Here's the recent articles submitted by mahi muqit
Articles By mahi muqit
Learn More About The Structure Of The Eye And How Serious Conditions Such As Retinal Detachment Are Detected And Treated
Submitted as: Private Practice of Mr Mahi Muqit PhD FRCOphth
Dr Mahi Muqit is one of the leading Consultant Ophthalmologists, Cataract and Vitreoretinal Surgeons in London. His practice, Retina Surgeon UK's is based at the famous Moorfields Eye Hospital in Harley Street.(read
entire article)
View : 621 Times
Category : General
Is Cataract Surgery The Right Choice For You?
Submitted as: Private Practice of Mr Mahi Muqit PhD FRCOphth
If you are experiencing cloudy vision due to cataracts, your eye doctor may suggest you visit an ophthalmologist to discuss the option of cataract surgery. This procedure removes the lens of your eye and replaces it with an artificial lens. This is a very common and safe surgery, which improves your vision, giving you clear sight.(read
entire article)
View : 137 Times
Category : Health
What Is Vmt Eye Surgery?
Submitted as: Retina Surgeon
The vitreous is a transparent, gel-like substance that fills the eye, giving your eye shape. It is protected by a thin shell, which is known as the vitreous cortex. The cortex is sealed to the retina in those with healthy eyes(read
entire article)
View : 154 Times
Category : Health
Schedule Cataract Surgery In London With A Provider That Is Experienced And Uses The Best Practices
Submitted as: Retina Surgeon
The eyes are very important, and removing cataracts may be necessary to maintain decent vision. A person can be nervous so they put it off rather than being proactive about the procedure.(read
entire article)
View : 197 Times
Category : Health
What Is An Ophthalmologist?
Submitted as: Retinasurgeon
Mahi Muqit is a leading consultant ophthalmologist, cataract and vitreoretinal surgeon at two private clinics in London, United Kingdom.(read
entire article)
View : 207 Times
Category : Health
Advances And Outcomes For Macular Hole Surgery
Submitted as: Retinasurgeon
Mahi Muqit is a leading consultant ophthalmologist, cataract, and vitreoretinal surgeon at two private clinics in London, United Kingdom. He provides patients with superior service and support with a range of surgical procedures to meet their eyesight requirements.(read
entire article)
View : 159 Times
Category : Health
What Should You Expect With Cataract Surgery
By: mahi muqit
Mahi Muqit is a leading consultant ophthalmologist, cataract, and vitreoretinal surgeon at two private clinics in London, United Kingdom. He provides patients with superior service and support with a range of surgical procedures to meet their eyesight requirements. He has built up a solid reputation for his eye services in the London area as an expert eye doctor and surgeon offering surgical retina, medical retina, and complex cataract surgery. He also offers surgery to patients suffering from diabetic retinopathy. Mahi Muqit is a member of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists, a member of the British and Eire Association of Vitreoretinal Surgeons, and the UK and Ireland Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons. To find out more, visit
entire article)
View : 137 Times
Category : Health
Discover How Many Health Concerns And Eye Diseases Can Be Avoided By Early Detection And A Proper Examination By A Moorfieldseye Consultant
Submitted as: Retinasurgeonuk
Mr Mahi Muqit PhD FRCOphth is a Consultant Ophthalmologist, Cataract and Vitreoretinal
Surgeon at the world famous Moorfields Eye Hospital in London. He runs a private
practice at both Moorfields Private and at 119 Harley Street in London.
Consultations are provided for UK and international patients with cataracts,
floaters, medical retina conditions, and surgical retina conditions. He uses
the latest Femtosecond cataract surgery and stitch-free vitrectomy technology.
Emergency consultations and surgery can be arranged for sight-threatening
conditions such as retinal detachment and eye trauma. In the world-class centres
at Moorfields and Harley Street, Mahi Muqit provides second opinions for patients
and personally performs all surgery himself.(read
entire article)
View : 127 Times
Category : General
Macular Hole Surgery – Everything You Need To Know
Submitted as: Private Practice of Mr Mahi Muqit PhD FRCOphth
A retina specialist will examine your eye to detect a macular hole. This is a specialized scan of the back of the eye using Optical Coherence tomography (OCT).(read
entire article)
View : 145 Times
Category : Health
Tips On Choosing A Retina Surgeon Near Me
Submitted as: Private Practice of Mr Mahi Muqit PhD FRCOphth
Mahi Muqit is a leading consultant ophthalmologist, cataract, and vitreoretinal surgeon at two private clinics in London, United Kingdom. He provides patients with superior service and support with a range of surgical procedures to meet their eyesight requirements.(read
entire article)
View : 125 Times
Category : Health