Here's the recent articles submitted by aden parker
Articles By aden parker
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Having An Engagement Ring
Submitted as: adenparker
Having an engagement ring obliges you to take care of it and make it free from dirt. You should be aware of the problems that you will encounter in having this kind of ring. Constant care and cleaning is required with this. Moreover, comprising this type of ring has several advantages and disadvantages. Here are the list of the pros and cons.(read
entire article)
View : 234 Times
Category : Beauty
Basic Four Cs In A Diamond Ring
Submitted as: adenparker
A diamond is typically transparent and it’s very rare that you can find a colorless diamond. And the whiter it is the greater its value. Diamonds are rated from D through X. Diamonds with D to F ratings are the most desirable.(read
entire article)
View : 253 Times
Category : Beauty
Be Aware Of Cheap Engagement Rings
Submitted as: adenpeter
You must also know that many cheap engagement rings are precious. It is not a terrible investment as you may believe. Even though it is not as costly, still it is beautiful to wear. You can find affordable rings in jewelry shops and you can take note that the ring has a gorgeous and classy look.(read
entire article)
View : 241 Times
Category : Beauty
Black Diamond Ring- Classy And Fashionable For Men And Women
Submitted as: adenparker
Black diamond ring is very extraordinary to see. Stars and celebrities are wearing this jewelry that makes them more elegant, sexy and attractive. Diamond ring is not only for women but also for men. Color black symbolizes reconciliation. It may also mean that misunderstandings and problems can be solved and fixed.(read
entire article)
View : 209 Times
Category : Beauty
Ways To Have The Best Diamond Ring
Submitted as: adenparker
First, v-prong is a very well-known style today in which the v-prong holds the diamond in place with a ninety-degree angle to the corner of the diamond. Having this setting can make your partner feel and look like a princess.(read
entire article)
View : 246 Times
Category : Animal and Pet
Diamond Ring For A Variety Of Occasions
Submitted as: adenparker
In this world, people are interested to give a special ring to someone that is expensive and attractive to show their love to them. They want to show that they are more important than money. Sometimes, people just want to wear a ring to look good in an ordinary day. They want other people to notice their brilliant and luxurious diamond ring. This is life. People have different ideas and thoughts so you cannot blame them about it.(read
entire article)
View : 217 Times
Category : Beauty
Diamond Ring- Insurance Is Important
Submitted as: adenparker
Do you have a diamond ring? Do you want to have safety and security when it comes to your diamond ring investment? Do you know where to obtain insurance? Are you willing to pay the fee of the insurances? Do you have enough money to pay the amount? Do you think that it is the right decision to have insurance for your ring?
A diamond ring is expensive and classy. You need to have an insurance to have it replaced in cases of theft and robbery. Before buying insurance, you need to understand the expenses, policy and where to obtain it properly. You cannot prevent circumstances that arise especially when someone robs you. Make sure you can have a replacement of your diamond ring when this arises, without shedding a penny.
Diamond ring insurance premiums cost differently in different areas of the world. It depends on your region, state and city. When the crime is higher in your area, the higher is the cost that you need to pay for the insurance premiums. You also need to consider the different companies. The cost differs from one company to another and so with their services, so make sure you weigh the different factors to have the best insurance.
In addition, the value of the diamond ring is very important. Make sure that you know the real worth of your ring by having an evaluation or appraisal. You also need to learn the basics of diamond grading to know if they are fair. Insurance can really help you a lot. Where can you find a diamond ring insurance? You can start by having a homeowner’s insurance. The problem with this is the level of protection it gives. It has lower protection compared to company who have specialty in ring insurance. Make sure to have the right decision to prevent any regrets in the near future.
You also need to have a plan. Make sure you understand it so that when problems arise you can get a replacement for the diamond ring that was lost or a cash replacement. Some insurance companies do not offer cash replacement but instead they offer a new ring from jewelry that you can choose from with the same value of your old ring. I hope this article can help you a lot in making the right decision on which insurance plan to get, in order to prevent any regrets in the near future. Insuring your diamond ring is really important, so that you can have it replaced when thefts occur. The replacement may be in cash or a new ring.(read
entire article)
View : 212 Times
Category : Shopping/Product Reviews
Diamond Ring- Three Stones Symbolizes Love
Submitted as: adenparker
Do you love someone? Do you want to give her a gift? Are you willing to spend your money for her to buy her favorite ring? Do you want her to be happy? This is your chance to make her smile by giving her a diamond ring.(read
entire article)
View : 193 Times
Category : Beauty
Diamond Ring- Knowledge Is Power
Submitted as: adenparker
What is a diamond? Do you know something about it? Are you willing to buy this small stone for your special someone? Do you have enough money to buy it for her? Let us talk about diamond in this article.(read
entire article)
View : 229 Times
Category : Fashion/Costume
Diamond Ring - The Key To A Woman's Heart
Submitted as: adenparker
Have you ever noticed that one of the ways to get to a woman's heart is by buying her a diamond ring? For a woman, this is icing on the cake. The cake is the man that she loves and adores, and the icing is of course the little trinkets that her man bestows on her.(read
entire article)
View : 222 Times
Category : Wedding