Here's the recent articles submitted by flex jhon
Articles By flex jhon
Side Effects Of Laser Hair Removal
Submitted as: Flexjhon
Although there is no doubt that laser hair removal therapy is the best method to get rid of unwanted body hairs, but at the same time there are some areas of concern. Users can witness some side effects of laser hair removal therapy. Most of the times people overlook these side effects in view of better result than other traditional methods like waxing, tweetzing, bleaching, epilators and chemical depilatories. After all we have to address equally to the side effects in order to reduce the inconvenience found after the laser procedure. One has to be aware of the potential side effects rendered by the laser hair treatment. Some of the possible side effects are as below.(read
entire article)
View : 92 Times
Category : Beauty
Laser Hair Removal Vs Ipl
Submitted as: Flexjhon
When it comes to the permanent solution for the unwanted body hairs, the two methods- laser hair removal and intense pulsed light (IPL) offer reliable service to the people. Both of them are able to remove unwanted hairs from different body parts like upper lip, under arm, pubic side, chin, leg, wrist, chest, etc. IPL uses a computer based machine called Photoderm. It generates light similar to a laser that can burn hair follicles so that they would not regrow in the near future. The intense pulsed light goes through the layer of skin without rendering any damage to it. There may be slight crimsoning around the hair that will come into normalcy in a few days. The IPL hair removal method has been able to provide the same result as the laser hair removal but it promises less healing time as compared to latter one.(read
entire article)
View : 90 Times
Category : Beauty
Laser Hair Removal - A Patients Journey
Submitted as: Flexjhon
With the passage of time it is very natural to find higher and higher level of technical development and its application in almost all areas. The cosmetic industry is not untouched in this regard; you can observe a transition from traditional methods to the modern advanced methods. When it comes to the solution of unwanted body hairs, the introduction of laser hair removal technology is a good example how much we have progressed. A person who was uncomfortable while performing waxing can easily take the help of laser therapy. It not only provides a permanent solution but also ensures a non-invasive treatment. Have a look at some more facets of this modern technology.(read
entire article)
View : 89 Times
Category : Beauty
Which Laser Is The Best For Laser Hair Removal?
Submitted as: Flexjhon
The technique of laser hair removal is the best way with which a person can easily get rid of their unwanted body hair. Usually, laser treatment is done in the areas like neck, face, underarms, back, chest and some other exposed areas of skin. In this, an intense light beam is passed through the skin which targets the dark pigment and destroys the hair follicle deep within the skin. However, each of the laser treatment and technique vary according to the skin and hair type. There are indeed different laser treatments available to remove all your unwanted hair.(read
entire article)
View : 259 Times
Category : Health
Take Effective Cancer Treatment To Live Long
Submitted as: Flexi John
Aging is an inevitable and an unavoidable process that every living creature witnesses. Every species has certain lifespan on earth, but still we people aspire to live as long as possible, and for that we take certain life extension measures.(read
entire article)
View : 112 Times
Category : Health
Chelation Therapy: A Powerful Anti-ageing Treatment
Submitted as: Flexjhon
What was discovered during the First World War for removing the effect of poisonous gas has now become a popular anti-aging therapy. Yes, it is all about Chelation therapy that involves the intravenous injection of EDTA (ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid) into the bloodstream.(read
entire article)
View : 117 Times
Category : Health