Here's the recent articles submitted by barney stinson
Articles By barney stinson
How To Streamline Your Job Search Process
Submitted as: Darshit
You can make your job search more manageable and even enjoyable by creating a daily checklist. Then, stay on track by giving yourself specific tasks to complete every day. Another massive benefit of this strategy is that after you've completed everything on your list, you can call it a day, confident that you've done everything you need to get noticed and get hired.(read
entire article)
View : 173 Times
Category : Career
Success Mantra: Top Tips For Effective Communication To Get Your Dream Job In The United States
Submitted as: Darshit
Communication skills allow you to give and receive information. Indeed employers consistently rank communication skills as one of the most commonly requested skills in 2020 job postings. Using, improving and showcasing your communication skills can help you both advance in your career and be competitive when searching for new jobs.(read
entire article)
View : 160 Times
Category : General
Networking Tips For International Students In The Us
Submitted as: Darshit
According to a LinkedIn survey, 85% of critical jobs are filled via professional/business networking. Before jobs are posted online, they're filled either internally or through a referral from a trusted source. Fresh graduates need to realize that networking is not about meeting as many people as possible. It is about meeting the right people – those who are in your field, are well-connected, can vouch for your ability and refer you to potential employers.(read
entire article)
View : 154 Times
Category : Career
Success Mantra: Things First-year International Students Must Do
Submitted as: Darshit
Starting college is an exciting step in one's life, but it can definitely be stressful or scary at times, especially if you have decided to study abroad. For those awaiting your freshman year this fall, here are some tips on how to make the most out of your first year. Keep these tips in mind once you start classes, but more importantly don't forget to have fun along the way!(read
entire article)
View : 174 Times
Category : Career
How To Get Ready For An Informal Interview
Submitted as: Darshit
If you've been working for a while, you're probably familiar with how job interviews usually go. You know about arriving 15 minutes early and having extra copies of your resume with you, but informal interviews are a little different with their unconventional, less-structured style.(read
entire article)
View : 166 Times
Category : Business
Letting Your Experience And Skills Shine On Your Resume
Submitted as: Darshit
Skills are your natural talents and the expertise you develop to perform a task or a job. Life skills help you deal with daily tasks in all areas of life while professional skills allow you to perform specific work duties. There are several key types of skills: soft skills, hard skills, domain-general, and domain-specific skills.(read
entire article)
View : 180 Times
Category : Business
Your Complete Guide To Mastering One-on-one Interviews With Employers
Submitted as: Darshit
Preparing for an interview takes a lot more than Googling a list of common interview questions. You have to make a great first impression appearance-wise (no wrinkly suits here!), have a great knowledge of your target company and its product, and, of course, know exactly how to convey that you're the perfect fit for the job.(read
entire article)
View : 170 Times
Category : Career
What A Killer Profile Marketing Do For Your Job Search
Submitted as: Darshit
Depending who you ask, there's only a 2-4% response rate for posted positions. Yet, so many people start their job search this way because that is what they know. Essentially, what they are doing is marketing without a plan. There are plenty of ways to market and prepare yourself for the job search and guarantee you are standing out to recruiters.(read
entire article)
View : 174 Times
Category : Career
Navigating The Friendly Waters: What Should You Do If You Have Multiple Job Offers?
Submitted as: Darshit
If you're choosing between two jobs, congratulations! All of the hard work from your job search has paid off. But once the celebration is over, you have a real dilemma on your hands. When it comes to deciding between two jobs, how can you make the right choice? To help you make up your mind, here are some tips on comparing job offers so you can pick the one that offers you the most fulfilling future.(read
entire article)
View : 179 Times
Category : Career
Job-search Strategies For International Students In 2022
Submitted as: Darshit
Many international students are interested in seeking employment in the United States following graduation. As an international student, you should be aware that this process can be very difficult. The job search process is seldom easy for anyone, but for international students it can be especially confusing. International students must learn about the employment process and the hiring complexities associated with obtaining sponsorship.(read
entire article)
View : 173 Times
Category : Career