different ways.(read
entire article)
View : 351 Times
Category : Health
Know More About Down Syndrome Disorder Affecting The Children
By: shourya ray chaudhuri
Health issues appear due to various reasons. It can be due to negligence in one's childhood or due to not being bothered about some small health related issue in its initial days, which would aggravate later for not being recognized and rectified in its initial days, instead of neglecting it and pulling it forward till it aggravates.(read
entire article)
View : 201 Times
Category : Health
Therapies Applied For Faster Recovery In Autistic Cases
By: shourya ray chaudhuri
Disorders bring along a lot of other factors, like, the mental trauma in parents worrying for their kids and a child missing out on the normal living like many other children of his/her age live.(read
entire article)
View : 202 Times
Category : Health