Here's the recent articles submitted by braxton douglas
Articles By braxton douglas
Crimes And Misdemeanors A Cultural Reflection
By: braxton douglas
Many of those accused of crimes involving drugs and alcohol choose to roll the dice and face jail or prison, rather than embrace a healthy sober lifestyle when advised to do so by their attorneys and the Ventura, Los Angeles, and Orange County courts. High end rehabs can be a cushy alternative to jail.(read
entire article)
View : 116 Times
Category : Legal
Reasons To Consider A Divorce Mediator
By: braxton douglas
Everyone has a war story about a divorce, their own or one they have experienced vicariously through a friend or relative, complete with high price tags for dueling lawyers, long drawn out litigation, fights over fitness of one of the parents to have custody of the children, or other big issues, but above all, the pain that the divorcing couple went through.(read
entire article)
View : 120 Times
Category : Legal
Uncontested Divorce - Mutual Agreement Or No Fault Divorce
By: braxton douglas
There seems to be a bit of public confusion about what is meant by “uncontested divorceâ€. A few words on the subject may serve to clear things up.(read
entire article)
View : 103 Times
Category : Legal
Criminal Defense Lawyer Defends Grand Theft Charges On Lindsay Lohan
By: braxton douglas
To prove the charges beyond a reasonable doubt, prosecutors will have to prove that Ms. Lohan intended to steal the necklace. Intent can be proven several ways for grand theft.(read
entire article)
View : 114 Times
Category : Legal
Resolving Family Law Matters With Compassion And Dignity
By: braxton douglas
Family law lawyers are usually first trained as litigators and the competent ones generally know their way around a family law courtroom. Litigators are taught that they cannot effectively represent their plaintiffs unless they have objectively verifiable evidence of the bona fides of the other side's case.(read
entire article)
View : 161 Times
Category : Legal
Mediation Compared To Litigation
By: braxton douglas
Through countless movies and television dramas most people are familiar with the glamorized process of litigation. We have all seen the hopeless case that the plucky young attorney takes against all odds and through a combination of skill, luck, moral superiority and unrelenting determination prevails against the forces of corruption.(read
entire article)
View : 129 Times
Category : Legal
Choosing A Dui Criminal Attorney In Los Angeles
By: braxton douglas
Just about every criminal attorney in Los Angeles wants to defend DUI cases because they are the most common crime prosecuted in criminal court and there is a potentially high volume of clients. The sad truth is that most of the lawyers do not care to do the hard work it takes to fully litigate all of the legal issues involved. Many prey on their clients fear. It is natural for a person to feel fear after being arrested or given a citation for a DUI.(read
entire article)
View : 143 Times
Category : Legal
The Power Of Words In The World Of Divorce
By: braxton douglas
Lawyers, at their best, are great wordsmiths. The legal profession and its ability to precisely state positions and clarify rights and duties stands on the shoulders of such historical giants as Abraham Lincoln, Daniel Webster, Clarence Darrow and Williams Jennings Bryant to name just a few.(read
entire article)
View : 133 Times
Category : Legal
Lawyer Weary
Submitted as: David D. Stein
In the San Francisco Bay Area It is in no way unusual to have a situation where a couple who had been battling in court for many months turn to a divorce mediator seeking a fresh perspective on family law in San Francisco. They indicate that they are fed up with the family law lawyers they had been using and are interested in discovering options to continuing to engage the run-of-the mill San Francisco family law attorney.(read
entire article)
View : 192 Times
Category : Legal
When Hiring A Criminal Defense Attorney
By: braxton douglas
If you need a criminal defense attorney, it is imperative that you seek appropriate legal representation. Here, in this article you will find several facts, and suggestions that should help you make an informed decision when hiring an expert attorney.(read
entire article)
View : 181 Times
Category : Legal