Here's the recent articles submitted by chris carter
Articles By chris carter
How Internet Marketing Saved The Music Labels
Submitted as: Larry Tang
The turn of the century brought a lot of new technology to the world and with that it brought the Music Industry a whole lot of problems. To deal with declining sales and continuous losses, record labels are finding new ways of raising money by focusing on different aspects of their business such as online marketing and consumer feedback rather than basing everything on CD sales.(read
entire article)
View : 390 Times
Category : Business
A Smart Approach To Modular Office Systems
Submitted as: Larry Tang
Corporate relocations provide opportunities for facility managers to take lessons from the past and apply them to fitting out the new workplace.
“Such was the case when a world-leading power systems provider relocated to a new facility to accommodate executive, legal, accounting, sales, technical assistance, customer relations and administration support personnel,†says Mark Bassil, vice president and co-founder of MAiSPACE, a Mt. Olive, NJ, based manufacturer of modular office furniture systems. “The move gave this company an opportunity to design offices reflecting the realities of today’s workplace.(read
entire article)
View : 342 Times
Category : Business
Systems Furniture Adds Flexibility To Training Centers
Submitted as: John Tang
Employee training centers, like office “hotels,†can test the quality of systems furniture. These centers are put to heavy use especially in firms where advancements in technology, products or services require regular training sessions to keep staff updated and able to efficiently interact with customers.(read
entire article)
View : 241 Times
Category : Business
Industrial Weighing Scales Used In Zoo Operations For Animals
Submitted as: Larry Tang
Zoo animals provide a great deal of enjoyment to visitors. Throughout the United States, and throughout the world, millions of children and adults are provided the opportunity to observe thousand of different kinds of animals. Quite often, this will be the only chance people will ever have to become familiar with these animals.(read
entire article)
View : 341 Times
Category : Business
Companies Who Manufacture Industrial Scales
Submitted as: John Tang
The weight of an object is often an important piece of information. Within an industrial environment, this data is generally determined by an industrial scale. Scales come in a variety of different formats, including bench scales, floor scales, platform scales, drum scales, parts counting scales and laboratory scales. There are a number of characteristics that all of these electronic scales have in common. They all include a platform of some type. The platform of the bench scales and parts counting scales are often fairly small, because the total capacity of the scale is also fairly low. Larger capacities are available with platform scales and drum scales, so they are offered with larger platform sizes. Floor scales accept even heavier loads, ranging from 2500 lb up to 30,000 lb and greater. As would be expected, floor scales are manufactured with larger platform sizes, typically between 3’ x 3’ all the way to 8’ x 12’.(read
entire article)
View : 376 Times
Category : Business
Search Engines And The Microsoft Yahoo Fiasco
Submitted as: Larry Tang
Today we learned that Microsoft’s bid for Yahoo is a thing of the past. Jerry Yang thinks he should get $38 a share and apparently Steve Ballmer at Microsoft won’t budge from his initial offer of $31, although some suggest that Microsoft was willing to go to $33. So now what?
It is widely believed that Yahoo has been seeking cooperative deals with Google and others to thwart the bid, potentially hostile. If Microsoft stays away, will they feel the same sense of urgency to make these types of relationships become reality?(read
entire article)
View : 371 Times
Category : Business
Agricultural Weighing Applications
Submitted as: Larry Tang
Agricultural weighing applications are widespread. Crops must be fertilized in a controlled manner. Too much fertilizer is wasteful, and can do more harm than good. Monitoring fertilizer usage may be accomplished by weight. Mixing various ingredients that are incorporated into the fertilizer can also require platform scales or floor scales. Measuring the harvested product also often requires weighing scales.(read
entire article)
View : 450 Times
Category : Business
Industrial Waste Meterial Disposal Using Scales
Submitted as: John Tang
As industry in the United States becomes more modernized, it has also generated more waste products. In the past, the standard method of dealing with these materials was to simply discard them. Originally that meant throwing it out the front door into the gutter. As the population became denser, and people recognized the dangers involved with this kind of behavior, garbage collection was initiated to remove both household and industrial wastes. Municipalities now inherited the responsibility for dealing with this garbage. They developed a range of strategies including simply hauling it out of site, burying it in a landfill, dumping in the ocean, or a convenient river or lake, or burning.(read
entire article)
View : 434 Times
Category : Business
The Us Economy, The Media And Your Online Business
Submitted as: Larry Tang
While the media, traditional and online, provides its daily drumbeat of negative economic and financial woes, there seems to be precious little discussion of what the hard facts really are in the US Economy and the global economy. You would think from all of the mindless chatter and stale debate between supply-siders and demand-side promoters that the unemployment rate is approaching double digits, inflation is racing to hyper inflation 1970’s style numbers and that the US economy will soon be dead and buried.(read
entire article)
View : 337 Times
Category : Home Based Business
Health And Safety In The Office
Submitted as: John Tang
If you think the office is not a hazardous environment, think twice. There are many potential hazards in the modern office that need to be taken into account during commercial interior space planning and design. Architects, interior designers, and manufacturers all need to be aware of the issues concerning the function, quality and safety of the working environment.(read
entire article)
View : 269 Times
Category : Business