Here's the recent articles submitted by chris carter
Articles By chris carter
A Dual Approach To Ergonomics In The Office
Submitted as: Larry Tang
Properly designed office furniture systems must pair with correct body mechanic practices to help avoid ergonomic disorders including repetitive motion injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis and back injuries.(read
entire article)
View : 355 Times
Category : Business
Getting People Into Seats
Submitted as: John Tang
If you ask most any arts organization across the country what the number one issue facing them is, you will most always get the same answer. Funding. Generating capital for arts organizations seems to be the biggest issue for everyone, and is an ongoing problem that most all continue to grapple with from year to year and some from production to production.(read
entire article)
View : 282 Times
Category : Entertainment
Let's Do Dallas, An Art Destination Of Choice
Submitted as: John Tang
Dallas is third-largest city in the state of Texas and the ninth largest city in the United States making it a premier destination for tourists not only in Texas but across the nation. The city has a lot to offer especially in terms of arts, events and nightlife. In the northern section of Downtown Dallas lies the Arts District, home to the Dallas Musuem of Arts the Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center, The Trammell & Margaret Crow Collection of Asian Art, the Nasher Sculpture Center, The Dallas Contemporary, and The Dallas Children's Theatre to name a few. The district is thriving and growing with venues under construction or planned including the Winspear Opera House and the Dallas Center for the Performing Arts. You will also find numerous galleries and cafes scattered throughout the district making it an absolute requirement for anyone exploring this city.(read
entire article)
View : 251 Times
Category : Entertainment
Mommy, Where Do Diners Come From?
Submitted as: John Tang
From lunch wagons to stone edifices, here’s a quick history of the structure you may be sitting in.
With a giddyup and a creak of wooden wheels, an enterprising Rhode Islander named Walter Scott launched the fast-food era in the late 1800’s. Factory workers in Providence lined up at his lunch wagon, and soon the meals-on-wheels concept spread through New England and south to New York and New Jersey. At some point the wheels came off, the horses went to the glue factory, utilities were connected, signs went up, and the aromas of coffee and frying bacon drew people into the cozy confines of the first diners.(read
entire article)
View : 244 Times
Category : Entertainment
Myth #49: Razor Vs Press
Submitted as: John Tang
MYTH: The best way to prepare garlic for cooking is to slice it razor thin, as Paul Sorvino did in the famous jail dinner scene in Goodfellas.
REALITY: Well, it depends.(read
entire article)
View : 255 Times
Category : Entertainment
"green" Manufacturing Of Industrial Scales
Submitted as: Larry Tang
There are a wide range of standard industrial weighing scales that serve many requirements. Large loads are accurately weighed on floor scales. Often, forklifts are used to place pallets or totes of material on the scales. Platform sizes may range from a standard pallet size of 4’ x 4’ up to as large as 12’ x 8’ for very large loads. The weight information may be used to determine the shipping weight. Or for incoming purposes, it can verify that the proper quantity of material has been received. Communication options allow this weight data to be directed to a printer, if necessary, to provide a hard copy. Or the data may be entered into a company’s computer system for database or billing purposes.(read
entire article)
View : 452 Times
Category : Business
Animal Scales Used By Veterinarians
Submitted as: John Tang
What dosage of medication should be prescribed to an animal? This question must be answered many times each day in a veterinarian office. Humans are usually assigned a fairly standard dosage. An adult may be told to take 2 aspirin. A child should only take one. And a baby may be given a special dosage of baby aspirin. This may not be a very exact system. One adult may weigh only 98 lb. Another may weigh more than 300 lb. Occasionally, a doctor may choose to vary the dosage based on the size of the patient.(read
entire article)
View : 332 Times
Category : Business
Creating Environmental Consciousness
Submitted as: Larry Tang
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) warns consumers to evaluate carefully environmental claims, such as degradable, recyclable, environment friendly, environmentally safe, on product labels or in advertising. As such, almost all the products that fill up the shelves claim to be "eco friendly", but it seems like this has become a catch-phrase. For instance, if a label says "recycled," FTC recommends checking the percentage of the product or package that is recycled, because unless the product or package contains 100 percent recycled materials, the label must indicate how much of it is recycled.(read
entire article)
View : 263 Times
Category : Business
Mozilla Minefield Leaves Google Chrome In The Dust
Submitted as: Larry Tang
There is a new browser that has challenged Google’s Chrome Browser, Minefield - from Mozilla, the makers of Firefox.
Minefield appears to be the future of Google Firefox, and from reports, it’s lightning fast.
Right now Google Chrome’s JavaScript engine performance beats the current stable version of Firefox, but it is left in the dust with what a group in Denmark created.(read
entire article)
View : 345 Times
Category : Business
Recession Yes But Online Holiday Sales Still Higher
Submitted as: John Tang
It is estimated that online holiday sales will reach at least $32 Billion Dollars in 2008; a 10% increase over 2007.
Yes, we continue to see all of the evidence of a serious recession in 2009. However, consumers and businesses alike continue to turn online to:(read
entire article)
View : 317 Times
Category : Business